
  1. 在荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中,波塞冬只被描述成一个主宰海洋的神。他住在海中华美的宫殿里,或驾驭战车在海面上巡幸,或掀起地动山摇的巨浪。

    In the Iliad Poseidon appears only in his capacity of ruler of the sea , inhabiting a brilliant palace in its depths , traversing its surface in a chariot , or sirring the powerful billows till the earth shakes as they crash upon the shore .

  2. 与崇高紧紧相连的新中华理性美的光芒照耀;

    The brightness of sense which is closely related with loftiness .

  3. 中华最美的歌是东方红。

    Chinese is the most beautiful song The East Is Red .

  4. 试析中华武术美的基本要素

    Basic elements of the Ch in ese Wushu

  5. 中华武术美的本质

    The aesthetic nature of the Chinese Wushu

  6. 为了有效地将中华文化的美再现出来和实践他的翻译文化观,许先生在他翻译实践中发挥了译者主体的作用。

    It is argued that Xu plays a role as a translator as the subject in his literary translation to effectively bring out the beauty of Chinese culture and realize his outlook of translational culture .

  7. 好的设计是建立在优秀文化的基础之上的,现代和传统的完美结合,并有深刻的文化内涵做底蕴,才能挖掘出具有中华民族特色的美,才能完善具有中国特色的设计体系。

    Good design is built on the basis of outstanding culture , the perfect combination of modern and traditional , modern design there are profound cultural connotation , can have Chinese characteristics , to perfect the beauty of the design system with Chinese characteristics .

  8. 武术是中华民族在长期生活与斗争实践中逐步积累和发展起来的一项宝贵文化遗产,论及中华武术美的特征,理所当然少不了武术美的文化性特征。

    As the Chinese nation 's precious inheritance , when talking about the aesthetic of Wushu , it must be refer to the cultural character .

  9. 中华优秀文化的积淀和底蕴使得民间艺术无论在内容和形式上,都显现出特有的中华文化的美,从而对现实生活起到了一个积极的推动作用。

    Accumulation and connotation of outstanding Chinese culture manifest peculiar beauty of Chinese culture both in ideological and artistic form , so that plays a positive pushing role in reality .