
  1. 她也曾在沙加缅度中华中文学校执教过六年。

    She also taught Chinese at Sacramento 's Confucius Chinese School for6 years .

  2. 儒家文化与中华民族特色的学校体育教学体系

    Confucian Culture and PE teaching system with Chinese national distinguishing features

  3. 中华传统美德与学校道德教育

    The Traditional Chinese Virtues and the School Moral Education

  4. 在大学生中开展中华传统美德教育中华传统美德与学校道德教育

    Strengthening the Education of Chinese Traditional Morality

  5. 从《中华教育界》广告看中华书局附设函授学校的英文科

    Analysis of English Language Subject of Correspondence School Attached to see Zhonghua Book Company From the " Chinese Education Circles " Advertisements