
  1. 我们在倾盆大雨中一路驱车前行。

    We drove all the way through pouring rain .

  2. 喧闹的观众最喜欢的显然是三星White队,这支韩国战队在季后赛中一路过关斩将。

    The clear favorite of the raucous crowd was Samsung White , a team of Koreans that tore through the playoffs .

  3. 针对基于全局逻辑队列先进先出的介质访问控制(MAC)协议,分析了APON系统中一路为固定比特率的信元流的时延特性,得到了信元时延的概率分布结果。

    On the APON systems with global FIFO principle based media access control ( MAC ) protocol , the cell delay property of constant bit rate cell stream is theoretically analyzed . The probability distribution of cell delay is obtained .

  4. 从襁褓中一路风风雨雨的走到现在,他已经足够的强大。

    Swaddle , all the ups and downs come from now , he has enough powerful .

  5. 中国的宁泽涛在世界游泳锦标赛中一路领先,获得百米自由泳冠军。

    Ning Zetao of China led all the way to win the 100-meter freestyle at the world swimming championships .

  6. 在这个荒诞而寂寞的世界中一路前行,跌跌撞撞。

    Going straight with this ridiculous world and stumble over this lonely world , finally they meet at the jail * .

  7. 美国队在拉斯维加斯用他们的方式在奥运会预选赛中一路凯歌。

    Team USA ran through the competition in the Olympic qualifying tournament in Las Vegas , decimating everyone in their path .

  8. 首先,它讲述了一个故事,详细地讲述了强盗抢劫火车,然后在逃跑过程中一路开枪。

    First , it told a story , specifically of bandits robbing a train before being gunned down during their escape .

  9. 安东尼·维诺在他的市长竞选中一路向前,此前,又有爆料称他与一些女性进行在线性交易。

    Anthony Weiner is forging ahead with his mayoral campaign after a new round of revelations about his salacious online exchanges with women .

  10. 与会者必须早早起床赶赴早餐讨论会,白天里他们还要在雪地中一路跋涉到接下来的会议地点。

    Participants have to rise early to catch breakfast discussions and then spend the day trudging around in the snow to their next appointments .

  11. 公众支持直接转化成了自民党议员的投票,他们需要一位受欢迎的领袖人物,在明夏棘手的上院选举中一路过关。

    Public support has translated directly into votes by LDP parliamentarians , who need a popular leader to navigate tricky upper house elections next summer .

  12. 有了明确的目标,你就可以加大油门,在生活的竞赛中一路领先,向着心中所想的目标飞驰而去。

    Clear goals enable you to step on the accelerator of your own life and leap ahead rapidly toward achieving more of the things you really want .

  13. 她承认,她在唱歌,跳舞方面不具天赋,但她在比赛中一路学习,最终在总决赛中占领一席之地。

    She admits that she was not talented in singing or dancing , but she has been learning all the way in the competition and have sealed a place in the finals .

  14. 就是在EFP系统中心控制位置设计一个中心电源,利用三合一同轴电缆中的一路传输低压直流电力供给摄像机和监视器的需要。

    The direct current integrated power supply system A core power supply is designed in the control core of the EFP system , utilizing the three-in-one coaxial cable to supply low voltage DC current to the cameras and monitors .

  15. 你坐在从高塔上跌下来的车中,一路尖叫着落到安全处。

    You sit in a car that " fall " from a tall tower and you scream your way down to a safe landing .

  16. 在双光束电子散斑干涉系统中增加一路参考光,使这一路参考光为两光束所共用。

    A reference laser beam is added to dual beam symmetric illumination electronic speckle pattern interferometric ( ESPI ) system and is shared by the two illumination beams .

  17. 回望过去的一个世纪,教育在政治、经济、文化的变迁中,一路艰辛探索由稚嫩走向成熟,从传统走向现代,学校也在风起云涌、惊扰纷争之中生存和发展着。

    Looking back over the past century , in the vicissitude of the politics , economy and culture , education was experienced the hard way from young to mature , from traditional to modern , and also schools were survive and develop among the surging , alarming and dispute .

  18. 我不得不在涌动的人潮中挤出一条路来。

    I had to fight my way through the milling crowd .

  19. 我们只好在灌木丛中劈开一条路。

    We had to bushwhack through undergrowth .

  20. 两名男子突然用肘在购物者中挤出一条路。

    Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers .

  21. 卫星间光通讯中一种光路设计及分析

    A design and analysis for a system of intersatellite optical communications

  22. 囚犯们从铁丝网中开出一条路逃跑了。

    The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire and escaped .

  23. 在巴黎一达喀尔拉力赛中法国车手一路领先。

    The French driver has taken the lead in the Paris-Dakar rally .

  24. 在整个赛跑过程中,他一路领先。

    He was in advance throughout the race .

  25. 在荒野中开通一条路

    To cleave a path through the wilderness

  26. 在下层灌丛中开出一条路来

    Cut a way through the undergrowth

  27. 在职场中,他一路横冲直撞,却无法找到平衡。

    He alternately stumbles and blazes through his career , but is unable to find balance .

  28. 在它想在密林和热带森林中开出一条路的时候。

    When it wants to make a path through a jungle , or a tropical forest .

  29. 政界人士或监管者有一项不可能完成的任务,就是在上述彼此冲突的压力中找出一条路来。

    The politician or regulator has the impossible job of steering a way through these conflicting pressures .

  30. 往年我们在联赛中并不是一路高歌,但我们现在是这样。

    We weren 't in the running for the title at this point of the season in previous years , but now we are .