
  • 网络personal charm
  1. 大学文化:个性魅力与核心竞争力

    College Culture : Personal Charm and Key Competence

  2. 电子媒体的文艺节目主持人要注意角色培养、塑造,以及主持人个性魅力的形成。

    Emcees of electronic media should pay attention to the role cultivating and the shaping of personal charm .

  3. 他很有个性魅力——非常风趣。

    He is such a personality — he is so funny .

  4. 新闻的第二落点:突现媒体个性魅力的独家报道

    The Second Placement : Show the Individual Charm of the Medium

  5. 艺术使武术套路源于生活,高于生活,以其独特的个性魅力推动世界体育文化的大发展。

    Wushu made the development of world 's culture by its artistic characteristics .

  6. 他是一位富有个性魅力的男子。

    He is a man of great personal magnetism .

  7. 可有谁会拒绝这么一个充满自信及个性魅力的人呢!

    But who can resist this person who brims with confidence and personality ?

  8. 心灵的故事&析苏轼的个性魅力

    The Story of the Soul - An Analysis of Su shi 's Personality Charm

  9. 独特的紫荆造型面板设计,突显浴室个性魅力。

    The peculiar redbud shaping panel design highlights the charm of the custom-fit bathroom .

  10. 塑造具有个性魅力的海滨城市新景观

    Create Individual and Charming Scenes in Seashore City

  11. 简·爱这个富有独特个性魅力的人物形象一个半世纪以来一直深受人们的喜爱。

    Her unique individual character is deeply appreciated by people for more than a century .

  12. 论教师的个性魅力及其教学互动

    Teacher 's Magnetic Personality and Teaching Interaction

  13. 穆时英是中国现代文学史上一位风格独特而且具有个性魅力的作家。

    Mu Shiying is a distinctive and charming writer in the history of Chinese modern literature .

  14. 奥斯汀懂得如何以个性魅力和诚实正直的品质去赢得众人的信任。

    By his own character and integrity , Austin knew how to gain the people 's trust .

  15. 什么是它的个性魅力?

    What is its personality ?

  16. 文学巨匠个性魅力的展现:解读乔伊斯《一个青年艺术家的肖像》

    Incarnation of a Literary Giant s Charisma : Reading A Portrait of the Artist as A Young Man ;

  17. 大学所特有的学术至上、理性批判、追求真理、和谐自由的文化精神使大学独具永恒的个性魅力。

    College culture spirits of academic first , rational criticism , truth pursuit and harmonious freedom are its eternal charm .

  18. 在一片沉闷的办公室里,鞋子是身上最能焕发个性魅力的装饰品。

    In a depressing office , shoe is to go up personally most can the adornment of coruscate character charm .

  19. 整体设计是简欧风格为主,大气、舒适的居住环境让本案散发出独具个性魅力。

    The overall design is simple European style-based , atmospheric , comfortable living environment for the case exudes a unique charm .

  20. 湘西独特的自然环境和文化血脉,造就了湘西人独特的个性魅力。

    The unique natural environment and traditional culture in west Hunan help to create the special personality charm of the people there .

  21. 无论你是欣赏玛丽莲·梦露所扮演的电影角色,她与生俱来的气质风格或是热情如火的个性魅力,这家酒店都会给你完美的诠释。

    Whether you love Marilyn 's movie career , her effortless style or her passionate persona , this hotel is for you !

  22. 水果味或是带着植物芬芳的香水最能展示你的个性魅力。

    The fragrances ideal for you personality have either a fruity or floral / fruit theme that will have you senses working overtime .

  23. 目前,歌诗达旗下船队共拥有15艘在役邮轮,均悬挂意大利国旗,每一艘邮轮都拥有独一无二的个性魅力。

    Its fleet has a total of15 ships , all flying the Italian flag , each with her own distinctive characteristics and unique style ;

  24. 但卢梭与启蒙阵营存在重大分歧,这种分歧正是卢梭思想的个性魅力所在。

    However , there existed a great disagreement between Rousseau and the Enlightenment lamp , which lay in the personality charm of Rousseau 's thought .

  25. 从长远发展来看,大学要培育和提高核心竞争力,就必须培育和增强大学文化的个性魅力。

    On the long run of development , colleges should develop and enhance the personal charm of college culture so as to improve its competence .

  26. 民生新闻以其特有的公信力、亲和力、大众化、民俗化特点,给电视新闻增添了新的色彩,也为主持人提供了展示个性魅力的舞台。

    With its public credits and popularity , civic journalism provides the TV news a fresh approach , as well as a stage for the hosts .

  27. 要使新闻标题具有独特的风格和韵味,彰显个性魅力,就必须在制作中下一番苦功夫。

    To compose news little with unique style and appeal and display individual glamour , great effort must be made in the composing ( process . )

  28. 而新时期秘书则必须具备科学的知识结构,开放的思维方式,较强的交往能力,较高的道德修养和独特的个性魅力。

    However secretary in the new era is required to have scientific knowledge structure , opening mode of thinking , good communication ability and attractive personality .

  29. 然而中国现代城市景观空间由于缺少深层次人文背景的挖掘,城市地方和传统特征开始弱化甚至消亡,景观也失去了自己独特的个性魅力与特征。

    For the lack of tapping humanity background , Chinese modern city landscape design is short of individuality with local and traditional features weakening and even fading away .

  30. 篮球魅力体现在比赛的胜负难测,赛场上运动员的整体精神与气质美,球星的个性魅力等方面;

    The charm of basketball reflects in the unpredictable results of the matches , the team spirit and disposition beauty of the players and the individual charm of sports stars .