
jī jí fánɡ yù
  • active defense
  1. 行动方式从集体防御转向积极防御;

    Action fashion will change from collective defense to active defense ;

  2. 对积极防御战略思想指导作用的再思考

    Re-thinking of the significant role of active defense strategy

  3. 本文总结了一些基于C语言的嵌入式软件开发过程实用经验,并以一个实际的开发过程体现积极防御编程的基本理念。

    In this treatise , I summarized some experience of active defense programming witch C language in the embedded software development process , and embodies the basic concept of active defense programming with an actual software project development process .

  4. 它集中在设计,验证和实施新的VOIP模式和体系结构,并可对VoIP网络实行积极防御,监控和入侵检测。

    It focuses on the design , validation and implementation of new models and architectures for performing proactive defense , monitoring and intrusion detection in VoIP networks .

  5. 在很长一段时期内,中国海军的重点曾是近海积极防御。

    For a long time the focus was on near-seas active defence .

  6. 论范仲淹积极防御的守边策略

    On FAN Zhongyan 's Border - Defence Strategy of " Proactive Defence "

  7. 积极防御,又叫攻势防御,又叫决战防御。

    Active defence is also known as offensive defence , or defence through decisive engagements .

  8. 第四部分探讨中国拥有核武器后,实施积极防御的核战略,一方面影响了美国转变对华政策,中美关系开始缓和;

    Part Four presents China implemented active defensive Nuclear Strategy , which made the Sino-U. S.

  9. 重申将坚持走和平发展的道路,并采取积极防御的战略思想。

    It reaffirmed China 's adherence to peaceful development and its active defense military strategy .

  10. 黄孢原毛平革菌因抵抗重金属Cd2+的毒性损伤,产生了通过草酸螯合重金属Cd2+的积极防御机制。

    For resisting the toxic injury , P.chrysosporium produced active defense mechanisms through secreting oxalic .

  11. 反竞争情报是保护企业的秘密和正常经营的一种积极防御方法。

    Counterintelligence is an active defense method to protect the secret and normal operating of companies .

  12. 所以南方一开始采取了积极防御战略。

    Therefore , the South takes the defense strategy in the early time of the war .

  13. 无人战斗机作为实行积极防御的一个十分有效的方案受到广泛关注。

    The unmanned combat air vehicle ( UCAV ) is extensively attended as a effective project of active defend .

  14. 通过识别、建立、维护、巩固医院病人利益活动,占领市场,跟踪患者需求,进行资源整合,采取积极防御措施,扩大市场占有份额。

    Taking active preventive measures to extend market-share through recognizing , establishing , maintaining and consolidating patients ' profit activity ;

  15. 三是积极防御,出兵朝鲜,遏制美国在东北亚对中国发起的地缘攻势,维护国家安全。

    Third , dispatched troops to Korea to contain American offensive to China from Northwestern Asia and defended the country security .

  16. 贯彻新时期积极防御军事战略方针,加强军事斗争准备。

    We must implement a military strategy of active defense in the new era and get better prepared for military struggle .

  17. 所谓积极防御,主要地就是指的这种带决战性的战略的反攻。

    What is called active defence refers chiefly to this strategic counter-offensive , which is in the nature of a decisive engagement .

  18. 冰雹和大风等是延庆地区发展葡萄生产的不利因素,应采取必要措施,积极防御。

    Hail and strong winds are unfavorable factors for developing grape produce , so necessary measures should be taken to defend them actively .

  19. 东盟的安全合作是积极防御性质的合作,它将有利于亚太多边安全机制的建立。

    ASEAN security cooperation is one of active defense in nature , which is conducive to the establishment of Asia-Pacific multilateral security mechanism .

  20. 本文从这期间苏联的外交入手,认为苏联这一时期奉行的是积极防御的现实主义外交政策。

    This article argues about the diplomacy of the Soviet Union in this time , which took the realistic progressive defensive foreign policy .

  21. 贯彻积极防御的军事战略方针,提高高技术条件下的防卫作战能力。

    The army must implement the military strategic principle of active defense and raise its defense capabilities and combat effectiveness under high-tech conditions .

  22. 现代高科技条件下如何积极防御局部常规战争是我军未来的主要建军思想。

    Under modern super science and technology conditions , how to active defence a local conventional war is our coming main army building thinking .

  23. 恩格斯晚年根据革命形势的新变化,进一步完善了有条件退却策略,制定了完整的议会和平斗争的积极防御策略。

    At his old age , Engles improved it again and put forward the complete parliament peaceful struggle , that is , the active defence strategy .

  24. 击剑的反攻战术属于一种积极防御方法,可以有效地抑制对手的进攻,是诸多重剑运动员直接得分的重要手段。

    The counter-attack tactics of fencing is one of ripostes to control combatants offensive action and its important method to gain points directly of many duellists .

  25. 为了实现积极防御的战略目的,在提出组网侦察与跟踪和多层拦截策略的基础上,给出了一个适应当前要求的区域巡航导弹防御体系设计方案,对其硬件系统的功能进行了描述。

    A design of area cruise missile defense system is given based on combinatorial reconnaissance and multiplayer interception In order to achieve the vigorous defense aim .

  26. 中国实行积极防御军事战略,在战略上坚持防御、自卫和后发制人的原则。

    China implements a military strategy of active defense . Strategically , China pursues a principle featuring defensive operations , self-defense and attack only after being attacked .

  27. 法人格否认制度的移植过于超前,应更重视建立滥用公司法人格的积极防御机制等。

    Transplantation of corporation personality denial institution seems to be surpassing vanguard , and a new positive defensive mechanism against abusing the corporation personality should be established .

  28. 中国的社会主义制度和独立自主的和平外交政策也决定了中国奉行积极防御的国防政策和军事战略方针。

    Meanwhile , china 's socialist system and independent foreign policy of peace have determined the international defence policy and military strategy to be one of active defence .

  29. 消极防御实际上是假防御,只有积极防御才是真防御,才是为了反攻和进攻的防御。

    Passive defence is actually a spurious kind of defence , and the only real defence is active defence , defence for the purpose of counter-attacking and taking the offensive .

  30. 这个题目中,我想说明下列各问题:(一)积极防御和消极防御;(二)反围剿的准备;

    Under this heading I would like to discuss the following problems : ( 1 ) active and passive defence ; ( 2 ) preparations for combating " encirclement and suppression " campaigns ;