
jī diàn
  • sediment
  • accumulate;amount
积淀 [jī diàn]
  • [accumulate] 在长期积累中形成(多用于抽象事物)

  1. 假以时日,你思想的积淀,就会变得丰厚。

    After days , the accumulated sediment of your thought will become munificence .

  2. 论辣在中国的文化积淀

    On the Longstanding Sediment of " Hot Taste " in the Culture of China

  3. 三年来所积淀的往事历历在目。

    Those memories accumulated in the past three years seem to leap up vividly by the eyes .

  4. 每一种文化都是长期积淀的结果。

    Every culture is an accretion .

  5. 自古以来,中华文明在继承创新中不断发展,在应时处变中不断升华,积淀着中华民族最深沉的精神追求,是中华民族生生不息、发展壮大的丰厚滋养。

    Chinese civilization has , since its early days , evolved and grown by drawing on its past achievement , exploring new ground and adapting to changes . It represents the profound pursuit of the Chinese nation and provides a rich source of strength for its lasting development .

  6. 生态价值(EcologicalValue)是当代环境革命积淀下来的新概念。

    Ecological value is a new concept that result from modern environment revolution .

  7. 乡土文化在吉林省有着深厚的历史积淀。

    Local culture has a deep historical accumulation in Jilin Province .

  8. 略论巴渝深厚的传统道德积淀

    Discussion on Deep Traditional Moral Accumulation of Ba and Yu Culture

  9. 古镇聚居文化是历史的积淀。

    Ancient town settlement culture is the accumulation of the history .

  10. 它积淀着本民族的性格、气质特征及舞蹈语汇。

    It accumulated the national character , temperament and dance langrage .

  11. 论外来宗教文化在英语和汉语词汇中的积淀

    On sedimentation of religious cultures in words of English and Chinese

  12. 法律教育的实效性研究&论学生法律思维的积淀与养成

    On the Development & Evolution of Legal Thinking College of Students

  13. 中华吟诵文化历史悠久,积淀深厚。

    China 's recitation culture enjoys a long and eventful history .

  14. 泉州古城地方特色显著,文化积淀深厚。

    The ancient town of Quanzhou has notable features and profound cultures .

  15. 文化创意旅游产品依托旅游地的历史文化积淀,在开发过程中突出地方特色和文化传承。

    Culture creative tourism products based on the historical and culture accumulation .

  16. 建设学校文化,积淀深厚的文化底蕴。

    We should build school culture and store up deep culture details .

  17. 隐逸是一种有着深厚历史积淀的文化现象。

    Hermitage was a cultural phenomenon with profound historical sediments .

  18. 民间文化的载体民宅艺术的积淀

    Carrier of Folk Culture , Accumulation of Vernacular Dwelling Art

  19. 浅谈古代奥运会与人文精神的积淀

    Shallow Talk Ancient Olympic Games and Accumulation of Humane Spirit

  20. 悠久的历史,铸就了沧州深厚的文化积淀。

    Long history has made profound cultural accumulation of Cangzhou .

  21. 传统建筑作为一种文化的积淀是城市的有机组成部分。

    Traditional architecture as a culture relics is part of a modern city .

  22. 严复译论的文化积淀及时代意义

    The Cultural Inheritance and Epoch-making Significance of Yan Fu 's Theory of Translation

  23. 文化价值观作为一种历史的积淀,对外交有着潜移默化的影响。

    Cultural values as a historical accumulation plays a subtle influence on diplomacy .

  24. 图腾崇拜是古今民族相对独立的一种历史积淀,凝固于人们的深层意识。

    Totemism is the deep-seated ethical awareness in history .

  25. 挖掘历史地段民俗文化积淀,创造历史城市地方保护特色&以扬州市老城区教场地段改造为例

    On the Reconstruction of Old City District in Yangzhou

  26. 齐鲁文化,可谓积淀丰厚、博大深邃。

    The centuries-old Qilu culture is extensive and profound .

  27. 通过对比,能使我们对积淀深厚的中国古代文论有一个较为全面而深刻的理解。

    Through the comparison , we can understand the profound Chinese literature theory .

  28. 革命功利主义文学的滥觞论太平天国的文学批评个体人生体验的积淀抗战时期大后方太平天国历史剧发生论

    The Source of Revolution Utilitarianism Literature-Discussion on the Literary Criticism of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  29. 文化中的神话积淀

    The mythological residue in culture The Australia Myth

  30. 建筑文明的价值转换,充实为建筑文化的历史积淀;

    The value transformation of architecture civilization enriches the historical accumulation of architecture culture ;