
duó lái duó qù
  • Pacing up and down;walk up and down;pace the floor;pace back and forth;be on the prowl
踱来踱去[duó lái duó qù]
  1. 她走后,我在屋里踱来踱去,紧攥着拳头。

    When she had gone I began to walk up and down the room , clenching my fists .

  2. 两位小姐立刻请他来一块儿踱步,可是他谢绝了,说是她们俩所以要在屋子里踱来踱去,据他的想象,无非有两个动机,如果他参加她们一起散步,对于她们的任何一个动机都会有妨碍。

    He was directly invited to join their party , but he declined it , observing that he could imagine but two motives for their choosing to walk up and down the room together , with either of which motives his joining them would interfere .

  3. 夜里,他在家中的空屋子里踱来踱去。

    He prowled the empty rooms of the house at night .

  4. 他像笼中的动物一样在房间里踱来踱去。

    He paced the room like a caged animal .

  5. 就在起火之前,有人看到一个男子在工厂外踱来踱去。

    A man was seen prowling around outside the factory just before the fire started .

  6. 菲利普在地板上踱来踱去,一副典型的神经紧张的准爸爸形象。

    Philip paced the floor , a typically nervous expectant father .

  7. 我踱来踱去仔细思量后叫了一辆出租车。

    I strolled up and down thoughtfully before calling a taxi

  8. 他们等的时候,克拉维斯在屋里不安地踱来踱去。

    As they waited , Kravis paced the room nervously

  9. 马克还在如笼中困兽般踱来踱去。

    Mark was still pacing like a caged animal .

  10. 我发现他在办公室里踱来踱去。

    I found him pacing in his office .

  11. 他袖着手,踱来踱去。

    He paced the floor , his hands tucked deep in his sleeves .

  12. 他开始在屋里踱来踱去。

    He began to pace up and down in the room .

  13. 他在房里踱来踱去,滔滔不绝地讲着城里发生的事情。

    Pacing around the room , he talked endlessly about the goings-on in the city .

  14. 他在甲板上踱来踱去

    He promenaded back and forth on the ship 's deck .

  15. 那女孩在月台上不耐烦地踱来踱去。

    The girl marched up and down the station platform impatiently .

  16. 他一刻不安宁地在办公室踱来踱去,两条腿象踩着高跷。

    He rambled restlessly across his office on legs like stilts .

  17. 别再踱来踱去。你害我好紧张喔。

    A : Stop pacing . You 're making me nervous .

  18. 她踱来踱去,等著电话铃响。

    She paces the floor , waiting for the phone to ring .

  19. 一种绝望的神情掠过克莱尔的脸,他茫然地在房间里踱来踱去。

    Despair passed over Clare 's face.He moved vaguely around the room .

  20. 他向她弯下腰,打量着他们踱来踱去的步伐。

    He bent to her and checked their pacing up and down .

  21. 萨拉,是你在楼下踱来踱去吗?

    Sarah , is that , you pattering around downstairs ?

  22. 我听到他整夜在卧室里踱来踱去。

    I could hear him prowling around in his bedroom all night .

  23. 穿黑袍的牧师还在踱来踱去,

    And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds ,

  24. 我踱来踱去以暖和身子。

    I kept myself warm by walking up and down .

  25. 警察在街上踱来踱去。

    The policeman paced up and down the street .

  26. 狮子在笼里踱来踱去。

    The lion paced the floor of its cage .

  27. 他在月台上踱来踱去。

    He paced up and down the station platform .

  28. 安德烈公爵把脸转过来,开始在房里踱来踱去。

    Prince Andrey turned away and began walking up and down the room .

  29. 她父亲正在房间里踱来踱去,看他那种神气,既是严肃,又是焦急。

    Her father was walking about the room , looking grave and anxious .

  30. 在英国公使馆里,几个武装士兵在花园里踱来踱去。

    Inside the British legation a few armed soldiers walked about the gardens .
