
  • 网络Personal protective equipment;ppe
  1. 提供充足的个人防护设备是一项特别紧急的需要。

    Provision of adequate personal protective equipment is a particularly urgent need .

  2. 动作或姿势是否受个人防护设备或衣服阻碍?

    Is movement or posture hindered by personal protective equipment or by clothing ?

  3. 在使用个人防护设备方面,雇员都须经过培训。

    The employees should have been trained on the subject of personal protective equipment .

  4. 凡须穿着或佩带个人防护设备的地方都须张贴有关的标志。

    Signs should be posted in all areas where personal protective equipment must be worn .

  5. 世卫组织国家办事处已进一步提出向家禽扑杀者提供个人防护设备。

    The WHO country office has further offered to supply personal protective equipment for poultry cullers .

  6. 当情况需要时,需提供个人防护设备如:眼罩,耳塞,面具等。

    Personal Protective Equipment such as eyewear , ear-plugs and face masks should be made available to employees when applicable .

  7. 需要对雇员如何正确使用个人防护设备进行培训,以及为什么他们需要使用个人防护设备。

    The employees should also be trained in the correct use and educated on why they should use personal protective equipment .

  8. 须完成一项危害因素评估工作,并保存了有关的记录文件,确定每一项作业场需要的个人防护设备。

    A documented hazard assessment should has been completed which identifies the personal protective equipment ( PPE ) required for each operation .

  9. 以及《职业安全及健康(个人防护设备)规例》,就提供和使用个人防护设备订定条文。

    And the Occupational Safety and Health ( Personal Protective Equipment ) Regulation on the provision and use of personal protective equipment .

  10. 中毒发生的主要直接原因是没有个人防护设备、不使用个人防护用品或使用不当以及缺乏安全教育等;

    The main causes of poisoning incidents were due to lacking , un using or misusing personal protective equipments , lacking safety education etc.

  11. 随同专家抵达的还有部分医疗援助物资,包括检测试剂盒、个人防护设备以及呼吸机。

    Some medical aid also arrived in the country along with the experts , including testing kits , personal protective equipment and ventilators .

  12. 从事护理患者的医院工作人员,在某些情况未穿戴充足的个人防护设备,均未染上该病。

    No hospital staff involved in the care of patients , in some instances without adequate personal protective equipment , have developed the disease .

  13. 承包商也应在货币许可期确保许可条件承诺,包括坚持个人防护设备。

    He shall also undertake to ensure compliance to the conditions of the permit during the currency of the permit including adherence to personal protective equipments .

  14. 这个联合国机构表示,他们将迅速就该国迫切需要的支持和为医务人员提供个人防护设备等急需物资作出回应。

    The UN agency says it will quickly respond to the country 's urgent need for support and supplies including personal protective equipment for health workers .

  15. 如果检测出石棉物料,应保证所有人员均使用适当的个人防护设备,并立即将此情况上报给业主。

    In case asbestos material is detected , usage of appropriate PPEs by all personnel shall be ensured and the matter shall be reported immediately to employer .

  16. 实验室应有足够的防护衣、个人防护设备和操作规程以保护职员,且如果适用的话,避免试验操作受外界污染。

    Gowning worn , personal protective equipment and procedures used in laboratories must be adequate to protect the personnel and , where applicable , to protect the test operation from extraneous contamination .

  17. 指定分包商应提供并实施有效安全工具和设备的警告,必要时还应向现场人员提供护目镜、护耳套、安全带及其他个人防护设备。

    The nominated Sub-Contractor shall provide and enforce the wearing of efficient safety tools and equipment and where necessary , eye goggles , ear protectors , safety harnesses and other personal protection equipment for all site personnel .

  18. 危险物料暴露超过合同限制范围或有害影响,应使用适当的个人防护设备,例如手套、护目镜、围裙、防护服和防毒面具。

    Where contract or exposure of hazardous materials could exceed limits or could otherwise have harmful affects , appropriate personal protective equipment 's such as gloves , goggles , aprons , chemical resistant clothing and respirator shall be used .

  19. 导致中毒事故发生的主要原因是没有密闭通风排毒设备或效果不好(22.5%)、没有个人防护设备(19.8%)、缺乏安全教育(19.8%)和没有安全操作规程(15.3%)等。

    The main causes of the accidents were poor ventilation ( 22.5 % ), lack of personal protection equipment ( 19.8 % ), lack of safety education ( 19.8 % ), and lack of safety work practice ( 15.3 % ) .

  20. 乙方必须遵守甲方各项安全规章制度,并采取有效的安全防范措施,如:施工人员人身安全保险,个人安全防护设备等。

    PARTY B should obey all PARTY A safety policy and take necessary action for safety items , such as insurance , PPE , etc.

  21. 适当储存为保护卫生和兽医工作人员个人的防护设备以及采购用于治疗和预防的抗病毒剂的工作正在继续。

    Stockpiling of personal protective equipment to protect health and veterinary workers , and procurement of antivirals for treatment and prophylaxis , as appropriate , is continuing .

  22. 承包商的专家应当能够应当正确的使用个人与集体防护设备。

    Specialists of the Contractor shall be capable of using the personal and collective protection equipment in a correct manner .