
  1. 两国同意于随后的一周重新开始会谈。

    The two countries agreed to recommence talks the following week .

  2. 两国政府依然对这个岛的归属问题争执不下。

    The two governments are still at loggerheads over the island .

  3. 自由贸易协定对两国都会有利。

    A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries .

  4. 两国之间签署了贸易协定。

    A trade agreement was concluded between the two countries .

  5. 两国之间进行了广泛磋商。

    There have been extensive consultations between the two countries .

  6. 严格说来,这两国仍在交战。

    Technically , the two countries are still at war .

  7. 目前正在英美两国挑选这部戏的演员。

    The play is being cast in both the US and Britain .

  8. 协议加强了两国间的联系。

    The agreement strengthened the bonds between the two countries .

  9. 弥合两国间分歧的各种努力都已失败。

    Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed .

  10. 我们寻求改进我们两国间的关系。

    We seek to improve relations between our two countries .

  11. 谈判后两国关系缓和了些。

    Relations between the two countries thawed a little after the talks .

  12. 军队已关闭了两国边界。

    Troops have sealed the borders between the countries .

  13. 两国断绝了一切外交关系。

    The two countries have severed all diplomatic links .

  14. 贸易关税上的分歧导致两国关系恶化。

    The disagreement over trade tariffs has soured relations between the two countries .

  15. 这两国的教育制度没有大的差别。

    There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries .

  16. 两国同意恢复正常关系。

    The two countries agreed to normalize relations .

  17. 一种特殊的纽带把我们两国联结起来。

    A special bond unites our two countries .

  18. 两国之间的贸易增长了。

    Trade between the two countries has increased .

  19. 总统的访问是为了加强两国的联盟。

    The President 's visit was intended to cement the alliance between the two countries .

  20. 我们和他们讨论了英美两国的不同之处。

    We had a discussion with them about the differences between Britain and the US .

  21. 劫机者要求与两国政府的代表都进行对话。

    The hijackers are demanding to speak to representatives of both governments

  22. 两国将签署互不侵犯条约。

    A non-aggression pact will be signed between the two countries .

  23. 士兵们临时封锁了两国之间的边境线。

    Soldiers had temporarily closed the border between the two countries .

  24. 总而言之,两国目前是真正的经济合作伙伴。

    In sum , the two countries are now true economic partners

  25. 他说两国之间有着密切友好的关系。

    He said the two countries had close and cordial relations .

  26. 两国曾签订了联合发射人造卫星的协议。

    The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites .

  27. 他此次访问旨在增进两国间的关系。

    His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries

  28. 两国之间宿怨已久。

    There 's a long history of animosity between the two nations

  29. 这是两国领导人的首次会晤。

    It 's the first-ever meeting between leaders of the two countries .

  30. 两国之间很少有贸易往来。

    The two countries do little trade with one another .