
liǎnɡ huì
  • the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference
  1. 今年两会期间审议的以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的“双循环”发展格局将是中国未来5到15年发展蓝图的指导理念。

    The " dual circulation " development paradigm for China 's development in the next five to 15 years , which is under review at the " two sessions . "

  2. 对中国来说,BIT有助于推进上个月两会时重申的经济改革目标。

    For China , the BIT will help advance the economic reform goals reiterated by its leaders at last month 's National People 's Congress .

  3. 他们兄弟两会去新奥尔良找一个能帮他们揭开环绕在Elena身上吸血鬼之谜的人。

    The brothers head to New Orleans to search for someone from their past who could help solve the mysteries surrounding Elena 's ( Nina Dobrev ) vampirism .

  4. 从两会看低成本有机复合材料制造技术的发展

    Impression of Low Cost Composite Manufacturing Process Developments from Two Conferences

  5. 两会之间,每位股东都会收到每年两次的总结报告。

    In between the meetings , each stockholder receives biannual reports .

  6. 工作报告:两会之后中国地产业将走向何方?

    Work : two sessions after China Real Estate encounters problems ?

  7. 从中国制造到中国创造&2005两会代表北大论坛

    From " Made In China " " Created In China "

  8. 学习两会文件把握主要精神

    Studying Two Conferences ' Documents and Grasping the Main Spirit

  9. 两会计划递交讨论是否加收物业税(减少炒房)。

    Property tax plan submitted for discussion in'two sessions ' .

  10. 出席两会的山西代表热议能源与节能

    Representatives from Shanxi in NPC and CPPCC Discuss Ardently Energy and Energy-Saving

  11. 贯彻两会精神构建和谐高校

    Carrying Out Two Meetings Spirit and Constructing the Harmonious Universities

  12. 他在两会期间做出如下表述。

    He was speaking during the on-going annual parliamentary meeting .

  13. 记者用新潮设备报道两会

    Journalists use novel gadgets to report two sessions .

  14. “两会”之前话金融&金融改革的对策与建议

    The Countermeasures and Suggestions of the Financial Reform

  15. 试论两会报道传播理念的变革

    Theory on the Changes of Transmission Notion of the Report on the Two Sessions

  16. 正确处理新两会与老三会关系。

    Deal well with the relationship between two new meetings and three old meetings .

  17. 两会商谈是在平等的地位上进行的。

    The talks between the two organizations were carried out on an equal footing .

  18. 我想,他两会为我的建议而感到高兴的

    I think they 'll both be glad that he came to me for advice

  19. 从两会开始迈向新的征程

    New journey starting from NPC & CPPCC

  20. 今天的袭击案发生后不久,北京将召开两会。

    Today 's attack comes right before the annual meeting of Parliament opens in Beijing .

  21. 涉海议题成为两会新热点

    Proposals concerning the sea become the new hot point during the NPC and CPPCC sessions

  22. 中国举行了两会。

    China held the two sessions .

  23. 改革开放以来《人民日报》两会报道特色研究

    The Research on the Two Sessions Report of People 's Daily Since Reform and Opening Up

  24. 感受红色激情开局之年&两会热点前瞻

    Hot Red The year to start

  25. 城镇化无疑是2013年两会最热门的话题之一。

    Urbanization is undoubtedly one of the2013 " NPC and CPCC " the most popular topic .

  26. 至于说“中国军费不透明”、“中国的太空试验同中国和平发展道路相违背”、“中国对世界是不是有威胁”等等,从这次两会一开始,就不断地有记者提出这个问题。

    And questions have also been raised about whether China poses a threat to the world .

  27. 在过去三年中,每年两会她都提交有关鼓励婚前检查的议案。

    Over the past three years , she has raised proposals to encourage pre-marital medical checks .

  28. 今年全国“两会”也提出了要进一步加强应急管理工作。

    This year , the " two sessions " also proposed to further strengthen emergency management .

  29. 请看本刊特派记者带来的两会报道。

    Please read the report on the NPC and CPPCC by the accredited journalist of the publication .

  30. 网络时政新闻的发展走势对人民网20042006年两会报道的研究

    Development Tendencies of Cyber News