
  1. 东晋佛教思想与文学研究

    The Study of Eastern Jin Dynasty Buddhist Thought and Literature

  2. 论东晋庐山佛教和山水游记的发展

    The Development of Lushan Mountain Buddhism and Landscape Essay in Eastern Jin Dynasty

  3. 道安也是中国佛教史上著名的佛教学者和东晋时期佛教领袖,对中国佛教的发展及后来佛教僧团的规范起到了奠基作用。

    Danan is a famous Chinese Buddhist scholar and Buddhist leader in the history of Chinese Buddhism who play a foundation role that on the development of Chinese Buddhism and effect Buddhist Sangha norms on later .

  4. 东晋玄言诗与佛教关系略说孙绰的玄言诗及其历史地位

    The Relationship between the Metaphysical Poems of Eastern-Jin Dynasty and Buddhism On Sun Chuo 's Metaphysical Poems and His Historical Position

  5. 湖北省境东晋南北朝的佛教传输与义学分布

    The Route of Buddhistical Travel and The Distribution of Buddhistical Schools during Eastern Jin and Southern & Northern Dynasties in Hubei Province

  6. 《摩诃僧祗律》是东晋的一部佛教律典,语言通俗,文献可考,能够反映这一历史阶段语言发展的真实面貌。

    " Mahasangha-vinaya " is a part of Eastern scriptures of Buddhism , language and popular , of this literature , to reflect this historical stage of language development , the true face .