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cóng tán
  • essay or book composed of a number of parts that are same or similar in nature
丛谈 [cóng tán]
  • [essay or book composed of a number of parts that are same or similar in nature] 若干性质相同或相近的文字合成的文章或书(多用做篇名或书名)

  • 词苑丛谈

丛谈[cóng tán]
  1. 文献集藏与整理是图书馆的根本职责&冷静面对新世纪丛谈之二

    The Document Collection and Arrangement : A Basic Duty

  2. 文献信息中心≠信息咨询服务中心&冷静面对新世纪丛谈之三

    The Document Information Centre ≠ Information Consulting Service Centre

  3. 图书馆服务网络与计算机通信网络&冷静面对新世纪丛谈之四

    Library Service Network and Computer Communication Network

  4. 汉口徽商与社会风尚&以《汉口丛谈》为例

    Hui merchants in Hankou and Social customs & takingBits of news on Hankou for example

  5. 这些西学内容都由期刊编辑专门编写,而不像以往传教士期刊仅仅是摘录现有书籍,这些文章使《六合丛谈》在内容上更具原创性。

    The Western elements specially prepared by the editors , not just excerpts of existing books , such as journal articles than in the past missionaries , both in content is more original .

  6. 《狐媚丛谈》是中国古代文学史上唯&部以狐为主题的文言小说总集,它在中国文学发展史上的地位、意义重大,对后世狐文学的创作亦产生了深远的影响。

    The book of Hu Mei Cong Tan is the only Chinese literature classical stories collection putting fox as the theme , which played an important role in Chinese literature development , and had a profound impact on the creation of fox literature later .