
  • 网络world development report;Wdr
  1. DeJanvry和Byerlee是《2008年世界发展报告》的联合负责人。

    De Janvry and Byerlee were co-directors of the2008 World Development Report .

  2. DM2008竞赛的主题来源于最新发布的《2008年世界发展报告》。

    The themes of DM2008 stem from the recently published World Development Report ( WDR ) 2008 .

  3. 我亲身参与了1978年出版的首份《世界发展报告》的编制,此次经历让我得知,时任世行行长罗伯特麦克纳马拉(robertmcnamara)认为这些报告应当简洁有力。

    As I know from personal involvement in the first WDR , published in 1978 , Robert McNamara , then president , believed these reports should be punchy and accessible .

  4. 《世界发展报告》编写组组长之一SarahCliffe表示,本次活动为在冲突易发国家开展工作的社会活动家和创新者发表意见提供了一次机会。

    For WDR Co-Director Sarah Cliffe , the event provided an opportunity to sound out social activists and innovators working in countries vulnerable to conflict .

  5. Sierra指出,世界发展报告重申了对农业的共识,即农业可以发挥多种积极作用,不仅是发展的引擎、扶贫的手段,而且能提供环境服务。

    Sierra said the WDR renews the consensus on the positive role that agriculture can provide as an engine of growth , an instrument of poverty alleviation , and as a provider of environmental services .

  6. 我们也需要研究性别问题,这也是再下一份《世界发展报告》的主题。

    We need more research on gender , the topic of the report that follows .

  7. 2003年世界发展报告以变革世界中的可持续发展为题,充分论述了可持续发展的重要性。

    The World Development Report 2003 explored about the concept and importance of sustainable development in the new world .

  8. 如果说发展经济学是解决全球问题的方法之一,那么《世界发展报告》可能有什么作用呢?

    If development economics is part of the solution to global problems , what might be the WDRs ' role ?

  9. 《世界发展报告》明智地建议,在跑之前先学会走:因此要先恢复对集体行动的信心,再进行更具抱负的干预。

    Sensibly , the WDR recommends walking before running : so restore confidence in collective action before more ambitious interventions .

  10. 但《世界发展报告》副主编安娜.雷文佳和苏迪尔.舍提表示,在一些方面也取得了巨大和快速的进步。

    But progress on some fronts has been dramatic and rapid , say WDR Co-Directors Ana Revenga and Sudhir Shetty .

  11. 多年来,《世界发展报告》力争提出被证明是有效的具体减贫和经济增长政策。

    WDRs over the years have struggled to come up with specific , proven policies for reducing poverty and promoting growth .

  12. 当前和即将发布的《世界发展报告》分别探讨经济地理(2009年版)和气候变化与发展(2010年版)问题。

    The current and upcoming WDRs are on economic geography ( 2009 edition ) and climate change and development ( 2010 ) .

  13. 佐利克认为,中东地区局势为将《世界发展报告》的发现付诸实践提供了一次机会。

    Zoellick referred to the situation in the Middle East as an opportunity to put the findings of the World Development Report into practice .

  14. 首份《世界发展报告》题为《增长前景与减贫》。

    Titled " Prospects for Growth and the Alleviation of Poverty ," the first WDR was a slender report that became an overnight success .

  15. 1990年的《世界发展报告》认为,贫困是指缺少达到最低生活水准的能力。

    The 1990 year " World development report " believed that impoverished is refers to " lacks achieves the lowest level of living ability " .

  16. 《2003年世界发展报告》强调,保证可持续发展的责任必须由地方、国家和全球共同承担

    The latest World Development Report ( WDR2003 ) stresses that the burden of guaranteeing sustainable development must be shared locally , nationally , and globally

  17. 然而《世界发展报告》却提出,如今发展所受到的主要约束或许不是贫困陷阱,而是暴力陷阱。

    Yet the world development report suggests that the main constraint on development these days may not be a poverty trap but a violence trap .

  18. 除去附表,首份《世界发展报告》有68页,其中包括后来单独拿出阐述世界经济的报告。

    Excluding the annex table , the first WDR , which included what later became a separate report on the world economy , was 68 pages .

  19. 此外,将于明年发布的《世界发展报告:气候变化与发展》也将介绍这些政策和方法。

    In addition , a landmark World Development Report on Climate Change and Development , to be released next year , will also present these policies and approaches .

  20. 为纪念《世界发展报告》发表30周年,世行新发布了两个出版物,一个为印刷版,另一个为电子版。

    To commemorate the WDR ' s30th anniversary , the World Bank has published two new retrospective publications : one in print and the other in electronic format .

  21. 2006年版的年度《世界发展报告》开篇即让读者思考两个同年同月同日生的南非孩子的不同命运。

    The2006 edition of the annual World Development Report opens by calling on people to consider two South African children born on the same day in the same year .

  22. 《世界发展报告》指出,有证据表明,有深厚历史根源的思维模式可能决定人们数百年的世界观:种姓制度就是一个例子。

    There is evidence , notes the WDR , that mental models rooted in history may shape people 's view of the world for centuries : caste is an example .

  23. 项目的获奖理由是在向青年人宣传《世界发展报告》和发动青年人推动提高地方政府部门网上采购的透明度。

    The project won for its creative ideas on how to make the WDR relevent to young people , and mobilizing the youth to promote transparency in on-line procurement by LGUs .

  24. 《世界发展报告》举出的另一种思维模式是,贫穷的妇女往往认为,腹泻的正确治疗方法是减少液体的摄入,这样他们的孩子就不再拉稀。

    Another , illustrated by the WDR , is the tendency of poor women to believe that the right treatment for diarrhoea is to cut fluid intake , to stop their child leaking .

  25. 政策应该在多大程度上以这些观念为基础?尤其是正如《世界发展报告》承认的那样,那些制定政策的人士往往对他们自己的决策存在各种各样的偏见。

    How far should policy be based on these perceptions , particularly since those who make policy are , as the WDR admits , prone to all sorts of biases in their own decision-making ?

  26. 另外,本文所采用的相关数据来自于一些权威性的期刊,例如《统计年鉴》、《世界发展报告》等等。

    Besides , the data of the paper comes from some authorized magazines , such as the " Statistical Yearbook ", " The Report of The Development in The World " and so forth .

  27. 《世界发展报告》举出的另一种思维模式是,贫穷的妇女往往认为,腹泻的正确治疗方法是减少液体的摄入,这样他们的孩子就不再“拉稀”。

    Another , illustrated by the WDR , is the tendency of poor women to believe that the right treatment for diarrhoea is to cut fluid intake , to stop their child " leaking . "

  28. 有效政府是由1997年世界银行发展报告提出的现代政府发展的新理念。

    The theory of useful government is a new idea of modern governmental development that put forward by the World Bank 's World Development Report for 1997 . The report emphasizes the state in a changing world needs useful government .

  29. 世界文化和发展报告

    World Report on Culture and Development

  30. 这是25年来农业在发展中的角色第一次成为世界银行年度发展报告中的焦点。

    This is the first time in25 years that agriculture 's role in development has been the focus in the World Bank 's annual development report .