
  1. 专利权质押是专利权运用的一种重要途径。

    Patent pledge is a kind of important way to patent application .

  2. 第三部分则对专利权质押融资法律制度存在的缺陷问题进行研究。

    The third part of patent pledge financing legal system defects of .

  3. 专注于对专利权质押融资制度体系缺陷的研究。

    Focus on patent pledge financing system defects research .

  4. 专利权质押制度的建立为我国中小企业,特别是科技型中小企业提供了一条全新的融资渠道,能在一定程度上解决中小企业融资难问题。

    Patent pledge system provides anew financing channel for our small and medium-sized enterprises .

  5. 第四部分主要提出对我国专利权质押融资立法完善的建议。

    The fourth part mainly put forward perfect our country patent pledge financing legislation suggestion .

  6. 介绍了专利权质押融资立法的背景以及问题的提出。第二部分专利权质押融资的概述。

    Author introduced legislative background and raised problem on patent pledge financing.2.Overview of patent pledge financing .

  7. 第三部分主要是针对专利权质押融资中存在的法律问题提出解决对策。

    The third part provides a solution to the main legal issues in patent pledge financing .

  8. 本文介绍了国内外专利权质押贷款的理论研究和操作实务。

    The foreign and domestic academic research and actual practice are introduced firstly in this paper .

  9. 然而,我国专利权质押存在诸多问题,专利权质押现状不容乐观。

    However , the patent pledge in China exists many problems , the actuality of patent pledge is not optimistic .

  10. 从专利权质押融资的概念、性质、特征等方面对专利权质押融资进行阐述。

    From the patent pledge financing concept , nature , characteristics and other aspects of the patent pledge financing of .

  11. 在此情况下,探讨专利权质押中质权人利益的保护是非常有必要的。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to discuss the interests ' protection of the pledgee in the patent pledge .

  12. 专利权质押是以可转让的专利财产权为标的而设定质权对债权予以担保的法律制度。

    The patent pledge is a legal system that the transferable patent right as the subject is guaranteed to financial claim .

  13. 并且,介绍了日本、美国和我国的专利权质押融资立法的现状,从而探讨该立法的价值。

    Also , introduced Japan , the United States and China patent pledge financing legislation present situation , and discusses the legislative value .

  14. 第一部分阐述专利权质押基本理论,包括专利权质押的概念、特征、作用和意义。

    The first part introduces the basic theory of patent pledge , including the concept , characteristic , function and meaning of patent pledge .

  15. 第一部分引言主要对专利权质押融资进行本研究:介绍了专利权质押融资立法的背景和存在的一些问题。

    The first part is mainly about the patent pledge financing for this research is divided into five parts : the first part is an introduction .

  16. 主要是从当前的实践经验中总结出我国专利权质押的三种模式并对其中存在的问题进行总结。

    First of all , the paper concludes the three patterns of patent pledge , then sums up the problems which exist in the present patent pledge system .

  17. 本文的创新之处在于以案例为基础,在总结实践经验的基础上提出一些对专利权质押融资中质权人利益保护的更具可操作性的新方法。

    The innovation of this article is devoted to making operable method for the pledgee protection in patent pledge financing on the foundation of combining the cases and experiences .

  18. 从目前的专利权质押融资经验来看,质权人的合法权益没有得以充分的保护是影响专利权质押融资的一个重要原因。

    With the reference to the current patent pledge experience , the legitimate rights and interests of the pledgee lack of adequate protection which influences the patent pledge financing .

  19. 鉴于此,本文对专利权质押融资法律制度的基本理论进行了阐释和分析,论文主要从以下五个部分进行论述。第一部分绪论。

    In view of this , this paper explained and analysed basic theories on patent pledge financing legal system , including the following five parts . 1 . Introduction .

  20. 20世纪90年代以来,专利权质押在日本、欧美等国家取得了长足的发展并逐渐成为重要的融资手段,相关制度不断完善。

    In the 20th century , the patent pledge in Japan , Europe and the United States and other countries has gain much development and gradually becomes an important means of financing .

  21. 专利权质押的实现是专利权质押的重要环节,它关系着质押权人利益以及专利权价值的实现。

    The realization of patent pledge is a critical link in the transfer as it is of vital importance to the realization of both the interests of the pledgee and the values of patent rights .

  22. (十一)专利权的质押、保全及其解除;

    ( 11 ) any pledge and preservation of the patent right and their discharge ;

  23. 中小企业利用专利权进行质押是解决资金问题的一个重要途径,我国法律法规承认并支持专利权质押。

    The patent pledge is an important method for the small and medium-sized enterprises to resolve capital problems in law .

  24. 以专利权为质押标的获得融资,对于缓解中小企业发展的资金压力,优化银行担保结构具有重要意义。

    With the patent rights for impawn mark , obtaining financing for alleviating the fund pressure of the small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) in developing , optimizing the bank guarantee structure has the important significance .

  25. 但是在实践中,我国专利权的申请数量远远大于专利权质押的数量,这一状况表明专利权质押这一良好的融资方式在我国没有能够得以广泛的运用。

    However , in practice the number of patent applications is far greater than that of the patent pledge , which means that the financing function of the patent pledge has not yet been widely used .

  26. 限制出质专利权转让、许可实施,质权人对专利权利用情况缺乏知情权和对由此产生的收益缺乏控制权,对专利权质押担保乃至专利权价值的充分利用存在着风险。

    Pledgeors are deprived of the rights to know the use of patents and to control the corresponding revenue . Risks exist in the patent pledge system and limit full utilization of patent value .