
chǒu lòu
  • ugly;unsightly
丑陋 [chǒu lòu]
  • (1) [ugly]∶长得难看的

  • 一脸疙瘩,仿佛风干福橘皮似的,甚为丑陋。--刘鹗《老残游记》

  • 丑陋的人,讨厌的人

  • (2) [unsightly]∶指把本来可以是赏心悦目的事物弄成不好看的

丑陋[chǒu lòu]
  1. 书房里丑陋的一幕在她脑海中依旧清晰。

    The ugly scene in the study was still etched in her mind

  2. 超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。

    Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents .

  3. 她在窗口看到了一张极丑陋的脸,吓得尖叫了起来。

    She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed .

  4. 大部分旧建筑已被拆除,取而代之的是丑陋的现代建筑物。

    Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities .

  5. 格拉斯的小说里充斥着稀奇古怪的人物:丑陋的怪人、小丑、稻草人和侏儒。

    Grass 's novels are peopled with outlandish characters : grotesques , clowns , scarecrows , dwarfs .

  6. 一切都非常丑陋。

    Everything is hideously ugly

  7. 克利夫兰一直因其环境脏乱、市容丑陋、沉闷无趣而恶名在外,尽管据说现在好多了。

    Cleveland has always had a reputation for being a dirty , ugly , boring city , though now they say it is much better .

  8. 据说她丈夫长相丑陋。

    It was said that her husband was an ugly man .

  9. 一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。

    An ugly old hag appeared .

  10. 我被深深地伤害了,我觉得自己是个丑陋的孩子。

    I was hurt deeply and I saw myself as an ugly kid .

  11. 黄公两个女儿的丑陋的名声便也传扬开来。

    The reputation of Huang Gong 's two daughters being ugly spread around .

  12. 他对自己丑陋的外貌很敏感。

    He 's very sensitive about his ugly appearance .

  13. 本是个畸形儿,高大丑陋且难以管束。

    Ben is a highly dysfunctional child , large , ugly , and uncontrollable .

  14. 不是因为在象牙塔中,才说出我爱世界这样的话,是知道外面的黑,脏,丑陋之后,还要说出这样的话。

    Say it when you learn the Darkness , the Filthiness and the ugliness of its outside .

  15. 外形的丑陋和本性的怪异都不能惊动他,触犯他

    Hideousness of aspect , deformity of instinct , troubled him not , and did not arouse his indignation .

  16. 这时候,人们才知道:原来是黄公过于谦虚,故意把自己女儿说得丑陋。

    Not until then , did people realize that Huang Gong had been overmodest and had deliberately7 described his daughters as ugly .

  17. 让每一篇演讲都来谈自由和道德之美,都来谈奴役和邪恶之丑陋、卑鄙和恶毒。

    Let every declamation turn upon the beauty of liberty and virtue , and the deformity , turpitude , and malignity of slavery and vice .

  18. 妻子是近视眼,她站到了入口处的镜子面前,她以为这面镜子是一幅画。她看到了一张女人的肖像,惊呼道:“天呐,天下竟然有这样丑陋的女人。”

    The wife who was nearsighted , stood in front of a mirror at the entrance , which she thought that it was a picture , and she saw a woman 's image and cried out , " Dear me , how could a woman be so ugly ? "

  19. 他的两个女儿虽然长的很漂亮,但由于做父亲的谦虚说是丑陋,而养在深闺的女孩儿又不可能公然出来见人,以至丑陋名声远扬,全国之大,竟然无一人向她们求婚。

    Though his two daughters where beautiful , he said they were ugly out of modesty . Being brought up in the boudoir , the girls could not show their faces in public , so they were well known for their ugly appearances . As a result of which nobody in the country proposed marriage to them .

  20. Goingforward不仅传染,还不断地变异出各种新的丑陋形式。

    Going forward is not only infectious , it is constantly mutating into new ugly forms .

  21. 过去,许多开发人员和用户认为,Web站点和Web应用程序只是其桌面应用程序的一个粗燥、丑陋、复杂的版本而已。

    In the past , many developers and users considered Web sites and Web applications to be rough , ugly , and complex versions of their desktop counterparts .

  22. Beauty被他的丑陋吓到了,但是她教养很好,并没有显示出来,也没有喊叫,更没有跑掉。

    Beauty was too kind to show the Beast how much his ugliness frightened her , so she neither screamed nor ran away .

  23. 其它的mocking库需要你在执行前记录期望行为(expectations),而这导致了丑陋的初始化代码。

    Other mocking libraries require you to record expectations before execution , which tends to result in ugly setup code .

  24. 他的意思和KellyJohnson的一样:丑陋的东西不可能是最好的解决办法。

    He means the same thing Kelly Johnson did : if something is ugly , it can 't be the best solution .

  25. 多重继承是否真的必不可少(就像C++的创作者认定的那样),它是否不必要而丑陋的(就像C和Java的创作者坚信的那样)?

    Is multiple inheritance really necessary ( as the maker of C + + decided ), or is it gratuitous and ugly ( as determined by the makers of C # and the Java language )?

  26. 在最后这部惊悚片中,斯文顿饰演残酷、狡猾的梅森部长(MinisterMason),她戴着一副大大的眼镜,有一口庞大、丑陋的牙齿。

    In this thriller , Ms. Swinton plays the cruel and calculating Minister Mason , distinguished by a giant pair of glasses and a mouthful of bulky , misshapen choppers .

  27. 但是,一些人不喜欢DTD,因为它丑陋的语法、表达文本和标记结构的局限性,并且难以处理XMLNamespaces。

    However , some people dislike DTD for its awkward syntax , limitations in the text and markup constructs it can express , and the difficulty of handling XML Namespaces .

  28. 所有这些该死的网页不得不写37个丑陋的hack以使它能够在5到6个流行的浏览器里可用。

    Every frigging web page has to have thirty seven ugly hacks in it to make it work with five or six popular browsers .

  29. 上周,英国资深媒体人皮尔斯•摩根(PiersMorgan)拥抱了一种丑陋的新思潮,他评论称自己只对金牌得主感兴趣。

    This week , Piers Morgan , a British journalist , embraced an ugly new ethos , when he commented that he was interested only in gold medal winners .

  30. 有了数百个可供选择的外观,通常那些加在Swing应用程序身上的“长相恐怖”、“丑陋”之类的责骂之词也将永远消失。

    With potentially hundreds of looks to choose from , the labels often attached to Swing apps of " horrible looking " and " ugly " I don 't think I 'm being too harsh will disappear forever .