
  • 网络Unbalanced quotation method;Unbalanced Bids
  1. 浅议建筑工程投标报价中的不平衡报价法

    Discussion on unbalanced quoted price method in architectural engineering tender offer

  2. 不平衡报价法在工程投标报价中的应用

    The Application of Uneven Quotation Law to the Bid in a Project

  3. 不平衡报价法的几点见解

    Some Opinions on the Uneven Quotation Method

  4. 文章提出并分析突然降价法、不平衡报价法、先亏后赢法,为施工企业投标报价提供借鉴与参考。

    G. unexpected markdown , unequal quotation and loss-first-profit-later quotation to the engineering enterprises for reference for bid quotation .

  5. 不平衡报价法在电网工程投标报价中的应用我方确认最近双方往来电报并欣告

    The Application of the Unbalance Offer is in the Electrical Net Engineering Bid ; We confirm telegrams recently estranged between us and are pleased to say that

  6. 文章根据多年的投标实践经验,总结出不平衡报价法在投标应用中的几点技巧,以期在合同履约过程中创造最大的效益。

    The author , according to many years practical bidding experience , has summed up some skills of uneven quotation in bidding to make utmost profits in honoring contracts .

  7. 在招投标技巧中,总结了常采用的不平衡报价法,并运用线性规划模型计算使利润最大的不平衡报价。

    When recruiting to enter a bid in skill , have summarized the unbalanced quotation law that adopts frequently , and make profit biggest disequilibrium quote with linear program model calculation .

  8. 联系实际情况,介绍了施工单位在工程投标中几种常用的报价技巧,包括:不平衡报价法、以退为进报价法、多方案报价法、突然降价法等。

    Connecting with actual situation , this paper introduces some bidding skills commonly used by construction units in engineering bid , including unbalanced quotation , taking retreat as advance quotation , multiple alternative quotation , toboggan quotation , etc.

  9. 详细介绍了不平衡报价法、概率分析法等投标报价技巧,理论联系实际,对投标人如何作好投标报价作了比较详尽的分析和研究。

    It introduced the unbalance of the quote , probability to analyze the method the etc. ed to bid to quote the technique , theories contact actual , analysis bidder how made like bid quote made comparison detailedly with study .

  10. 进行了投标报价决策和报价调整研究:运用期望利润和中标概率的关系、专家打分法进行投标价格水平的决策;运用钻探给水工艺特点和不平衡报价法进行报价调整,以求做到利润最大化。

    Then , studies on bid decision-making and bid quotation making are carried . Expected Profit method and Experts Marking technology can be used for making bid quotation , and Uneven Quotation Law is employed to adjust the quotation to maximize the profit .

  11. 本文阐述了不平衡报价的概念及具体方法,举例说明了不平衡报价法在工程中的运用。

    The thesis explains the concept of the uneven quotation law and its concrete method ; it illustrates the application of uneven quotation law in a project with examples .