
  • 网络default
  1. 然而,评级机构已经指出:“软重组”或者说重新购回或者取消未偿还债券(穆迪评级(Moody)称之为“隐性重组”),会被算作不履行义务的表现,并且会造成希腊评级的进一步下降。

    But the ratings agencies have said that such a " soft restructuring , " or even the buyback and cancellation of outstanding bonds ( which Moody 's calls a " restructuring by stealth " ) , would count as a default and lead to further cuts in Greece 's rating .

  2. 船长、船员、引水员或承运人的雇佣人员,在航行或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽或不履行义务。

    Act , neglect , or default of the master , mariner , pilot , or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship .

  3. 不履行义务就是犯罪,就是叛徒。

    Not to fulfil that duty is a crime , is treason .

  4. 理由很简单:不履行义务的后果很轻微。

    The explanation is simple : the consequences of not complying are minor .

  5. 人们过于重视自己的权利,却忽视义务。若不履行义务,则无权利可言。

    People have got their entitlements too much in mind , without the obligations .

  6. 如果债务人不履行义务而滞留其财产的权利。

    The right to take another 's property if an obligation is not discharged .

  7. 不履行义务的一方必须将障碍及其对他履行义务能力的影响通知另一方。

    The party who fails to perform must give notice to the other party of the impediment and its effect on his ability to perform .

  8. 此外,关于管理人的责任承担,本文认为,管理人应承担善良管理人的注意义务,对其故意或过失不履行义务承担责任。

    In addition , this paper argues that managers should take the duty of a good administrator , that is , mangers should be responsible for intentional or negligent behavior .

  9. 特许人对被特许人的经营活动进行指导、监督的方式和内容,被特许人须履行的义务和不履行义务的后果。

    The franchiser 's methods and content of guidance and supervision over the franchise activities of the franchisee , the franchisee 's obligations , and the consequences of failure to fulfill them .

  10. 尽管《京都议定书》要求,在下一个承诺期,不履行义务的国家要按30%的利息偿还碳排放债务,但这种惩罚只会推迟问题的解决,降低及时履行义务的动力。

    While Kyoto requires non-compliers to repay their carbon debt in the next commitment period at 30 per cent interest , this penalty merely delays the problem and reduces the motivation to then comply .

  11. 没有正当理由不履行义务的,经有关单位或者个人请求,人民法院可以取消他接受遗产的权利。

    Anyone who fails to perform the obligations without proper reasons may , upon request by a relevant organization or individual , entail nullification of his right to inheritance by a people 's court .

  12. 第三人不履行义务致使委托人受到损害的,行纪人应当承担损害赔偿责任,但行纪人与委托人另有约定的除外。

    Where the third person failed to perform its obligations , thereby causing damage to the trustor , the trustee-trader shall be liable for damages , except otherwise agreed by the trustee-trader and the trustor .

  13. 但是,如果卖方按照相关规定对任何不履行义务做出补救,或者买方拒绝接受卖方按照该规定履行义务,则买方不得减低价格。

    However , if the seller remedies any failure to perform his obligations in accordance with relevant articles or if the buyer refuses to accept performance by the seller in accordance with those articles , the buyer may not reduce the price .

  14. 责任的本质是权利的法律上之力,责任的存在是一种状态,其表现为担保义务人履行义务的担保状态和义务人不履行义务时的强制实现状态。

    The essence of responsibility is the strength in law of the right , the existence of responsibility is a kind of state , it is shown as a state of guarantee fulfilling obligations of obligator and a state fulfilling obligations by force when not fulfilling obligations .

  15. 第一百零六条公民、法人违反合同或者不履行其他义务的,应当承担民事责任。

    Article 106 Citizens and legal persons who breach a contract or fail to fulfil other obligations shall bear civil liability .

  16. 你不觉得履行义务很困难吗?

    You don 't find it hard to do your duty ?

  17. 不履行军事义务的惩罚是死刑。

    For refusing military service was death .

  18. 传统民法将民事责任制度一分为二,认为契约责任就是契约当事人一方不履行契约义务而产生的责任,而侵权责任则是不履行契约义务之外的其它致人损害所产生的责任。

    Traditional civil law divides civil liability into two parts : tort liability and contractual liability .

  19. 第四部分论述证人可以合法地不履行作证义务的情形。

    The forth part is on the circumstances that witness must or may not bear witness legally .

  20. 不履行合同义务的任何一方都有可能受到指控并被强令赔偿损失。

    Any party who fail to fulfil his contract obligation may be sued and ordered to make compensation .

  21. 实际上,它可能不会在债务上做文章,而是会部分地不履行社会义务。

    It would , in effect , partially default not on its debts but on its obligations to society .

  22. 不履行自然义务者,人格尊严存在瑕疵。人之为人必须既享有诚实对待权,又履行如实陈述义务。

    The human integrity requires everyone enjoy the right to be treated honestly and perform duty to treat others honestly .

  23. 不履行赡养义务对某人法定的依靠人不尽赡养的义务承认及执行有关赡养义务裁决的公约

    Failure to provide for the maintenance of one 's legal dependents . Convention on the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations

  24. 对于任何不履行会员义务、违反俱乐部制度或出现其它不良的行为的会员,俱乐部有权取消其会员资格。

    The club has right to abandon qualifications to those who fail to fulfill obligations , disobey club rules , or behave badly members .

  25. 而保险人因投保人不履行告知义务获得合同解除权的规定就相当特殊,至少从民法的角度,在此情况下应将其规定为合同解除权还是规定为撤销权都值得讨论。

    In the view of traditional civil theory , it need further discussing that whether it should be regulated as rescinding right or rescission right .

  26. 清算义务人不履行清算义务,应当承担清算赔偿责任,而不是清算责任。

    Where liquidation obligor fails to perform obligations of liquidation , he shall be liable for damages of liquidation , rather than the liquidation responsibility .

  27. 赡养人不履行赡养义务,老年人有要求赡养人付给赡养费的权利。

    If the supporters do no perform their duties of providing for the elderly , the latter shall have the right to ask the former for alimony .

  28. 文章就赠与合同的成立、赠与合同中的撤销权及赠与人不履行赠与义务的抗辩权等问题,结合我国《合同法》立法实践展开了进一步的研究与探讨。

    The article makes a study of its formation , the right of revocation , donee 's right of defence , considering the legislation practice of contract law .

  29. 一方不履行扶养义务时,需要扶养的一方,有要求对方付给扶养费的权利。

    If one party fails to perform this duty , the party in need of maintenance shall have the right to demand maintenance payments from the other party .

  30. 其表现形式分为不履行出资义务、不适当履行出资义务和抽逃出资三种形态。

    Its manifestations are divided into not fulfill the obligation of capital contribution , and inappropriate to fulfill the obligation of capital contribution and capital flight is three forms .