
  1. 方法:对102例在中国医学科学院整形外科医院颅颌面中心行下颌角截骨整形的患者做三维CT检查,并对其颅面结构进行三维立体测量。

    Methods 102 cases of prominent mandibular angle patients who had mandibular angle osteotomy in Plastic Surgery Hospital were examined by three-dimension CT and three-dimension cephalometry were carried out .

  2. 口内入路双侧颧骨和下颌角截骨矫正方形脸畸形

    Square Face Deformity Corrected by Intraoral Bilateral Malar and Mandibular Osteotomy

  3. 下颌角截骨面下部轮廓重塑的研究

    The Research of Basifacial Contouring Sculpture by Mandibular Angle Osteotomy

  4. 兔下颌角截骨后咬肌适应性变化

    Adaptive change of masseter muscle after the ostectomy of mandibular angle in rabbits

  5. 显效后进行下颌角截骨整形术。

    After the anesthesia had taken effect , the osteotomy of the mandibular angle was performed .

  6. 目的探索一种安全、简便、有效的下颌角截骨手术的麻醉方法。

    Objective To search a kind of safe , simple and effective local anesthesia for the mandibular angle osteotomy plasty through the intraoral approach .

  7. 计算机三维重建模拟下颌角肥大截骨的可行性

    Feasibility to simulating the osteotomy of mandibular angle hypertrophy using computer three-dimensional reconstruction

  8. 目的测量下颌角整形截骨线周围骨质的厚度,为手术提供解剖学依据。

    Objective To measure the mandibular thickness relative to the osteotomy line of mandibular angle plasty so that to provide the anatomical basis for operation .

  9. 方法:采用口内入路方法对下颌角肥大进行弧形截骨手术。

    Methods Mandibular angle prominence were treated with the Intraoral curved osteotomy .

  10. 目的定位测量下颌神经管在青年女性下颌骨体内部的走行,为下颌角截骨整形术提供解剖学依据。

    Objective To locate the mandibular canal accurately in the mandibular body of the young women and provide anatomic data for the mandibular angle plasty .

  11. 目的探讨口内入路下颌角外板矢状劈除术在下颌角肥大矫治中的临床效果,并且比较传统与改良的各种下颌角截骨手术方法的利弊。

    Objective To discuss and evaluate the clinical effects of lateral cortex around the mandibular angle osteotomy , and to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional and modified mandibular angle osteotomy methods .