
  • Hair transplantation;【医】hair grafting
  1. 自体毛发移植术治疗永久性秃发146例疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of hair autotransplantation in 146 patients with alopecia

  2. 针具打孔法单株毛发移植行眉毛美容性再造

    Single-hair grafting with needle technique for aesthetic eyebrow reconstruction

  3. 高密度毛发移植治疗瘢痕性秃发

    Dense-packing hair grafting technique for restoration of cicatricial alopecia

  4. 结论在毛发移植过程中要避免手术器械对毛乳头的损伤。

    Conclusion Damage of the dermal papilla should be avoided in hair transplantation surgery .

  5. 目的:寻求一种简单的毛发移植修复眉毛缺损的方法。

    Objective : To explore a simple surgical technique of hair restoration for the eyebrow .

  6. 毛发移植进展

    Progress in the research on hair transplantation

  7. 目的:探索一种单株毛发移植修复眉毛永久性缺损的技术。

    Objective To investigate a needle technique for single-hair grafting to repair the eyebrow loss .

  8. 目的探讨使用自体毛发移植治疗脂溢性脱发的临床效果。

    Application of combined technique of hair implanter and automatic hair transplant system in hair transplantation ;

  9. 前言:目的:综述毛发移植的研究进展。

    Objective : To make a review of the progress in the research on hair transplantation .

  10. 现有永久性非保护文件自体毛发移植治疗永久性秃发的护理

    Existing permanent unprotected file Nursing care of autologous pelage transplantation to treat patients with permanent alopecia

  11. 目的探讨和分析运用自体毛发移植术治疗脂溢性脱发的效果和特点。

    Objective To analyze the outcome of autogenous hair transplantation in treatment of seborrheic hair loss .

  12. 自体毛发移植的临床应用

    The clinical application of hair autotransplantation

  13. 简易毛发移植联合外用米诺地尔酊治疗毛发缺稀的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Simple Hairs Auto-transplantation Combined with Minoxidil Application in Patients with Hair Loss

  14. 自体毛发移植治疗脂溢性脱发60例

    Autogenous hair transplantation in treatment of hair loss due to steatorrhea : an analysis of 60 cases

  15. 结论:针具打孔法单株毛发移植技术手术方法简便快捷,出血少,手术野较清洁,再造的眉毛更加自然优美,是目前眉毛美容性再造较为理想的方法。

    It might be an ideal method for the eyebrow reconstruction with the appearance much closer to normal eyebrow .

  16. 毛发移植,织发和头皮修复术既要花费昂贵的手术费,又要多次到医生处治疗。

    Hair transplants , hair weaves and scalp reductions both require expensive surgery and multiple visits to a physician .

  17. 所以那些脱发的不幸男人就只能戴帽子或者做毛发移植手术。

    So guys who are unlucky enough to be losing their hair usually wear hats , or get hair replacement .

  18. 考虑到人们都笑话鲁尼把下体的毛发移植到了头上,我建议你别植了。

    Given the ribbing Rooney gets about transplanting hair from his nether regions to his head , I would advise against .

  19. 根据患者的情况和要求在临床上多采用自体毛发移植的方法进行治疗,但在治疗同时面临着毛发供体来源不足、各个部位毛发供体生长情况不同等问题。

    But its face several problems such as lack of hair supply and possessing different growth characteristics among different sites of hair .

  20. 毛囊细胞移植技术具有克服目前外科毛发移植的局限,尤其是供发不足的限制的潜力。

    Follicular cell transplantation has the potential to overcome many the limitations of currently surgical hair restoration , especially the finite supply of donor hair .

  21. 毛发移植术是目前公认治疗毛发缺失最有效的手段,但同时也存在不足,如供区有限及手术的二次损伤等。

    Hair transplantation is currently accepted as the most effective treatment for hair deficiency , admitted with shortcomings such as limited donor site and causing secondary damage .

  22. 结果:毛发移植有许多新的术式、新设备出现,毛发移植的基础研究已达到分子和基因水平,然而毛囊干细胞的研究和毛囊体外培养的临床应用还很不成熟。

    Result : New techniques and facilities have emerged and hair transplantation technique and researches are at the molecular and gene level . But the research of hair follicle stem cell and the technique for clinical application of in vitro cultivation of hair follicle are yet not quite mature .

  23. 毛发单元移植行眉毛美容性修复再造

    Aesthetic eyebrow reconstruction by using follicular-unit hair grafting technique

  24. 目的应用毛发游离移植胡须再造,治疗唇裂修复术后遗留的上唇瘢痕。

    Objective To treat the upper lip scar with hair transplantation after cleft lip repair .

  25. 结论毛发游移植治疗唇裂修复术后上唇瘢痕是一种切实可行的方法。

    Conclusion Single hair transplantation is an effective way to treat the upper lip scar after cleft lip repair .

  26. 细胞培养技术与毛发组织工程学为毛发移植提供了新的思路。

    The culture of cells and tissue engineering hair technique provide a new thought to transplant hair .