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xià shì
  • be born;earth;die;pass away;late generations;future world
下世 [xià shì]
  • [die] 去世,死亡

  • 秦穆先下世,三臣皆自残。-- 曹植《三良诗》

  • (1) [late generations]∶后世

  • (2) [future world]∶来世;来生

  • (3) [earth]∶下界,人间

  • 传流下世

  • (4) [be born] 〈方〉∶出世;出生

下世[xià shì]
  1. 我真希望我没有在那儿或其它什么地方下世为人!

    I wish I had never been born-there or anywhere else !

  2. 选择作用下世代间方差和选择反应变化的研究

    The Study on the Change of Variances and Selection Responses during the Generations of Selection

  3. 古时候,佛坨下世成为贝拿勒斯国王和王后的儿子。

    Once upon a time , the Enlightenment Being was born as the son of the King and Queen of Benares .

  4. 根据现代版故事剧情,原著中的宿敌蒙特格家族与凯普莱特家族因2000年在一个不知名的英国集镇发生的一起致命车祸而从此结下世仇。

    And so two families named after the original adversaries the Montagues and Capulets have loathed each other for years after a fatal car crash in an unnamed English market town in2000 .

  5. 房屋、花园以及周围的一草一木都熟悉了,原先给诺兰庄园带来一半魅力的那些日常消遣,现今在这里也都恢复起来。自从父亲下世以后,诺兰庄园一直没有使她们这么快乐过。

    The house and the garden , with all the objects surrounding them , were now become familiar , and the ordinary pursuits which had given to Norland half its charms were engaged in again with far greater enjoyment than Norland had been able to afford , since the loss of their father .