
  1. 在发展过程中,反义相成词在理性意义、色彩意义、词素排列顺序上郡会发生变化。

    In the course of its development , the Oacw would change on the rational meaning , colour meaning and the order of morphemes .

  2. 本文基于此,以大同上郡商业项目作为分析的主体,在对该项目所处的环境充分调研的基础上,分析了其所处的营销环境,对其营销实施方案进行了策划。

    Based on this , this thesis takes the " Datong Shangjun " commercial square as the main analysis . Based on the full research of the project , the thesis analyzes its marketing environment and plans the marketing implementation program .

  3. 但是麦克马洪也面临着窘境,在周三的晚上,FAYouthCup上与诺茨郡的比赛也将打响,这和一线队的比赛产生了冲突。

    McMahon will be faced by a dilemma come Wednesday as the first-team clash falls on the same evening as the re-scheduled FA Youth Cup tie at Notts County .

  4. 新建的住宅小区用上了橘郡和曼哈顿花园之类的美式名字。

    New housing compounds bear names like Orange County and Manhattan Gardens .

  5. 在政治上,汉普郡的政治和社会结构呈现出复杂性的特点,在汉普郡,一些城镇享有自治权,但它仍是一个统一的行政单位。

    In the politics , the political and social structure took on complicated conditions . In Hampshire , some cities and towns had its autonomy . However , it still was an uniform administration unit .

  6. 上篇先从总体上介绍河南郡的自然地理状况以及政区沿革,进而以河南郡为整体,讨论它在全国政治、军事格局中的作用。

    Part one firstly gives an introduction of the physical geography and administrative evolution in the prefecture of Henan generally . And then , the function of the prefecture of Henan as a whole part is argued in the political and military pattern of the empire .

  7. 大约900名在英国西北部塞拉菲尔德(sellafield)核电站工作的合同工一致停工24小时,以表示对上周三在林肯郡(lincolnshire)一家炼油厂开始的抗议活动的同情。

    About 900 contractors agreed to down tools for 24 hours at Sellafield , the nuclear power site in north-west England , in sympathy with a protest that started last Wednesday at a Lincolnshire oil refinery .

  8. 这个国家在行政区划分上分为许多郡。

    Administratively , the country is divided into counties .

  9. 这股趋势有潜力不仅在经济上而且在文化上重新塑造贝里克郡,这里曾经像停滞不前的一潭死水,如今吸引着来自大城市地区的精明老练的买家。

    The trend has the potential to remake Berwick , not just economically but culturally , as the former backwater draws in buyers from sophisticated metropolitan centres .