
  • 网络Shanghai Education
  1. 上海教育与科研网按照中国教育和科研网(CERNET)总体规划进行设计,第一期工程于1996年1月正式开通。

    Shanghai Education and Research Network ( SHERNET ) was constructed in accordance with the plan of China Education and Research Network ( CERNET ) .

  2. 上海教育与科研网的建设

    The Construction of Shanghai Education and Research Network

  3. 上海教育科学研究院研究员卢静也同意这一观点。

    Lu Jing , a researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences , agreed .

  4. 上海教育报刊业面临的困难、问题及小众化定位策略的可行性分析

    The Problems Which Shanghai Educational Press Meets and the Feasibility Analysis of " Minority " Policy

  5. 随着上海教育的飞速发展,越来越多的优秀教师成长起来。

    With the rapid development of education in Shanghai , there are more and more excellent teachers .

  6. 王立非,《现代外语教学论》,上海教育出版社,2000。

    Johnson , K.E. , Understanding Communication in Second Language Classroom , M People Education Press , 2000 .

  7. 他举例说,上海教育投入有所提高,包括教师工资和培训。

    For example , he says education spending in the province has increased , including teacher pay and training .

  8. 论教育评估中介组织的专业独立与权威&对上海教育评估院机构改革的思考与研究

    On Professional Independence and Authority of Educational Evaluation Agency & Thinking and Research about Shanghai Educational Evaluation Institute 's Reform

  9. 上海教育出版社表示,学习这本教材的小学男生将与女同学分班上课。

    The Shanghai Educational Publishing House said pupils who learn the book will have a separate classroom from their female classmates .

  10. 上海教育出版社于上周三推出了国内首本为小学男生量身定制的性别教育教材。

    The Shanghai Educational Publishing House last Wednesday launched China 's first gender textbook designed specifically for male students in primary school .

  11. 该网的建成将极大地推进上海教育和科研的现代化进程。

    It is an important component of Shanghai Information Port and will promote the development of education and scientific research modernization in Shanghai .

  12. 上海教育委员会关于透露:从今年九月起,上海的四家儿童医院将向住院的儿童提供义务教育项目。

    Four children hospitals in Shanghai are to offer compulsory education programs to hospitalised children beginning this fall , officials from the Shanghai Education Commission said .

  13. 达世新最新创作完成一本以新概念车为题材的书《“叶子”车的奇幻之旅&新概念汽车小说集》,近日由上海教育出版社出版。

    The Fantastic Journey of Leaf 's Car , Da Shixin 's collection of stories about concept cars will be published by Shanghai Education Publishing House .

  14. 上周就业和继续深造的毕业生比率达到88%,比例几乎与去年持平,上海教育委员会昨日表示。

    THE employment and further studies rate among local graduates reached 88 percent last week - almost the same percentage as last year , the Shanghai Education Commission said yesterday .

  15. 然而,她的愿望是当大学英语教师,于是她又努力考入上海教育学院,学习两年,专业为英语语言。

    Her desire , however , is to instruct English at a university . Then she entered the Shanghai Institute of Education to study for another two years . There she majored in the English language .

  16. 在电子资源建设过程中,产生了多种形式的信息资源共建共享联盟,上海教育网络图书馆是其中之一。

    In the development of electron - ic resources , there emerges various forms of library associates of cooperative information resource construc - tion and sharing , and the Shanghai Educational Net Library is one for them .

  17. 上海教育系统高级职称评委、中国作家协会会员、上海文联委员、中国电视评论学会副秘书长、中国教育电视协会常务理事。

    Senior title of professional judge , member of Shanghai author association , member of Shanghai literacy and art association , the vice secretary of China TV comment association , routine member of China Education TV association .

  18. “上海教育出版社”和“华东师范大学出版社”已出版的《科学》(7-8)年级教材,在知识体系、内容特点和风格特点等方面都有明显的不同。

    The two editions of experimental materials of " Science ( Grade 7-8 )" published by Shanghai Education Press and Huadong Normal University Press are obviously different in the respects of knowledge systems , the characteristics of content and styles .

  19. 广而言之,市郊外省市引进教师队伍的建设也是上海教育率先实现现代化、促进城乡教育一体化均衡发展的重要一环。

    Extension , the city , the outskirts of cities to introduce the construction of the contingent of teachers is also the lead in realizing modernization Shanghai Education to promote the balanced development of urban-rural integration , an important part .

  20. 本文根据人力资本-教育收益率测算法,结合相关统计数据,测算出了1990-2000年间上海教育对经济增长的贡献率为1907%。

    According to " calculation method of human capital-profit rate of education " and combining relevant statistics , the essay has calculated the contributive rate of education of Shanghai city to economic growth during 1990 's. The result is 19 07 % .

  21. 在《上海教育》杂志举办的一次微信访谈中,调查项目负责人卡琳•特伦布莱说,上海的中学教师们与同行进行了深入的交流,这帮助他们“相互促进、快速进步”。

    In an interview run by the journal Shanghai Education on WeChat , Karine Tremblay , director of the survey project , said Shanghai teachers have in-depth exchanges between peers , which helps them to " grow together on a fast track . "

  22. 基于DEA的上海高等教育现状人事制度绩效调查

    A DEA-based Investigation on Personnel System Performance of Higher Education in Shanghai

  23. 为此作者选择了比较有影响的上海外语教育出版社出版的CollegeEnglishIntegratedCourseCD-ROM(2002)作为案例进行分析和评估,力图总结并推荐一套有效的评估方法供使用者参考。

    The main concern and interest of this study is to analyze and evaluate a CD-ROM program . College English Integrated Course CD-ROM ( 2002 ) published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press is chosen because of its wide use at colleges and universities .

  24. 30年代上海租界教育改革研究

    Study of the Educational Reform in Shanghai Concession in 1930s

  25. 近代上海商业教育研究(1843&1949)

    A Study of the Commercial Education in Modern Shanghai ( 1843-1949 )

  26. 上海职业教育开放实训中心共享问题研究

    Research on Sharing Mechanism of Open Practice Center in Shanghai

  27. 是上海外语教育出版社出版的。

    It was published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press .

  28. 上海基础教育发展的价值、目标与政策选择

    The Selections about Value , Target and Polity of Shanghai General Education Development

  29. 解读上海外语教育:历史与文化语境的嬗变

    Interpreting Foreign Language Education in Shanghai in the Evolutionary Historical and Cultural Context

  30. 上海居民教育消费增长因素与效应的实证分析

    Positive Analysis of Increasing Factors and Effects of Shanghai Inhabitants ' Education Consumption