
  • 网络The Lamb of God;AGNUS DEI
  1. 基督上帝的羔羊,其提供抹杀罪恶的世界

    The Lamb of God , whose offering blotted out the sins of the world

  2. 看哪!上帝的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的。

    Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world .

  3. 上帝的羔羊就在那边。

    There is the Lamb of God .

  4. 当想到上帝的羔羊背负世人的罪孽时,他们会咬牙切齿。

    They gnash their teeth at the thought of the Lamb of God bearing the sin of man .

  5. 比如你要如何把上帝的羔羊的形象翻译给一个连羊都不存在的人类文明?

    How do you translate the image of the Lamb of God for a culture in which sheep do not exist ?

  6. 它们如何是后事的影儿呢?逾越节的两个节期的安息日预指上帝的羔羊。林前5:7说:“我们逾越节的羔羊基督,已经被杀献祭了。”

    The two sabbaths during the Passover feast foreshadowed the true Lamb of God . 1 Cor.5:7 says ," Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us . "

  7. 愿北京基督徒帮助穷困和被遗弃的人以及四川地震的灾民。愿上帝的羔羊耶稣因这些基督徒的见证而得荣耀。

    Pray that Jesus , the Lamb of God , will be glorified as Christians in Beijing serve the poor and outcasts , including those harmed by the Sichuan earthquake .

  8. 在他有生之年,他拥有很多头衔,诸如“先知”、“人类的儿子”、“上帝的羔羊”、“上帝之子”、“弥赛亚”、他的名字耶稣基督意思就是“耶稣弥赛亚”。

    In his lifetime he had many titles , such as " Prophet "," Son of Man "," Lamb of God "," Son of God "," Messiah ", The name " Jesus Christ " means " Jesus the Messiah " .

  9. 是否上帝圣洁的羔羊,曾看到了英格兰愉悦的牧草?

    And was the holy Lamb of God on England 's pleasant pastures seen ?