
shànɡ hǎi xì jù xué yuàn
  • Shanghai Drama Institute
  1. 所以我上了大学,我的母校是上海戏剧学院。

    I have a chance to go to my college . My college called ShangHai Drama Institute .

  2. 上海戏剧学院的美女多是南派气质,婉约可人。

    Shanghai Theater Academy is full of southern graceful and pleasant girls .

  3. 冷宏1978年毕业于上海戏剧学院。

    He graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy in Fine Arts in1978 .

  4. 来自上海戏剧学院戏曲舞蹈分院,酷爱演奏长笛和萨克斯。

    From drama and dance branch of Shanghai Theater institute , love flute and sax very much .

  5. 京剧体验课在上海戏剧学院端钧剧场成功举行。

    On Mar.22th , 2011 , PlayPlay Peking Opera Workshop was held in Shanghai Peking Opera Troup .

  6. 假期期间在家里,他陪同他的朋友来试镜在上海戏剧学院。

    During the holidays at home he accompanied his friends to an audition at the Shanghai Theatre Academy .

  7. 曾任上海戏剧学院院长、授,上海写作学会会长。

    He once acted as the dean and professor of Shanghai Drama College , president of Shanghai Writing Association .

  8. 作者在上海戏剧学院表演系,进行了问卷式的教学调查。

    The author of this thesis has conducted a survey in about 200 people at Shanghai Theatre Academy Acting Department .

  9. 廖凡,1997年毕业于上海戏剧学院,与李冰冰和任泉是同班同学。

    Graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1997 , Liao was in the same class with Li Bingbing and Ren Quan .

  10. 作为上海戏剧学院前院长,余秋雨曾出版过很多畅销书,内容以旅行见闻和个人经历居多。

    Yu , former head of the Shanghai Theater Academy , has published several best-selling books on his travels and personal experiences .

  11. 如今,熊佛西楼已成为上海戏剧学院的行政楼。我们要到大剧院看新剧。

    Xiong Foxi Building is now the administration building of Shanghai Theater Academy . We are going to see the new play at the Playhouse .

  12. 从上海戏剧学院毕业后,在最初两年里我只扮演了一些拥有漂亮外表的肤浅的女人。

    After I graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy , for two years the only roles I played were shallow young girls with a beautiful face .

  13. 胡歌于1982年出生于上海徐汇区,并于2001年被上海戏剧学院录取,在2005年因饰演由电脑游戏改编的同名电视剧《仙剑奇侠传》的男主角之后一炮走红。

    Born in Shanghai 's Xuhui District in 1982 , he was admitted to Shanghai Theater Academy in 2001 and immediately skyrocketed to stardom in 2005 after playing the leading actor in Chinese Paladin , a TV series based on a popular role play game of the same name .