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  1. 她是上智大学科学院的院长。

    She was Dean of the Science faculty at Sophia University .

  2. 但是,日本上智大学(SophiaUniversity)的政治学家堂本光一称,这种明显混乱的理念的背后,意味着一种呼之欲出的自由主义趋向。

    Yet underlying this apparent confusion of ideas is a liberal trend struggling to emerge , says Koichi Nakano , a political scientist at Sophia University .

  3. 东京上智大学(SophiaUniversity)政治学学者中野晃一表示,根本问题在于,政府和企业部门都不是很热心于让员工知晓自身权利和支持他们。

    The fundamental problem , said Koichi Nakano , a political scholar at Tokyo 's Sophia University , is that neither the government nor the business sector is especially keen to inform workers of their rights and to uphold them .

  4. 尽管东大的海外教学机构多于上智大学和早稻田大学(这两所高校分别为9所和8所),但著名的京都大学的海外教学机构却比东大多出12所。

    While it has more overseas facilities than Waseda or Tokyo 's Keio University which have nine and eight , respectively Kyoto University has12 more than the University of Tokyo .

  5. “东电领导人曾拜访立法委员,并得知他们正在大范围内着手控制核辐射的危害以限制电力企业。”东京上智大学的中野光一说。

    " TEPCO has been visiting lawmakers and they 're serious about trying to limit the damage and the threat to the electricity industry in general ," says Koichi Nakano of Sophia University in Tokyo .

  6. 本文介绍了北京工业大学与日本上智大学联合开发的应用于化油器式摩托车发动机上的一种新型电控系统&浮子室调压空燃比控制系统。

    In this paper the author introduces a new type of electric control system named electric control float chamber pressure adjusting system , which was developed by Beijing University of Technology and SOPHIA University of Japan .