
shàng xīn tǒng
  • Pliocene series
上新统[shàng xīn tǒng]
  1. 全球上新统-更新统界线层型剖面和点位介绍

    An brief introduction to the global pliocene - pleistocene boundary stratotype section and point

  2. 珠江口盆地渐新统&上新统高分辨率生物地层学研究方法

    The Method of High Resolution Biostratigraphic Analysis of the Oligocene-Pliocene Strata in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin

  3. 按此方法识别了本区渐新一上新统的三级层序以及层序边界年龄和最大海泛面年龄。

    By this means , the ages of Oligocene-Pliocene sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces are determined .

  4. 莺歌海盆地上新统双壳类贝壳的锶含量及其意义

    Content of Strontium in Bivalve Shells from the Pliocene Series of Yinggehai Basin and its Geochemical Significance

  5. 喷水灭火系统分段阀分别为第四系、上新统、中新统上段、中新统下段及始新统。

    Sprinkler section valve Those correspond to Quaternary , Pliocene , Upper Miocene , Lower Miocene and Eocene respectively .

  6. 上新世巴漏河组在淄博地区的发现填补了该地区上新统的空白。

    The development of the Balouhe Formation discovered at first time in Zibo area , Shandong Province filled the stratum gap of Pliocene system .

  7. 深水区储层至少有三套,始新世陆相地层、下渐新统海陆过渡相地层和上新统及其以上海相深水扇。

    There are at least three reservoir cases in deepwater : Eocene terrestrial formation , low Oligocene transitional formation and Pliocene and above marine deepwater fans .

  8. 曲靖盆地上新统地层发育,可以作为滇东大型新生代盆地沉积之代表。

    The Pliocene is very developed in the Qujing basin , which can be considered to be the representive of sediment in the large Cenozoic basin of East Yunnan .

  9. 目的层系为第三系上新统、第四系更新统,该区具备生物气成藏地质条件:有机质丰度高,生气能力强,干酪根类型好;

    Results It has the geological conditions of biological gas reservoirs : organic matter abundance is high , gas generating capacity is good , Porosity and permeability is of superiority .

  10. 从盆地边缘到中心,有勘探意义的储层依次有渐新统、中新统、上新统和第四系,岩性由粗变细。

    From boundary to centre of the basin , the reservoir beds for exploring for gas are Oligocene , Miocene , Pliocene and Quaternary and the lithology changes from coarseness to fineness .

  11. 因此,该区上新统第四系具有适合于生物气的生成、运聚成藏的地质地化条件,勘探前景广阔。

    Therefore , the sequence of Quaternary & Pliocene in Yinggehai basin has favorable condition for the generation , migration , accumulation and preservation of the biogases and is of good exploration prospects .

  12. 储层特征:马更些三角洲盆地已证实的主力储层为中&上新统水下扇沉积的辫状沟道、席状砂、水下天然堤与漫溢砂岩。

    Reservoir characteristics : Upper Miocene subaqueous fan deposition in the main reservoir of the Mackenzie Delta basin has been confirmed as braided channel , sheet sand , underwater natural levee and overflow sandstone .

  13. 珠江口盆地海相上渐新统

    Marine upper Oligocene in the Zhujiang River Mouth Basin

  14. 江汉盆地是我国东部独具特色的古近纪盐湖盆地,其潜江凹陷上始新统含盐岩系中的泥晶白云岩由泥晶白云石组成。

    The Jianghan Basin is a typical Paleogene salt lake basin in eastern China .

  15. 根据储层特征参数及其影响因素分析,认为中中新统一上中新统是最有利的礁相碳酸盐岩储层发育带。

    The middle - to upper-Miocene is the most favorable reservoir based on reservoir character parameters and the controlling factors mentioned above .

  16. 运移过程中,油气主要进入由第二扩张旋回中形成的上渐新统珠海组和下中新统珠江组为储层的有利圈闭中。

    During migration , the oil and gas have mainly gone into those advantageous traps where reservoirs are of Zhuhai Formation and Zhujiang Formation , formed during the second spreading cycle .

  17. 砂岩、碳酸盐岩和生物礁是盆地的主要储层类型,砂岩储层在中、新生界内广泛发育,而碳酸盐岩和生物礁储层则主要发育于上渐新统&第四系;

    Sandstone , carbonate rocks and organic reefs are the main reservoir types , of which the sandstone reservoir is widely developed in the Meso-Cenozoic strata , while the carbonate and organic reef reservoirs are mainly developed in the upper Oligocene to Quaternary .

  18. 塔里木盆地西南地区上、中新统对比中的若干问题

    Some problems concerning correlation of the Pliocene and Miocene Series in Southwest Tarim Basin

  19. 根据化石组合,龙家沟盆地的地层可划分为中侏罗统龙家沟组,上白垩统及上中新统保德组。

    The strata of Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the basin can be divided into three parts , Middle Jurassic ( Longjiagou Formation ), Lower Cretaceous and Upper Miocene ( Baode Formation ) .