
  • Third-grade Athlete;【体】third class athletes
  1. 女子三级跳远运动员在完善技术的同时,加强速度和力量训练,突破16m大关将为期不远。

    If women triple-jump athletes strengthen speed and strength training while keep improving technique , it will not ke long for them to jump over the pass of 16m .

  2. 高校三级跳远运动员身体素质训练研究

    Study on Body Quality Training of the Triple Jump Athletes in College

  3. 中外两名优秀三级跳远运动员起跳技术分析

    Comparative Analysis to the Take-off Techniques of Two Elite Triple-jumpers

  4. 中日青少年跳远、三级跳远运动员的比较研究

    Comparative Study between Chinese and Japanese Junior Long Jumpers and Triple Jumpers

  5. 三级跳远运动员后3次试跳心理因素分析

    A Psychological Analysis of Triple Jumpers at Their Final Three Trial Jumps

  6. 我国优秀男子三级跳远运动员跨步跳技术运动学分析

    A Kinematical Analysis on Stepping Technique of Elite Male Triple Jumpers in China

  7. 男子三级跳远运动员下肢肌肉力量特征的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Muscle Power Characteristics of Lower Limbs in Male Triple Jumpers

  8. 三级跳远运动员跨步跳踏跳效果的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics Study on Steps ' take off of Hop Step and Jump Athletes

  9. 中、外优秀男子三级跳远运动员技术特征分析

    The Analysis on Technical Characteristics of Elite Male Triple Jumpers at Home and Abroad

  10. 对河北省优秀男子三级跳远运动员技术特点变化的研究

    Research on Points of Techniques about Triple Jump for Excellent Athletes in Hebei Province

  11. 我国优秀男子三级跳运动员跨步跳阶段动作技术的运动分析

    Kinematic Analysis of the Action Technology in the Step of Chinese Top Man Triple Jumpers

  12. 中国男子三级跳远运动员助跑速度的研究

    Study on the Running Speed of the Chinese Men 's Hop , Step and Jump Athletes

  13. 现代三级跳远运动员的速度训练

    Speed training of modern triple jumper

  14. 对我国优秀男子三级跳远运动员跨步跳起跳若干运动学参数的研究

    The Kinematics Study of Step Takeoff Technique Several Kinematics Parameter If Chinese the Top Men-Triple Jump Athletes

  15. 第29届北京奥运会男、女三级跳远运动员决赛时最佳成绩表现研究

    A Comparative Study on Athletes ' Competition Ability Performance in the 29th Olympic Games Triple Jump Final

  16. 速度是三级跳远运动员取得优异成绩的关键因素,许多教练员和运动员在这方面做出了不同的努力,充分去探索和开发可能从中获得的益处。

    Speed is the critical factor for an athlete to achieve excellence in the sport of triple jump .

  17. 运用数理统计法、实验法对三级跳远运动员进行远固定力量训练。

    The methods of statistics , on-the-spot test , high speed photography and experiment were used in study .

  18. 结合女子跳远运动员朱艳艳和女子三级跳远运动员任妮的身体训练,对女子跳跃远度项目的身体训练中的一般身体素质和专项身体素质进行了理论分析和手段与方法的探讨。

    This paper analyzes theoretically general and specific physical training of female jumping events and studies relative methods and measures .

  19. 本文介绍苏联三级跳远运动员下肢能力训练的新方法。

    The paper introduces a new training method of low limbs capabilities used by the USSR hop , step and jump athletes .

  20. 对目前我国优秀男子三级跳远运动员专项素质训练水平综合评价的研究

    A Research on a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Specialty Quality and Training Level of the Present Excellent Male Triple Jumpers in China

  21. 结合实际训练总结女子三级跳远运动员身体素质训练方法:改进跑的技术;

    Combined with the actual training , the training methods of Women 's Triple Jump are summarized : improving the running skill ;

  22. 三级跳远运动员的助跑速度与成绩呈高度相关关系,助跑速度越快则成绩越好;

    The study reveals that the better results the jumpers achieved , the higher speed utilization ratio of the approaching speed is interrelated .

  23. 第29届奥运会男女跳远和三级跳远运动员决赛时竞技能力表现特征的比较研究

    Comparative study of characteristics of competitive ability of male and female long jump and triple jump athletes in finals at 29th Olympic Games

  24. 从节奏出发对世界优秀三级跳远运动员进行对比与分析,探讨现代三级跳远的训练趋势。

    This article that proceeds prom rhythm , compares and analyses the world excellent triple jumpers to explore the training trend of modern triple jump .

  25. 重复训练法、变换训练法、间歇训练法、完整法和分解法是青少年三级跳远运动员经常采用的训练方法。

    Repetitive Training , transform training method , interval training , complete law and decomposition method are frequently used in the training methods of Adolescent Triple Jumpers .

  26. 通过高速摄影等方法对我国部分男子三级跳远运动员水平速度损失进行了比较分析。

    Through using the method of high speed photograph , the author makes comparative analysis on the loss of horizontal velocity damage for our elite male triple jumpers .

  27. 运用运动训练学与运动生物力学的理论与方法,对优秀男子三级跳远运动员的助跑速度及速度利用率进行研究。

    By applying the theory and method of biomechanics , the author makes a study of approaching speed as well as the speed utilization ratio of elite triple jumpers .

  28. 通过现场拍摄等研究方法对我国部分优秀男子三级跳远运动员三跳当中着地角、起跳角等相关的数据指标进行研究。

    Through using the method of videotape at site , this paper makes analysis on related data of lading and takeoff angle of triple jump of our elite male jumpers .

  29. 使能力训练更结合专项的新探索&介绍苏联三级跳运动员下肢能力训练的新方法

    A New Exploration on Tightly Combining Capability Training with Specific Event & Introduction of a New Training Method of Low Limbs Capabilities used by the USSR Hop , Step and Jump Athletes

  30. 结果表明,我国女子三级跳远运动员第一跳、第二跳起跳的动作结构,有利于保持水平速度,第三跳起跳的动作结构有利于增大冲量。

    It was concluded that the action structure of the first and second jumps is good for keeping horizontal speed , while that of the third is helpful in increasing rush capacity .