
  • 网络Three rivers;the source of three rivers
  1. 三江源区水资源的开发利用与保护

    Development and Protection of Water Resources in the Source Region of the Three Rivers

  2. 三江源区生态移民社会适应问题的调查与思考

    Investigation and Consideration on the Social Adaptation of Eco-migration in the Three Rivers Source Area

  3. 利用3S技术建立三江源地区生态环境动态监测系统

    Dynamic monitoring system of ecological environment based on " 3s " technology in " three River resource " region

  4. 4D技术在三江源区生态环境动态监测体系的应用

    Application of 4D technology in ecological enviroment dynamic monitor in the source of the three rivers

  5. 基于3S技术,介绍了三江源自然保护区土地利用方式变化的数据处理方法、解译结果及出现的问题。

    Data processing , results interpretation and problems of variation in land use types of the Sanjiangyuan national nature reserve based on3S technology were introduced .

  6. 三江源湿地面积扩大试验(B),即将三江源区的土地覆盖/利用类型11即半荒漠换成类型14即内陆水,其余都跟第一组实验相同;

    The second one was defined as Expanded Experiment ( B ) over Three River Source Region 's wetland , as it just changed the Land Cover / Vegetation Classes over River Source Region from type 11 Semi-desert to type 14 Inland water .

  7. 针对利用“3S”技术在三江源区进行生态环境动态监测的意义、特点及可行性进行了探讨,并根据三江源区生态环境存在的主要问题,制定了动态监测主要内容。

    This article mainly discussed the meaning , the properties and the availabilities of the dynamic monitoring in ecological environment and worked out the mainly contents of the dynamic monitoring according to the main problems that existed in the ecological environment of the source of the three rivers .

  8. 三江源生态难民是具有时代性、地域性的问题。

    Ecological refugee is a population problem in epoch and region .

  9. 三江源地区牧民定居点生活供暖模式

    Heat mode of herdsmen 's settlement in the three river area

  10. 三江源区生态旅游资源的定量评价

    Quantitative evaluation of the three - river source area ecosystems tourism resources

  11. 三江源区植被变化及其对气候变化的响应

    Vegetation Change and Its Response to Climate Change in Three-River Source Region

  12. 三江源地区各类生态系统土壤的性状及其形成能力

    Soil property and its formation of ecosystems in three river sources , Qinghai

  13. 试论三江源区的生态环境与水利建设

    The Ecological Environment in the Origin of Three Rivers and Water Conservancy Construction

  14. 三江源区的自然资源状况与可持续发展&以直根尕卡地区为例

    Natural resource status and sustainable development in the Three Rivers ′ Headstream regions

  15. 三江源区草地生态系统综合评估指标体系

    The integrated assessment indicator system of grassland ecosystem in the Three-River Headwaters region

  16. 三江源夏季降水异常与大气环流异常的关系华南6月降水异常的统计与诊断分析

    Analysis of Summer Precipitation Anomaly and Atmospheric Circulation in " Sanjiangyuan " Region

  17. 三江源自然保护区法律对策研究

    A Research into Legal Countermeasure of Nature Preservation Zone of Three River Sources

  18. 三江源区四种栽培禾草抗寒性研究

    Study on Cold Resistance of Four Tame Grasses in Three - river Source Region

  19. 对三江源区生态环保的再思考

    Further thought on the environmental protection of ecology as to the three sources areas

  20. 青海省三江源地区生态系统补偿机制的探讨

    Discussion on the Complementary Mechanism of Ecological System in Qinghai Three River Sources Region

  21. 三江源自然保护与新闻宣传工作

    On the three river sources and news propaganda

  22. 三江源国家自然保护区的重要性何在?

    What is the importance of " National Nature Reserve of Three Rivers Source "?

  23. 玛尼石旅游商品在三江源地区旅游开发中的前景分析

    The Importance of Tour Merchandise-Mani Stone in Development of Tourism in the Three-Rivers Source

  24. 三江源地区水资源的涵养和保护

    Conservation and protection of water sources in the three river source area in China

  25. 中国三江源区基本生态特征与自然保护区设计

    Basic Ecological Characteristics of the Three-Rivers ' Source Area and Design of the Nature Reserve

  26. 三江源区生态与环境保护的监督管理对策

    Countermeasures of supervision and management for ecological and environmental protection in three river sources areas

  27. 三江源地区生态环境重建对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures for Rehabilitation of Ecological Environment in the Source Area of Three Rivers

  28. 三江源地区禾本科牧草丸粒化种子种植比较研究

    Comparative Study on Seeds Cultivation of Gramineae Pelleting Seed in the Three Rivers Source Areas

  29. 生态移民是治理和保护三江源生态环境的重要选择。

    Ecology immigration is an important choice which govern and protect three rivers sources ecological environment .

  30. 三江源湿地消长对区域气候影响的数值模拟

    Modelling Experiments on Impacts of Three River Headwater Region 's Changed Area on the Regional Climate