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  • the Bandung Conference
  1. 论万隆会议及其影响

    On the Bandung Conference and Its Influences

  2. 万隆会议后,中国和亚洲国家的关系进一步发展,与非洲和阿拉伯国家的关系有所突破。

    Soon after the Bandung Conference , China made a breakthrough by establishing diplomatic relations with Asian and African countries .

  3. 亚非国家会议(万隆会议)

    Conference of Asian African Countries ( Bandung Conference )

  4. 二十世纪,我以为最为重大而值得纪念的事件就是万隆会议。

    I believe the most important and memorable episode in our exchanges in the20th century is the Bandung Conference .

  5. 亚洲国家率先倡导和平共处五项原则,并同非洲国家一道,在万隆会议上提出处理国家间关系的十项原则。

    Asian countries were the first to advocate the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence and , together with African countries , put forward the Ten Principles on handling state-to-state relations at the Bandung Conference .