
  1. 感谢你在4月14日的这个周一花10分钟收看CNN学生新闻。

    Thank you for taking ten minutes on this Monday April 14th for CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  2. 当时李裕一花了10天时间苦苦思索,是否要承担起这家SUV生产商的共同管理人角色;此前双龙汽车因为所产车型越来越落伍,陷入了销量不断下滑的困境。

    Mr Lee spent 10 days agonising over whether to take on the role of joint administrator at the SUV maker , which had suffered falling sales of its increasingly outdated models .

  3. 好些人都为这一花招所骗。

    Many a person had been taken in by that trick .

  4. 在多数情况下,这笔钱当然值得一花。

    In most cases it is certainly good value for money .

  5. 一沙一世界,一花一天国。

    TO see the world in a grain of sand .

  6. 一花一世界,一木一菩提?

    Do you think one flower is a world ?

  7. 莲花洋一花一世界

    One flower , the whole world lotus sea

  8. 一花一木都有生命;

    Every tree and flower has a purpose .

  9. 独木不成林,就象一花独秀不是春一样。

    One tree can 't make a wood like one flower can 't make a spring .

  10. 一种野生天大的加拿大鹅雏鹅寻找食物,一花场附近的一个罗斯堡,美国俄勒冈州池塘。

    A wild days-old Canada goose gosling looks for food in a flowery field near a pond in Roseburg , Ore.

  11. 自然从不庸俗,真实的一草一木,一花一鸟,一熊一山,都是很奥妙和可爱的。

    Nature never vulgar , the real plants , flowers and birds , a bear mountain , are very subtle and lovely .

  12. 结果表明侧向器官中子叶与真叶光合组织具单一花环状结构及双相叶绿体;

    The results included that single Kranz structure and diphasic chloroplast are found in the photosynthetic structure of seminal leaf and true leaf ;

  13. 也许是将要的离别的缘故吧,看到学校的一花一草,竟是如此的可爱可亲!

    Perhaps it is to be separated from the fact of it , to see schools spend a grass one , could be so lovely to come !

  14. 茶叶的一花茶芳构化主要是用来烤绿茶和少量的细长和投标炒绿茶。

    The tea leaves used for aromatization of a scented tea is mainly roasted green tea and a small amount of slender and tender stir-fried green tea .

  15. 事实上,古人已经告诉了我们:“一花一世界”,这不是真理,这是通过领悟而知的精神事实。

    As the ancient saying goes ," see a world in a grain of sand " . We cannot see it as truth , but it is a mental reality revealed by means of in-depth realization .

  16. 但我一两年才去一次,并把自己一天的花费限制在50或100美元。钱一花完,我就四处溜达,看看风景。

    But I go only once every year or two , and set myself a limit of $ 50 or $ 100 a day . When that 's gone , I walk around and see the sights .

  17. 一叶落而天下知秋,一花开则世间见微。一位来自密歇根的摄影师用一个平凡的茶壶记录下其生命旅程中的美好瞬间。

    While a falling leaf is indicative of the approaching autumn and a wild flower can be the epitome of heaven , a photographer from Michigan has transformed a humble tea kettle into a vessel reflecting the beauty she encounters on her journey through life .

  18. 另外,探讨了雌蕊或雄蕊败育的生理意义,在长期的进化中,败育的雌蕊或雄蕊废物重新被利用,为同一花中迅速发育的雌蕊或雄蕊提供能量和物质的需求。

    Besides , the physiological significance of androecium or gynoecium abortion was discussed . In the evolution of long period of time , the aborted androecium or gynoecium " scrap " could be used by the same flower to offer energy and substance for flower development .

  19. 一花一世界,一草一天堂,一叶一菩提,一土一如来,一方一净土,一笑一尘缘,一念一清净,心似莲花开。

    A flowered world , a grass heaven , a bodhi , an earth Tathagata , a side pure land , as soon as smiles a fatality of this world , as soon as reads one pure , the heart resembles the lotus flower to start .