- 网络the primary market

Central banks and insurers account for less than 10 per cent of purchases in the primary market , according to HSBC .
IPO efficiency , the primary market efficiency , is an important part of capital market efficiency , which equity separation reform absolutely has a profound impact on .
The mechanism for pricing and distributing IPO is an important factor affecting the efficiency of the primary stock market .
Based on the intrinsic value of new shares , then this chapter respectively decomposes IPO initial yield from the primary and secondary market .
Further empirical research shows that financial regulations are the most important factor affecting IPO underpricing and IPO underpricing decreases with the improvement of the primary market .
However , they ignores the widespread problem of asymmetric information in the financial system , especially asymmetric information on the credit markets which also impact IPO underpricing .
Then , it selects 1098 IPO samples from 1996 to 2006 listed in A-Share market and tests their underpricing rate by dividing samples into groups and selecting return measurement methods .
The third chapter analyze the MBS risk and propose the corresponding risk management measure based on unioning real estate market and housing mortgage loan level of markets situations .
IPO underpricing , which connect a stock market pricing with secondary market trading price , has always been an important reference standard for the study of IPO pricing rationality and effectiveness of the secondary market .
Because the degree of under-pricing is the result of comparing the offering price in the first market with the transaction price in the second price , so we must consider if the price in the second market is rational .
Theoretically , if the needs of the secondary market is a market basis for setting prices , and that the underpricing problem should not exist , however , empirical proof of IPO underpricing problem is prevalent in all countries .
Markets respectively , from a perspective of earnings management small plates listed on the first day of IPO stock return over the issue , while the secondary market study based on the first day of listing the reasons for the closing price above the issue price .
By B-S options pricing model , the paper calculates the initial allocation price of carbon emissions in different regions , and get a detailed analysis of the price formation mechanism in the secondary market .
Explanatory variables used in these regressions are the actual issue price , and therefore , when artificially issued at a discount on the primary market , these regression equations had underestimated the true value of the IPO . Of course , the regression results will lack credibility .
Therefore , only through the relaxation of government control and improve the overall governance of listed companies is to reduce the long-standing severe IPO underpricing in the fundamental path selection , and thus can stay permanently in a huge sum of money on the market generate crowding-out effect .
Underpricing is defined as that initial public offerings of common stocks are systematically priced at a discount to their subsequent trading price In 1975 , Ibbotson found empirical evidence of underpricing .
This article pays much attention to the stock issue market .
About the primary market and secondary market of pollutant emission right
Marketeering is the direction of the first rank market .
Primary dealers usually like to keep quiet about their asking prices .
Thoughts on " Government Monopoly of Primary Land Market "
Study on the Supply and Demand and Development of First-Class Urban Housing Market
Systemic Mechanism and Solutions of the Formation of High PE Ratio in IPOs
Rural-urban land conversion and the primary land market equilibrium
Over the same period the number of primary dealers also rose rapidly .
Study on the Underpricing in Chinese IPOs Market
Product Differentiation of Electric Power and Deterrence of Market Entry in First Grade Market
Some Reflection on the Perfection of the First Level Market of Urban Land in Shanghai
An Analysis of First-Level Land Market of China & with Beijing City as an example
The local governments monopolize the primary market , which ensures the governments ' revenue .