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  1. 他储藏了一窑好酒。

    He has put down a good cellar of wine .

  2. 这驴子能在顷刻之间打破窑器,但它却一百年也做不成一个窑器呀!

    The donkey can break wares in a second , but it can not make a ware in one hundred years .

  3. 原来啊也是景德镇的一位窑工。

    Originally , he was also a kiln worker here .

  4. 实践证明,此分段干燥法在一干燥窑上可缩短干燥时间18.2%和节约燃耗13.2%。

    It proves that it can shorten drying time by 18.2 % and decrease the fuel consumption by 13.2 % .

  5. 介绍一种转窑表面温度监测仪。

    A temperature monitor for rotary kiln shell is introduced .

  6. 一种回转窑椭圆度的测量装置

    An instrument measure the ellipticity of rotary kiln

  7. 一种石灰窑煤气流量检测及在线补偿的新方法

    A New Method for Flow Measurement of Lime Kiln Coal Gas and Its Online Compensation

  8. 本产品是以粉煤灰陶粒为主要原料制成的一种新型窑衬材料。

    This product is a new kind of kiln lining materials made with coal dust ceramisite .

  9. 介绍一种回转窑机械运行状态计算机在线监测系统的设计与应用。

    This paper describes the design and application of supervision of mechanic parameters on rotary kiln .

  10. 介绍了一种回转窑在施工检修过程中的现场测量、理论计算以及实际调整的科学方法。

    This paper introduces a scientific measuring and adjusting method for rotary kiln in the course of inspection .

  11. 我不需要木柴。我得到大订单,要建一个陶瓷窑。

    I don 't need firewood . I have this big order to fill and have to build my pottery kiln .

  12. 为了彻底改变综放顶煤冒放性差、回收率低等问题,对井工一矿上窑采区综放工作面回采工作进行了研究。

    In order to change comprehensive caving poor , the recovery rate and low issues completely , comprehensive caving working face mining is researched in a working face .

  13. 如果换成是今天,她想获得1200索尔的贷款、启动几年前买下的一个新窑区,结果可能会让人失望。

    If she were trying today to get the loan of 1,200 sol for a new kiln that she secured a few years ago , she would be disappointed .

  14. 同时,阿拉巴马反恐特警组正努力营救被绑架的儿童,这名儿童被关在蒙哥马利南部乡镇米德兰的一处地窑中。

    Meanwhile , an Alabama SWAT team is trying to rescue a child being held hostage in a bunker in a rural town of Midland City , south of Montgomery .

  15. 文章介绍了锌浸出渣挥发窑的基本原理,结合一系统挥发窑改进,分析了挥发窑低空污染产生的原因,提出合适的治理方案。

    This paper introduced the basic theory of Zinc leaching residue volatilization kiln , combine with the practice improving on the one system before , and analyzing the causation of the low-level-pollution of Zinc leaching residue volatilization kiln . then bring forward a suitable project .

  16. 利用OM、SEM、EDAX和XRD检测方法研究了一种在隧道窑烧成带使用10年的再结合镁铬砖显微结构均化现象。

    Microstructural homogeneity of a rebonded magnesia-chrome brick used in tunnel kiln in a period of 10 years were studied by means of OM , SEM , EDAX and XRD .

  17. 她甚至在一座自制的窑里烧制她自己的磁砖

    She even fired her own tiles in a homemade kiln .

  18. 研究了一种用于回转窑的红外成像系统;

    A thermal imaging system used in a rotary kiln is developed .

  19. 一种新型水泥窑废气余热锅炉的设计开发

    Development and Design of A New Type Heat Recovery Boiler of Cement Kiln

  20. 论文的最后给出了一个工业回转窑烧结温度专家控制器的设计。

    Finally , an expert controller 's design of sintering temperature of industrial rotary kiln is discussed .

  21. 那是一个法恩扎①窑的盘子,上面画的是几个当药剂师的孩子,手里拿着其大无比的注射器,在追逐一群飞着的爱神。

    It was a Faenza platter representing little Loves flitting away pursued by apothecary lads armed with enormous syringes .

  22. 基于这个控制方案,一个回转干燥窑分布式控制系统已经建立在某有色金属冶炼厂。

    Based on the scheme , a distributed control system for the rotary dryers has been established in a nonferrous metals smeltery .

  23. 文章提出了一种在回转窑火焰图像中自动分割物料区和火焰区的方法。

    In this paper , I provide the auto-segment materiel section and flame section method of flame image of the rotary kiln .

  24. “项目方在2004年底找到我们,问我们能否为申河水泥厂的一个新水泥窑设计一个余热回收发电装置。”张福滨回忆说。

    " The project initiators approached us in2004 , asking us to design a waste-heat power-generation facility for Shenhe Cement 's new kiln ," Zhang recalls .

  25. 本文简述了一种水泥回转窑实时专家控制系统的组成和实现方法。

    This paper expounds a real time expert control system for cement rotary kiln The control system for cement rotary kiln consists of two parts : base automation and process automation .

  26. 为研究连续升温干燥工艺的特点与机理,作者采用了红松和水曲柳板材逆行了一系列的小型窑干实验。

    To characterize the process and mechanism of the CRT dryig schedule two common species of Chinese commerical timbers ( Pinus koraiensis and Fraxinus mandshurica ) were used for trials in an experimental drying kiln .

  27. 针对陶粒回转窑自动化程度不高的现状,在基于人工控制经验的基础上,采用模糊逻辑的推理方法,开发了一种陶粒回转窑温度的模糊控制方法。

    Aimed at the low degree of automatization of Clay-grain Rotary Kiln , This paper introduces consequence method of fuzzy logic and develops a fuzzy control method to control temperature of Clay-grain Rotary Kiln based on man-made controlling .

  28. 全氧燃烧与空气燃烧相比,燃烧产物中水蒸气的含量有很大的不同,这一差异改变了窑内的运行条件和玻璃液性质,加速了耐火材料的侵蚀。

    Compared with air combustion , the water vapor content produced in total oxygen combustion has increased a lot . The increase of the water vapor content has changed the operation condition of the tank and the property of the liquid glass and thus accelerated the corrosion of the refractories .

  29. 本实用新型涉及一种耐火层锚固件,特别涉及一种石灰窑上套筒用锚固件。

    The utility model relates to a refractory layer anchoring part , in particular to an anchoring part for the sleeve on lime kiln .

  30. 张福滨特别推荐了使用他们研究院余热回收技术的一个典型,即位于浙江省杭州市郊区的申河水泥厂的一个回转水泥窑。

    Zhang proudly shows off a revolving kiln , humming inside the Zhejiang Shenhe Cement company in suburban Hangzhou , capital of east China 's Zhejiang province .