
  • 网络service package;Package Services
  1. 经济全球化,特别是我国进入WTO之后,开放的电信市场要求成都电信也必须加入无缝服务(SeamlessService)和一揽子服务(OneStopShopping)的全球性竞争。

    Economic globalization , especially after China entered into the World Trade Organization , the open telecommunications market requests Chengdu Telecom join in the global competition of " seamless service " and " one stop shopping " .

  2. 在中国有效的模式,是通过硬件提供一揽子服务。

    What works in China is a package of services delivered via the hardware .

  3. 从审计业务与非审计业务的一揽子服务谈社会审计质量

    Inquiring the Quality of Social Audit in Perspective of the Integrated Services of Audit and Non-Audit Business

  4. 经过两年多的前期准备工作,我们现在可以提供一揽子服务工作来解决这些问题。

    After more than two years preparing work , we now can provide a server package for the registration work to settle the problems .

  5. 另一个网民说原以为假日将从12月30日开始她已经预定了12月30日到1月1日的旅游一揽子服务。

    Another netizen said she had booked tourism packages between December 30 and January 1 on the assumption that the holiday would run from December 30 .

  6. 据悉,这次星汇公司推出的新的服务方式和内容,包括了风格设计、装修设计、施工管理、家具配置、系统软装配饰等管家式一揽子服务方案。

    Also , it launches a new service method and content , including style design , fitment design , construction management , home furnishing , soft decoration and so on .

  7. 私人银行是银行面向高净值客户提供的顶级专业化的、以财富管理和财务保障为核心的一揽子金融服务。

    Private bank is a kind of business that banks supply High Net Worth Individual with the top professional , to wealth management and financial security as the core package of financial services .

  8. 预计索尼电脑娱乐公司将于3月中旬公布一揽子PSP网上服务协议。分析师预计,结盟对象将至少包括一家大型ISP,如雅虎(Yahoo)。

    SCE is expected to reveal a package of PSP online services in mid-March , with analysts expecting the tie-ups to involve at least one big ISP , such as Yahoo .

  9. 为此,跨国公司和大型集团企业普遍要求商业银行为其提供一揽子现金管理服务。

    Therefore , multinational companies and large conglomerates generally ask commercial banks to provide a package of cash management services .

  10. 他们经常跟着旅行团或者是购买旅行套餐(一揽子的全套服务),而不是自己去计划一切事情。

    Americans will often travel as part of a tour group or buy a tour package rather than making all the plans themselves .