
  1. 警方一开始就知道我是无辜的。

    The police knew from day one that I was innocent .

  2. 我从一开始就知道我的所作所为毫无道理。

    I knew from the beginning that there was no justification for what I was doing .

  3. 他从一开始就知道他们会成为朋友。

    He knew they 'd be friends from the very beginning .

  4. 我打从一开始就知道她是个律师。

    I knew all along that she was a lawyer .

  5. 我从一开始就知道他是错的。

    I knew from the beginning that he was wrong .

  6. 我从一开始就知道一切,佐伊

    I 've known everything from the beginning , Zoe .

  7. 我从一开始就知道了。

    I knew it when I 'm on the start .

  8. 你从一开始就知道所发生的事。

    You knew all along what was going on .

  9. 正像我们一开始就知道的。

    Like we were told in the very beginning .

  10. 上帝看得一清二楚,他从一开始就知道了该是怎样的结局。

    God was not blind , he knew the result at the beginning .

  11. 你从一开始就知道,但是却没有告诉我。

    You knew all the time , and you didn 't tell me .

  12. 我不妨承认我从一开始就知道答案。

    I may as well admit that I knew the answer all along .

  13. 我从一开始就知道,你才是值得相信的人。

    I knew you were the one to trust right from the start .

  14. 雇员们从一开始就知道他们的工作今年将结束。

    Employees knew from the outset that their jobs would finish this year .

  15. 我从一开始就知道,我终能找到你。

    I always knew from the very start , I would find a way .

  16. 你们一开始就知道他们会被淘汰?

    You already knew that they werert * ?

  17. 你从一开始就知道帕西在测试你吗

    Percy was testing you the whole time ?

  18. 你应该从一开始就知道这点。

    You should know this from the start .

  19. 依我看,他们一开始就知道这些货物是偷来的。

    If you ask me , they knew all along that the goods were stolen .

  20. 她从一开始就知道这件事很难办。

    She knew right from the word go that it was going to be difficult .

  21. 这你一开始就知道

    You knew that when we started .

  22. 你从一开始就知道他为什么要进去对吧

    You know why he went in there in the first place don 't you ?

  23. 我们一开始就知道小刚,所以我们的结合力很强。

    We knew Xiao Gang right from the beginning , so our bond is pretty strong .

  24. 他从一开始就知道她不喜欢他。

    He has known , all along , that she does not like him at all .

  25. 只有当人们一开始就知道开会的目的时,会议才会富有成效。

    Meetings can only be productive if people know why they 're meeting in the first place .

  26. 我从一开始就知道你对我是个威胁,尤其是万圣节后。

    I knew you were a danger to me right from the off , especially after Halloween .

  27. 每个人都一开始就知道谁会得到那份工作&面试只是做个样子罢了。

    Everyone knew who was going to get the job from the start & the interviews were just a charade .

  28. 冯小刚坦言我从一开始就知道这将是一部会吸引大部分中国观众注意力的电影。

    I knew from the very beginning that this will become a film that would attract a big Chinese audience .

  29. 我佩服他们好会保密。哦,真的?我从一开始就知道的。

    I admire the way they have keep it secret . oh , really ? I know about it all along .

  30. 而怀疑一切的预言者则表示,这一切都是徒劳,因为他们从一开始就知道欧元注定将是一个悲剧。

    Prophets of a sceptical bent say all this is futile because they knew all along the single currency was doomed .