
  1. 等着吧,一切都会过去的。

    Wait , and it 'll all blow over .

  2. 秋雨依旧如此落下,但一切都会过去。

    So fell autumn rain , but all things must pass .

  3. 她是对的,一切都会过去的,安顿。

    She 's right . it 'll all work out , anton .

  4. 这句至理名言就是:这一切都会过去。

    These four words are : This too shall pass .

  5. 如果发生意外,不要过于担心,一切都会过去的。

    If they go wrong dont worry , it wont last long .

  6. 遇到挫折的时候,请微笑面对,请相信,一切都会过去的!

    Setbacks , please smile , please believe that everything will be ok !

  7. 但是一切都会过去的,我一定要赢。

    No one can be sure who will win .

  8. 一切都会过去,而过去的一切都是美好的回忆。

    Everything is going to pass , and the passed is nice memory .

  9. 其实痛苦却只是短暂的,一切都会过去。

    Actually , the pain is transient and it will be all over .

  10. 听着,不管你经历了什么,这一切都会过去。

    Look , whatever it is , whatever you 're going through , it 'll pass .

  11. 穷困潦倒时,我告诉自己,这一切都会过去;

    When I am strangled in poverty I shall tell myself that this too shall pass ;

  12. 当我因成功洋洋得意时,我提醒自己,这一切都会过去。

    When I am puffed with success I shall warn myself that this too shall pass .

  13. 还是那句老话,一切都会过去,只有真理永存。

    There is an old saying : everything will be over , only the truth will remain .

  14. 朱莉:你只是一时感到痛苦,一切都会过去的。

    Julie : You 're just feeling bitter right now , but you 'll get over it .

  15. 但是对这一切都会过去的保证,当然是包括所有这些的概括性保证。

    But a reassurance that this will all pass is certainly a blanket assurance that would cover all these bases .

  16. 它与母女代代相传的老生常谈相悖。我们一直以为:一切都会过去的。

    It goes against a truism handed down from mothers to daughters for generations : This , too , shall pass .

  17. 别和自己过不去,一切都会过去。别和往事过不去,它已经过去。

    Don 't harass yourself , everything will be past . Don 't harass things before , it has already past .

  18. 不管怎么样,一切都会过去的,未来应该是美好的,不过得自己去争取。

    In any case , everything will be past , the future should be bright , but have to fight for themselves .

  19. 有志者自有千计万计(未必敌得过千难万难),无志者只感千难万难(一切都会过去)。

    Own thousands of millions of people with lofty ideals , without a sense of1000 Chi are only difficult to extremely difficult .

  20. 因此不管什么时候你面临挑战或麻烦的时候,都要坚信一切都会过去的决不能做个放弃者。

    So anytime you are face to face with challenge or trouble , just believe it will be over and never be a quitter .

  21. 但这一切都会过去,圈内人士相信,长远来看,投资者有朝一日会重新燃起对外汇市场的兴趣。

    All things pass , however , and in the longer term , insiders are confident that interest in FX will pick up again at some point .

  22. 我也不知道该怎么和你说它就是发生了我…也许这就是个插曲也许一切都会过去我…会让它过去的

    I don 't know what to say.It just happened . I. .. Maybe it 'll go away.Maybe it 'll fade . I just ... I have to see it through .

  23. 即使美国的父母遭受重大经济或个人(工作或生活)灾难,他们感到仍有责任对孩子说,“宝贝儿,一切都会过去的。”

    Even if American parents suffer a major business or personal catastrophe , they feel obliged to turn to their children and say ," Honey , everything is going to be all right . "

  24. 视频中,他谴责了欺负自己儿子的男孩子们以及天主教学院,因为学校在这个绝望的孩子寻求帮助的时候告诉他:“你会没事的…很快一切都会过去的。”

    In it , he condemns both the boys who " tormented " his son and the Catholic school that reportedly told him , " You 'll be fine ... These things will pass " when the teen went to school officials for help .

  25. 而现在的一切都会成为过去。

    And all this will be a distant memory .

  26. 上帝保佑,我不知道这一切什么时候会过去。

    God blesses , I did not know when all these can pass .

  27. 无论成功失败,所有的一切都会成为过去。

    Whatever success failure , everything would be a thing of the past .