
  • 网络Horcruxes;horcrux
  1. 告诉他关于其他魂器所在地的信息?

    Give him information about the location of the other Horcruxes ?

  2. 现在他终于知道了,他生命的长短始终是由消灭所有魂器需要多少时间而决定的。

    Now he saw that his life span had always been determined by how long it took to eliminate all the Horcruxes .

  3. 想看丹尼尔裸戏的粉丝们要high了,一个魂器引发了Ron的幻象,让他看到了哈利和赫敏卿卿我我,搂搂抱抱。

    When a horcrux forces Ron to imagine his worst fears , playing on his insecurities , one of the images he sees is Harry and Hermione kissing and embracing .

  4. 分院帽不是魂器。

    The Sorting Hat is not a Horcrux .

  5. 帷幔是否能像夺去一个人生命那样使魂器销毁吗?

    Would the Veil actually destroy a Horcrux the way it kills a person ?

  6. 哈利,你是第七个魂器,是他无意间制造的。

    You were the seventh Horcrux , Harry , the Horcrux he never meant to make .

  7. 即使哈利被杀死了,仍有一个魂器把伏地魔绑在尘世间。

    One Horcrux remained to bind Voldemort to the earth , even after Harry had been killed .

  8. 许多作家都注意到这种行为跟制造魂器有类似之处。

    The resemblance of this action to the creation of a Horcrux has been noted by many writers .

  9. 我认为是的,因为他没有认出复活石,而是把它变成一个魂器。

    I do not think so , because he did not recognize the Resurrection Stone he turned into a Horcrux .

  10. 但是,如果那男孩销毁了他的某个魂器,他,黑魔王伏地魔,肯定会知道,肯定会感觉到吧?

    But surely if the boy had destroyed any of his Horcruxes , he , Lord Voldemort , would have known , would have felt it ?

  11. 我说,好的一面是,罗恩最后说道,他坐在那里看着手上的皮肤重新长出来,我们拿到了魂器。

    Well , on the upside , said Ron finally , who was sitting watching the skin on his hands regrow , we got the Horcrux .

  12. 哈利从他刚脱下的湿外衣口袋里掏出那个魂器,放在面前的草地上。

    Harry pulled the Horcrux from the pocket of the wet jacket he had just taken off and set it down on the grass in front of them .

  13. 在哈利、赫敏和罗恩开始他们寻找魂器之旅时,他们没有制定详实的计划,而是走一步是一步。

    When Harry , Hermione , and Ron began their search for horcruxes , they let the urgency to complete the mission distract them from organizing a solid plan .

  14. 离开了霍格沃茨学校的隐蔽,三人一路逃亡一路寻找魂器,他们褪去了魔法袍子,穿上了麻瓜便装,让大家伙儿眼前一亮。

    Now that the trio have left Hogwarts in search of Voldemort 's horcruxes , they have shed their wizarding robes and are able to express their style more fully .

  15. 黑暗势力席卷魔法学校,三人决定最后一年辍学,去寻找剩下的魂器,打倒伏地魔。可惜,邓布利多糟了暗算。哎。悲剧开始了。

    As dark forces bear down on Hogworths the three vow to skip their final year at school in order to find the remaining Horcruxes and defeat Lord Voldermort once and for all .

  16. 三个好朋友离开了安全的霍格沃茨,去寻找魂器,还被食死徒在全英格兰追击,他们要将哈利活着带给伏地魔。

    The three friends have left the safety of Hogwarts to find the Horcruxes , and are being pursued across England by the Death Eaters , who must bring Harry to Voldemort alive .