
kào bèi
  • back;backrest;back of a chair;armor-clad
靠背 [kào bèi]
  • (1) [back of a chair]∶椅背

  • (2) [armor-clad]∶靠把

靠背[kào bèi]
  1. 长凳的靠背可以向前翻折成一张桌子。

    The back of the bench folds forward to make a table

  2. 用枕头垫一下汽车坐椅靠背。

    Pad the back of a car seat with a pillow

  3. 椅子的靠背上搭着一件叠得整整齐齐的粉色毛衫。

    There was a neatly folded pink sweater on the back of the chair .

  4. 有拱形靠背的椅子

    a chair with an arched back

  5. 请您将座椅靠背和桌面托盘调直以便起飞。

    We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off .

  6. 斜靠式拱桥(又称斜靠背式拱桥或双提篮拱桥、复式提蓝拱桥,doubleX-archbridge)是近些年来在提篮拱桥基础上发展起来的一种新型拱桥结构型式。

    Double X-arch bridge , derived from X-arch bridge , is one of the new arch bridge types .

  7. acorn电滑梯特别配置了加垫的座椅和靠背为你提供最舒适的享受

    The Acorn Stairlift has a pedded seat and backrest for maximum comfort .

  8. 概述了LF轿车的前排座椅靠背背板本地化项目中,材料选择应重点考虑的性能:拉伸性能、弯曲性能和冲击性能。

    Presented the key performance which should be focused on were stretch performance , bend performance and impact performance when raw material were selected in the localization project of seat back garnish in LF vehicle .

  9. 所以我们也经常看到飞机上有人吵架,有人带着膝盖捍卫者(KneeDefender,一种令前座的椅背无法放倒的小玩意——编注)上飞机,结果前座的人没法把靠背放倒,双方大动干戈。

    So we do see altercations everywhere in the sky , whether it 's the guy who brings the [ Knee ] Defender on and gets in a fight with person in front of him because he can 't recline his seat .

  10. 风格华丽的带靠背的船长椅用英式风格的簇绒做装饰。

    Gorgeous Wingback style Captain 's Chairs with English style tufting .

  11. 沙发靠背上的那块污迹是什么?

    What 's that mark on the back of the sofa ?

  12. 拆卸和安装后座靠背的衬垫-“信息”章节

    Removing and installing padding for rear backrest-chapter on " information "

  13. 新的拱桥桥台&靠背式框架桥台

    A New Type Abutment of Arched Bridge-the Back - Framed Abutment

  14. 确保靠背不能向前和向后倾斜。

    Make sure that the backrest cannot tilt backward or forward .

  15. 座垫及靠背均为绳网结构。

    Both the seat cushion and backrest are rope net structures .

  16. 请将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。

    Please bring your seat back to its full upright position .

  17. 拆卸和安装靠背壳需要两个人才能完成。

    Two persons are needed to remove and install the backrest shell .

  18. 一丝絮语从椅子的靠背上轻轻飘来。

    A little whispered word back upon the cushion of the chair .

  19. 一张土耳其地毯盖在长椅的靠背上。

    A Turkish rug lay draped over the back of the settee .

  20. 高靠背的椅子是乔治?华盛顿的。

    And the one with the tall back was for George Washington .

  21. 靠背式基础承载特性分析及设计方法研究

    Bearing Properties and Design Method of Lean - Back Base

  22. 将靠背罩和加热部件一起更换并执行功能测试。

    Replace backrest covering together with heating element and perform function test .

  23. 紧靠矮桌的长沙发椅只有一面弯曲的有靠背的长椅。

    A couch that is sided By low taBles .

  24. 将靠背尽可能向前移动。

    Move the backrest as far forward as possible .

  25. 这个椅子的靠背可以调整。

    The back of the dental chair was adjustable .

  26. 请问主持靠背放倒和支持你的背部不同的位置?

    Does the chair backrest recline and support your back in different positions ?

  27. 黑色按钮是调节靠背的。

    The black button adjusts the seat back cushion .

  28. 座椅高度、大腿支撑和靠背角度可进行个性化调整。

    Seat height , thigh support and backrest angle are all individually adjustable .

  29. 一种没有靠背和扶手的简易的座位。

    A simple seat without a back or arms .

  30. 可电动调节高度和靠背角度的前排座椅

    Front seats with electrically adjustable height and backrest angle