
  1. 从事业上的发展来看,在军队里只要你干得好,不需要靠关系。

    Career progression isn 't based so much on connections but more on performance .

  2. 忽然发现自己很穷,没有钱,未来也没有一条很明确的路。靠关系得到吗?

    I do not believe in self to be able to get the affirmative answer .

  3. 卡尔的爷爷是这家公司的老板,所以卡尔很有机会靠关系得到这份差事。

    Carl 's grandfather owns the company , so Carl is on the inside track for the job .

  4. 目前,非上市公司的股票市场很大程度上还是靠关系,需要很多的人际互动。

    Right now , the market for private shares is largely a relationship business that involves a lot of human touch .

  5. 造就婚姻靠关系亲密,不靠一个仪式,或政府的一纸证书。

    Intimacy is what makes a marriage , not a ceremony , not a piece of paper from the state . ( Kathleen Norris )

  6. 因为土地政策改革的趋势就是协议拿地的上游逐渐成为明日黄花,靠关系能人拿地终将被土地公开交易所取代。

    Because land policy reform trend is the agreement with the upstream gradually become something to rely on relations to be wrong with the open land exchanges replaced .

  7. 报告还说,女性百万富翁希望理财顾问能够理解她们的独特个人情况和价值观,不要因为她们的性别戴上有色眼镜,或用高人一等的口气和她们说话。她们还希望理财顾问能够认识到建立一种可靠关系的重要性。

    The report also said the women millionaires want their advisers to understand them " in terms of their unique profiles and values , " and not to stereotyped by gender or " talked down to . " They also want an adviser who " recognizes the importance of an authentic relationship . "

  8. 地缘性的瓦解,人们的家只靠血缘关系联系。

    Geopolitical collapsed , family rely on the blood relationship .

  9. 他们是靠血缘关系结合起来的同胞。

    They were of a brotherhood bound together by the ties of kin .

  10. 我想全世界还是靠人际关系运作的啦。

    I guess the whole world runs on connection .

  11. 说到底,都是靠羁绊关系。

    At the end of the day , it 's all about relationships .

  12. 职业成功都是靠人际关系。

    Career success is all about relationships .

  13. 她说,我们与家人之间靠血缘关系维系,和配偶之间靠法律关系维系,所以我们对家人和配偶更用心;友谊则是你选择的,所以我们往往会忽视。

    ' Friendships are relationships of choice , so we tend to overlook them , ' she says .

  14. 这又带出令美貌人群相当失落的一个结论:人们怀疑她们,总觉得她们的成功是靠拉关系——甚至其他更糟糕的手段。

    This leads to another depressing conclusion for the beautiful : people doubt them , assuming that their success is a function of schmoozing - or worse .

  15. 信用是现代市场经济的一个基本构成要素,现代市场经济中各种经济主体之间错综复杂的经济联系全靠信用关系来维系。

    Credit is a basic factor of modern market economy . In modern market economy , complex economic relationships among various economic entities are held by credit relationship .

  16. 氏族的每个成员在此种情况下都有抵御外来侵害的义务,因为氏族成员是靠血缘关系来维系的,因此这种复仇义务被称为血亲复仇。

    Each member of the clan in this case has a duty to resist foreign invasion , because the clan members by blood relationship to maintain , so this obligation is known as blood revenge revenge .

  17. 我肯定他得到那份工作,完全是靠校友的关系。

    I 'm sure he only got that job because he was plugged into the old school network .

  18. 这就是今后五十年的核心问题:一方面是靠长期血缘关系而延续的各个社区,一方面是灵活而不断转变的各种身份。

    That 's what will be at the heart of the next 50 years : enduring communities linked by blood through time flexible , constantly shifting identities .

  19. 她的成功靠的是社会关系。

    He has succeeded by virtue of his social connections .

  20. 油缸顶力与后靠墙变形的关系;

    Thirdly , the relationship between jacking force and displacement of backup wall ;

  21. 你会靠你的人际关系来办事?

    And you 'll work on your interpersonal skills ?

  22. 你的店靠的是邻里关系。

    Your shop is a neighborhood institution .

  23. 试想如果一个家庭只靠钱来维持关系,这家庭必定不能一同面对生活中的困难。

    Let 's imagine a family that is sustained by nothing but money . Predictably , its members cannot be of one heart in dealing with life 's adversities .