
kào lǒng
  • draw close;close up;draw close to
靠拢 [kào lǒng]
  • [close up;draw close to] 两者之间的距离逐渐减小

靠拢[kào lǒng]
  1. 当儿童开始有了自己的性别认同时,儿童的情绪行为开始逐渐向自己的性别角色定型靠拢;

    When children began to have their own gender admission , their emotional behavior began to draw close to their own gender role stereotype .

  2. 本研究对我国在此领域的应用研究向国际前沿水平靠拢有积极意义,也可为我国今后在这方面的研究提供一定的参考经验与技术支持。

    This paper will give some positive significance for Chinese application research in this area to draw close to international foreside , and also offer some reference-worthy experience and technical supports of these research .

  3. 呼气,膝部放松向胸部靠拢。

    Breathe out and ease your knees in toward your chest .

  4. 营救人员仍在艰难地向被困者靠拢。

    Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men

  5. 中士叫士兵们靠拢。

    The sergeant told the men to close up .

  6. 向右[左]靠拢!

    Right [ Left ] close !

  7. 猎人们向在挣扎中的野猪靠拢。

    The hunters were closing in on the struggling wild boar .

  8. 上尉命令士兵靠拢。

    The captain ordered his men to close up .

  9. 向右靠拢!

    [ word of command ] right close !

  10. 马队在静默中靠拢在一起。

    The cavalcade drew together in silence .

  11. 那船又转了个方向,一点一点向本·葛恩的船靠拢过来,显得又大又危险。

    Then the ship turned again , big and dangerous as she came closer and closer to Ben Gunn 's little boat .

  12. 传统的企业软件正逐步向位于中间的PHP靠拢。

    Traditional enterprise software is moving to meet PHP in the middle .

  13. 为什么字母G与字母S在手套单词中紧紧靠拢呢?

    Why are letter " G " and letter " S " in the " gloves " close to each other ?

  14. 随着SOA成为企业范围的解决方案,治理要向一个集中的治理模型靠拢。

    As the SOA becomes an enterprise wide solution , the governance is aligned into one central governance model .

  15. 随着移动设备越来越向PC靠拢,两者的界限将不断模糊。

    As mobile devices continue to more closely resemble what we think of as " PCs , " the distinction will continue to blur .

  16. 常见的腿部缺陷包括:双膝靠拢时,两脚分开超过1。5厘米的X型腿、O型腿、侏儒症。

    Common leg ministry flaw includes : When double genu draws close , bipod exceeds disease of1.5 centimeters X leg , O leg , dwarf apart .

  17. 目前我国进入WTO后过渡期,加快向市场经济和自由贸易制度靠拢。

    Recently , our country is entering " late transitional period after entering WTO " and accelerates to close toward market economy and the free trade system .

  18. 此外,还包含了数据建模和向WS标准的靠拢。

    Also , inclusion of data modeling and alignment with WS Standards .

  19. 我国加入WTO后,外资银行加快进入步伐,从原本的边缘地位,逐渐向中心靠拢。

    After China accessed to the WTO , foreign invested banks accelerated their entry speed . Their statuses in Chinese banking industry have gradually moved closer to the center .

  20. 随着时间发展,我猜测我们会看到它们会开始互相靠拢-从Amazon引入Windows服务实例就是一个预示。

    Over time , my guess is that we 'll see all of them start to converge-presaged perhaps by Amazon 's introduction of Windows Server instances .

  21. 同期,在其次受mba毕业生欢迎的咨询部门,薪资水平开始向金融和银行业的平均水平靠拢。

    Over the same period , salaries in the consultancy sector , the second most popular for MBA graduates , converged towards the finance and banking average .

  22. 经济收敛理论认为,穷国的人均GDP增长率会超过富国,从而使各个国家的富裕程度逐步靠拢。

    In economics , convergence theory holds that poor countries will see their per-capita GDP increase faster than that of rich countries , bringing the wealth of nations closer together over time .

  23. 因此,加入WTO一方面将促进我国房地产中介行业向国际惯例靠拢,另一方面也将使我国的中介行业受到国外中介机构入住的强烈冲击,面临严峻挑战。

    Joining in WTO will accelerate the real estate agency in our country to approach the international routine in one hand , on the other hand it will make our agency to face a serious challenge .

  24. 中国社会科学院经济学家余永定表示,投资占国内生产总值(GDP)的比重过去在25%左右,如今正向50%靠拢。

    According to Yu Yongding , an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , investment that was once around 25 per cent of gross domestic product is heading towards 50 per cent .

  25. 菲亚特-克莱斯勒(FiatChrysler)和大众汽车(Volkswagen)发表简短声明否认正在进行并购协商,从而掩盖了推动这两家汽车公司向彼此靠拢的力量。

    Curt denials by Fiat Chrysler and Volkswagen that they 're talking merger belie the forces pushing the two automotive companies toward each other .

  26. 美国IPO市场可能正在向2007年的水平靠拢。

    The U.S. IPO market may be bouncing back to levels last seen in 2007 , with a stream of about 110 offerings lined up in biotech , technology , and consumer goods .

  27. 周二,美国和中国同意就制定出口信贷融资的指导原则举行磋商,此举有望使中国向经合组织(OECD)成员国所使用的规则靠拢。

    On Tuesday , the US and China agreed to begin talks on setting guidelines for export-credit financing which could bring Beijing within rules used by OECD member countries .

  28. 根据环境库兹涅茨曲线,就是如何使A曲线和B曲线的峰值进一步降低,使其向平缓的C曲线靠拢。

    In other words , that is how to lower the peak value of curve A and curve B to be close to much flatter curve C which stands for the standard level of the balance between economic growth and environment conservation according to the environment Kuznets curve .

  29. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)最近发表的一篇工作报告,把中国要素使用效率提高的主要原因归结为追赶效应,即人均收入朝着全球平均水平靠拢的过程。

    A recent Asian Development Bank working paper attributes most of the efficiency gains in China to a catch-up effect , as income per person rose towards global averages .

  30. 随着10/100M/1000Mbit/s的以太网得到广泛应用,而且从以前的企业应用逐步扩展到目前的专业运营,并随着传输速率和QoS的提高正在进一步向核心网靠拢。

    With 10 / 100M / 1000Mbit / s widely used Ethernet and enterprise applications from the previous professional gradually extended to the current operations , and with the transmission rate and QoS improvement is further closer to the core network .