
línɡ hé bó yì
  • 熟语zero-sum game
  1. 他们明白他们正处于一场零和博弈中,双方必须针锋相对,争夺那少得可怜的资源。

    They believe they 're playing a zero-sum game , where both must compete for the same paltry resources .

  2. 不论是对克莱格还是卡梅隆,AV争夺都是一场零和博弈。

    For both Clegg and Cameron , the AV fight is a zero-sum game

  3. 吸引FDI的竞争:是否零和博弈&一个初步的研究

    The Competition for Attracting FDI : Zero or Game & A Primary Study

  4. 然后,采用增广Lagrangian方法把这个单目标约束优化问题转化成一个存在鞍点的二人零和博弈问题;

    Second the augmented Lagrangian method is taken to transform the constrained optimization problem into a zero-sum game with the saddle-point solution .

  5. Google+和Facebook的竞争经常被看作是“零和博弈”,即一方的胜利必须以击败另一方为前提。

    Too often , Google plus vs. Facebook is presented as a zero-sum game , as if the success of one must result in the downfall of the other .

  6. 庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)教授土居丈朗(TakeroDoi)说,捐款的成本最终由大多数捐款者生活的城市地区承担,由于对捐款者的减税会导致其他城市的收入减少,“这终究是一场零和博弈。”

    Urban areas , where most donors live , end up bearing the cost , according to Takero Doi , a professor at Keio University , since donors " tax write-offs subtract from other cities " revenue . " Ultimately , it 's a zero-sum game . "

  7. 原本卡梅隆先生和克莱格先生交流思想的理想会面——唐宁街内部人士将其戏称为一位自由的保守党与一位保守的自由党的合作——在意识到AV的争夺会是一场零和博弈的时候气氛骤降。

    The ideological meeting of minds between Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg - a liberal conservative working with a conservative liberal , in the happy phrase-making of Downing Street insiders - has been chilled by the realisation that the AV fight is a zero-sum game for the pair .

  8. ElizabethBruss也于1977年发表文章称作者与读者之间的博弈应分为零和博弈、组合动机博弈以及合作博弈,而且这些理论可以进一步运用到文本翻译中去。

    Later , in Elizabeth Bruss ' article published in 1977 , she suggested that the game authors play with their readers be classified into zero-sum , mixed motive and cooperative games , which could also be extended to translation text .

  9. 带有灰色约束的二人有限零和博弈研究

    Research on Two-person Zero-sum in Finite Games with Grey Uncertain Restriction

  10. 特许经营中的非零和博弈分析

    Non - zero - sum - game Analysis in Franchise System

  11. 在乒乓球单打比赛中职业运动员参与的是一个二人零和博弈。

    In this field settingexperts play a two person zero-sum game .

  12. 一种求有限零和博弈解的仿真方法

    Brown Method & A Simulation-based Method in Finite Zero Sum Game Solution

  13. 税企非零和博弈分析

    Analysis of Taxation Bureau and Entrepreneur Non - zero - sum Game

  14. 如何在一个零和博弈中找到纳什均衡?

    How to find Nash equilibrium in a zerosum game ?

  15. 国际贸易非零和博弈的约束因素和实现机制探究

    Constraining Factors and Realization Mechanism of International Trade Non-zero-sum Game

  16. 世界经济不是一场零和博弈。

    The world economy isn 't a zero sum game .

  17. 美国不认为那里会上演一场零和博弈;

    America does not perceive there to be a zero-sum game taking place ;

  18. 减缓气候变化与可持续发展并非零和博弈

    Non-Zero-Sum Game between Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development

  19. 非零和博弈&城市规划制度发展变迁的理性思考

    Non-Zero and Game Theory ── Rational Reflection of Evolution of Urban Planning System

  20. 这是个零和博弈的世界格雷森先生

    It 's a zero-sum world , Mr. Grayson .

  21. 在编写完全信息二人零和博弈游戏程序时。

    When writing a program to play a two-person zero-sum game with perfect information .

  22. 精英教育不是零和博弈;

    Elite education is not a zero-sum game ;

  23. 解有限零和博弈问题的经典方法是线性规划方法。

    Linear program method is the classical method for solving finite zero game problem .

  24. 非零和博弈的结构贸易政策系统分析

    Systems Analysis on Structural Trade Policy of Cooperative Game & Solution to Sino-U.S. Trade Conflicts

  25. 博弈一般分为零和博弈和非零和博弈。

    Game theory can be divided into two parts , one of which is zero-sum .

  26. 但是,外汇市场是零和博弈的:一些货币不得不升值。

    But the foreign-exchange markets are a zero-sum game : some currencies have to go up .

  27. 文章提出把H2/H∞混合控制问题抽象为两个对局者信息不完全情况下的非零和博弈模型。

    The H-two / H-infinity control is formulated as a non-zero game model with incomplete information .

  28. 经济并不一定是一场零和博弈,这一点已经被证实了。

    And we have shown that our economy doesn 't have to be a zero-sum game .

  29. 在我们追求解决方案的同时,让我们切记,这不是一场零和博弈。

    And as we pursue a settlement , lets remember this is not a zero-sum endeavor .

  30. 这就是一场零和博弈,使保护主义盛行,贸易崩溃。

    That would be a zero-sum game which could degenerate into protectionism and a collapse in trade .