
  • 网络matrix game
  1. 借助于σ可测函数关于F测度的平均值,把模糊矩阵对策转化为矩阵对策,并定义了模糊矩阵对策的解与值。

    The fuzzy matrix games are changed into the matrix games problem by an average value , the solution and value of fuzzy matrix games are defined .

  2. 基于模糊矩阵对策的渠道冲突谈判机制研究

    On Negotiation Mechanism of Channel Conflict Based on Fuzzy Matrix Games

  3. 给出了B矩阵对策的数学模型、有关理论和求解方法。

    The mathematical model of the matrix B-game and its solution are given .

  4. B矩阵对策可以转化为线性离散规划求解。

    A matrix B-game problem may be transformed into a linear discrete programming problem .

  5. 在此基础上,将矩阵对策理论应用于防空系统对抗ARM攻击的对策分析。

    The theory of matrix countermeasure is applied to the air defense system against ARM attack on the base .

  6. 本文首先证明了:若矩阵对策G有纯解,则O是可换的。

    In this paper , the author proves , first , that O is commutative if the matrix game has a pure solution .

  7. 不同支付函数形式对MG模型行为的影响一类具有模糊支付的矩阵对策模型与分析

    Impact of Different Types of Payoff Function on Minority Game A Kind of Matrix Game Models with Fuzzy Payoff and An Analysis on it

  8. 推导了矩阵对策模型,对非合作n人投标报价的分布进行x2检验。

    Have derived the model of matrix countermove and check x 2 of the distribution of non-cooperative n tender 's offer .

  9. 提出了一类局中人都设定有得失控制值的二人零和有限对策,即B矩阵对策。

    A special two-person zero-sum finite game , in which every player has a warning level of the gain and loss , is posed . It is said to be the Matrix B-Game .

  10. 根据多目标决策和模糊对策理论,研究支付值为Vague值的多目标二人零和矩阵对策。

    Based on theories of multi-objective decision making and fuzzy game , the multi-objective two-person zero-sum matrix game , whose payoff value is a vague value is studied .

  11. 讨论了Vague多目标二人零和矩阵对策的两种求解方法:一是先将Vague多目标对策问题清晰化,再转化为单目标对策问题求解;

    Two solution methods regarding vague multi-objective two-person zero-sum matrix game are discussed : one is making the vague multi-objective game problem certain through the order function of vague values first , then turning it into single objective game ;

  12. 对于没有最优纯解的矩阵对策,具有最大Shannon熵的Neumann最优混合策略称为Neumann-Shannon最优混合策略。

    In a matrix game who have no optimal pure game solution , a Neumann optimal mixed strategy with greatest Shannon information entropy is called Neumann-Shannon optimal mixed strategy .

  13. 将现代生物遗传基因理论引入到对策问题的均衡解计算中来,本文设计了求解有限n人非合作对策的Nash均衡解的遗传算法模型,并通过双矩阵对策的例题验证了算法的有效性。

    Adopted the modern genetic theory , a genetic algorithm to acquire the Nash Equilibrium of n persons ' non cooperative game is designed in this paper . With the examples of two matrix game , the implementation of the genetic algorithm is discussed and proved to be effective .

  14. 基于此,本文继续沿用矩阵对策的解答思路,提出Wald-G法作为不确定型决策问题的一般化方法。

    Based on this , the paper continues to adopt the way of matrix game thinking , regards Wald-G method as a general method to uncertainty decision-making .

  15. 一类模糊多目标双矩阵对策的粒子群优化算法

    Particle swarm optimization algorithm for multiobjective bimatrix games with fuzzy goals

  16. 矩阵对策最优混合策略的求解方法

    A Method to Solve the Optimal Mixed Strategy of Matrix Game

  17. 矩阵对策与专家系统结合在矿井优化设计中的应用

    Combining Matrix Game with Expert System Approach to the Coal Mine Design

  18. 多目标线性规划的一种矩阵对策方法

    An interactive method for multi objective linear programming using matrix game theory

  19. 求双矩阵对策解的方法

    A Method for Computing the Solutions of The Bimatrix Game

  20. 矩阵对策上的计策问题及其实例

    The Problem about Trick on a Matrix Game and Its Living Examples

  21. 求矩阵对策全部解的单纯形法

    The Simplex Method for Computing the All Solutions of the Matrix Countermeasure

  22. 关于模糊矩阵对策的最优解模糊对策的总体期望值解法

    The Total Expected Value Approach to Fuzzy Matrix Games

  23. 矩阵对策中纯策略可被优超的充要条件

    Sufficient and essential condition for covering the pure strategy in the matrix game

  24. 模糊多目标格序决策及对称矩阵对策

    Fuzzy Multiobjective Lattice-order Decision Making and Symmetric Matrix Game

  25. 推广了矩阵对策的相应结果。

    Some present results about matric game are extended .

  26. 三步矩阵对策上的无中生有计及其实例

    Nothing Yielding Fruit Trick on a Three-stage Matrix Game and Its Living Example

  27. 两人多冲突环境下的双矩阵对策集结模型

    Integration model of bimatrix games in two-person multi-conflict situations

  28. 具有模糊目标的双矩阵对策及其应用

    Double Matrix Games with Fuzzy Goals and Its Application

  29. 石头、剪子、布的矩阵对策

    Matrix Game of Stone , Shears and Cloth

  30. 矩阵对策的性质以及矩阵对策的一种解法

    The Property of Matrix Game and the Solution