
  • 网络credible threat
  1. 洛杉矶所有学校在周二早晨关闭,此前当局表示收到“可信威胁”。

    Schools across Los Angeles were closed early on Tuesday after authorities said a " credible threat " was made .

  2. 一名西方外交官表示:关于进一步施压的可信威胁,的确可以对伊朗体制产生一些影响。

    The credible threat of further pressure does create some leverage over the Iranian system , a western diplomat said .

  3. 基于可信威胁度,联盟对Pareto值进行再分配。

    Based on the believable threat , the alliance disburses the Pareto value .

  4. 为使谈判形成的联盟稳定,提出了“可信威胁”的概念,给出了度量算法。

    For the sake of coalition 's stability , this paper give the concept of believable threat and the measuring method .

  5. 在此次会面之前,Facebook一直在强调,已经与警方密切合作,并成立了专门小组来删除其3000万英国用户发布的任何构成可信暴力威胁或宣传非法活动的帖子。

    Ahead of the meeting , Facebook has emphasised how closely it already works with the police and its dedicated team that removes any postings by its 30m UK users that make credible threats of violence or promote illegal activity .

  6. 因此,立法上还需设置专门条款来加大处罚力度以形成对发行人和保荐人可信的威胁。

    So we should set up special clauses to strengthen punishment .

  7. 只有这样,他们才能较为可信地威胁希腊选民,一旦投票选择了错误的道路,就把希腊逐出欧元区。

    Only then can they plausibly threaten the Greek electorate with expulsion if they vote the wrong way .

  8. 换句话说,只有其它国家确实可信地威胁对中国采取惩罚措施,中国才会让人民币快速升值。

    Put another way , China will only undertake a fast revaluation if other countries can credibly threaten punishment .

  9. 在实践中,尽管陷入困境的国内银行会被迅速接管,但很难对联系错综复杂的大型国际银行构成可信的威胁。

    In practice , while domestic banks which get into trouble will be seized instantly , the threat to a big international , interconnected one is much less credible .

  10. 对于特效团队来说,可能没有什么比创造一只聪明的、会说话的龙更具挑战了,他们要将它制作得足够真实——尽管龙并不真实存在——让人们感到可信并且威胁十足。

    There was possibly no greater challenge for the special effects team than to create an intelligent , talking dragon that was realistic enough , despite dragons not being real , that people could find believable and truly threatening .

  11. 这将有助于你在真实可信的威胁与耸人听闻的消息之间找到平衡,阿尔巴诺博士说,“不至于迫不及待地去报告或者谈论一些你以为会造成重大影响但其实并没有那么严重的东西。”

    This will help you balance a realistic and credible threat with information that is sensationalized , Dr. Albano said , " or a rush to report something or talk about something that doesn 't have the impact that you would think it has . "

  12. 类似地,在苏联1979年入侵阿富汗后,美国总统吉米卡特(jimmycarter)减少了粮食出口并抵制了莫斯科奥运会,而不是使用看上去不会可信的武力威胁。

    Similarly , after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 , President Jimmy Carter curtailed grain sales and boycotted the Moscow Olympics , rather than use a threat of force which would not look credible .

  13. 外网安全的威胁模型假设内部网络都是安全可信的,威胁都来自于外部网络,其途径主要通过内外网边界出口。

    The security threatening model of outer network assumes that the internal-network is always safe and trustable , and all the threatening comes from the outside network , mainly through the peripheral egress between inner and outer network .