
  • 网络financial diagnosis
  1. 基于Agent的企业财务诊断系统模型

    Enterprise Financial Diagnosis System Model based on Agent

  2. 企业财务诊断是企业诊断中非常重要的部分。

    Financial diagnosis is an extraordinarily important part of enterprise diagnosis .

  3. 金融企业财务诊断与保健研究

    A Study On Finance Diagnosis and Health Care for Financial Enterprises

  4. 企业集团中效绩评价与财务诊断研究

    The Research on Enterprise Group ' Performance Appraisal and Financial Affairs Diagnosis

  5. 制造型企业财务诊断系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization for Financial Diagnosis System of Manufacturing

  6. 因此对企业财务诊断指标体系的构建进行探索研究十分必要。

    This paper makes an inquiry into establishment of enterprise financial diagnosis index system .

  7. 变维数自适应神经模糊推理策略及财务诊断应用

    An Alterable Dimension Strategy of Adaptive Neural-fuzzy Inference and Its Application to Financial Diagnosis

  8. 关于财务诊断指标体系的思考

    The Think of the Financed Diagnosis Index System

  9. 企业财务诊断指标体系探讨

    Inquiry into Enterprise Financial Diagnosis Index System

  10. 另外还介绍了武威联通公司财务诊断的原因和内容。

    The author also introduces t introduced WuWei Unicom company financial diagnosis and the reason of content .

  11. 针对发达国家开展财务诊断有关情况,介绍了我国开展企业财务诊断工作的概况。

    Starting with describing of enterprise financial diagnosis in developed countries , the article introduces briefly the situation of enterprise financial diagnosis in China .

  12. 然后引入财务诊断,建立由财务分析、财务预测、财务预警构成的财务诊断适用方法体系。

    Then , the dissertation adopts financial diagnosis to construct the applicable financial diagnosis system which is composed of financial analysis , financial forecasting and financial crisis alarm .

  13. 但是,目前人们对企业财务诊断的内容尚无统一的认识,对财务诊断指标体系的设置也无统一的标准,这些都给财务诊断的实施带来了很大困难。

    However , there is no unific understanding of financial diagnosis contents or established standard of index system , which brought us lots of difficulties for financial diagnosis .

  14. 财务诊断可以提高企业的经营效益、预防财务漏洞、提高企业竞争力和发展能力,为企业未来发展计划的制定奠定基础。

    Financial diagnosis can improve the management benefit of enterprise , prevention financial vulnerability , enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and development ability , for the enterprise future development plan of lay the foundation .

  15. 本文以电力企业集团作为实证分析,研究企业集团的效绩评价和财务诊断,具有重要的现实意义和学术价值。

    Basing on the analysis of electric power business groups , performance appraisal and financial affairs diagnosis of business group are researched in the dissertation , which has important actual sense and academic value .

  16. 其次,对财务诊断所涉及的理论、方法、技术进行比较、筛选,选择财务分析、财务预测、财务预警加以改进、整合,形成本文所要构建的财务诊断适用方法体系。

    Then , comparing the theories , method and technique in financial diagnosis , the dissertation chooses financial analysis , financial forecasting and financial crisis alarm and mends them to form the applicable financial diagnosis system .

  17. 本文第五章节以A公司为例,详细介绍了财务诊断模型的具体应用过程,并提出该模型存在的不足之处以及发展。

    The fifth chapter of this paper take A company for instance , detailed introduce the model of the specific application of the financial consulting process , put forward the deficiency and development of the model .

  18. 全面的财务诊断系统,不仅需要对报表数据进行分析,还需要结合许多非财务因素、定性因素、竞争因素等,才能作出更有价值的判断。

    A comprehensive financial diagnostic system not only needs to analyze the report data , but also requires a combination of many non-financial factors , qualitative factors , competitive factors etc. to make a valuable judgment .

  19. 本文力求给出一个财务诊断模块的分析流程以及分析方法,来分析企业的目前的经营状况,竞争能力和未来的发展潜力。

    The writer tries to build a module of financial diagnoses and present a tighter flow of analysis with a method that can analyze the management , competition and development of a company at the moment .

  20. 财务诊断是一种改进企业财务管理的先进的、科学的方法,它是财务分析的深化和发展,而且比财务分析更具有实用性、广泛性和科学性。

    Financial counseling is an advanced and scientific method to improve the financial management of an enterprise . It is the deepening and development of financial analysis , and more scientific , extensive and practical than financial analysis .

  21. 在贷后环节,运用财务诊断预警中小企业的财务危机,提前采取应对措施防范信贷风险;运用财务诊断改善中小企业经营管理,提高其还贷能力、降低信贷风险。

    On Post-loan Tache , the commercial banks forecast the SMEs ' financial crisis to take measures to avoid it ahead , and improve the SMEs ' management to enhance their refund ability and reduce the credit risks .

  22. 提出了财务诊断是促进小企业发展的重要途径,认为对小企业的财务诊断体系主要包括对小企业的会计管理系统的诊断和财务诊断两个部分;

    It points out that finance diagnosis is an effective way to promote the development of SE and deems that the finance diagnosis system for SE should include the diagnosis of the accounting management system and the finance diagnosis .

  23. 本文首先分析中小企业信贷风险产生原因、防范现状,从技术、信息、人员等多方面论证了商业银行实施财务诊断防范信贷风险的合理性。

    First , the dissertation analyses the origin and avoiding status about the credit risks of SMEs , and demonstrates the rationality that commercial banks avoid the credit risks by using financial diagnosis from technologic , informational , human aspects .

  24. 本文通过系统分析构建科学、合理、公正的效绩评价体系,为效绩评价以及财务诊断,构建方法库、模型库、建立评价标准及权重调整模型库,提供理论与实践基础。

    The research provides academic and practical foundation for performance appraisal , financial affairs diagnosis , constructing method library and model library , establishing evaluation criterion and weight-regulated model library by establishing performance appraisal index system which is scientific , reasonable and candid basing on system analysis .

  25. 本文建立了财务诊断的指标体系,运用定性和定量相结合的方法设计了一种能够快速诊断财务管理综合水平,以及财务状况和财务管理各项流程优劣的方法。

    In this paper , we set up an index system of financial diagnosis , and propose an approach combining quantitative and qualitative analysis to quickly diagnose the comprehensive level of financial management , as well as the pros and cons of current financial situations and financial management procedures .

  26. 企业财务分析诊断的模糊数学模型

    Fuzzing Mathematics Model of Enterprise Finance Analysis and Diagnosis

  27. 高校财务风险诊断研究&基于高等教育产品的视角

    Diagnosis of University 's Financial Risk & On the Basis of the Higher Education Products

  28. 企业财务危机诊断分析

    The Financial Crisis Diagnoses of the Enterprises

  29. 建立在明确的衡量标尺之上的诊断方法,将大大提高财务危机诊断工作的准确性,提高诊断工作的效率。

    With the explicit criteria , the accuracy and efficiency of diagnose financial crisis will improve greatly .

  30. H集团公司财务管理的诊断与优化

    Diagnosing and Optimizing the Financial Management of H Group Company