
  • 网络Financial Advisory;financial consulting;financial advice
  1. 要是你有这方面的专业学位,完全可以考虑创建一家财务咨询公司,这个领域财源滚滚。

    You can also consider starting your own financial consulting company where the sky 's the limit for revenue .

  2. 而财务咨询师PeteD'Arruda也指出,和懂行的财务咨询师一起商议选择年金很重要,他警告说,年金协议很复杂,坏的也掺杂其中。

    But financial planner Pete D'Arruda also says it is important to make a decision about an annuity with a good financial planner . He warns that annuity agreements can be complex , and many bad ones are out there .

  3. 要好好研究招股书,或者跟财务咨询师谈谈。

    Study the prospectus or talk to a financial adviser . '

  4. 上周我们讨论了限制退休计划的投资风险,那么,财务咨询师会建议人们如何投资呢?

    Last week , we discussed limiting investment risk in retirement planning . So what are financial planners advising people to invest in ?

  5. 如有任何疑问,请向财务顾问咨询。

    If you are in any doubt , consult a financial adviser .

  6. 地质单位财务管理咨询刍议

    My Humble Opinion on Geological Exploration Industry Financial Management Consultation

  7. 向财务顾问咨询,可以帮助年轻夫妇们规划一个更好的财政前景。

    Consulting with an advisor can help young couples plan a better financial future .

  8. 主要从事企业内部财务管理咨询业务。

    Main activities being the provision of internal financial management consultation services for enterprises .

  9. 许多公司,包括华尔街财务和咨询公司,来到大学吸收有坚实文字技能的候选人是众人皆知的。

    Many companies , including Wall Street finance and consulting firms , come to universities to recruit and make no secret of their preference for candidates with solid writing skills .

  10. 根据国家工商行政管理总局(SAIC)网站发布的消息,该局还突击检查了承担微软公司财务外包的咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)的办公室。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce also raided the offices of consultancy Accenture , which does financial work for Microsoft , according to a message on the SAIC website .

  11. 管理和财务问题高级咨询小组

    Senior Advisory Panel on Management and Finance

  12. 我们提供全方面专业的审计、会计、税务、财务及管理咨询服务。

    We offer a full range of professional auditing , accounting , tax , financial and management advisory services .

  13. 你是第一个为新兴的互联网和软件公司提供财务和技术咨询的公司,不是吗?

    You were one of the first in the business to provide financial as well as technical advice , weren 't you , for new internet and software companies ?

  14. 企业、政府及公众主要依靠会计人员提供公正的财务报表和企业咨询服务。

    Business , government and the public at large depend on the accountants to provide fair financial reporting and business advisory services .

  15. 中诚通俄罗斯总经理周立群介绍,园区为入园企业提供登记注册、财务托管、法律咨询、等一条龙服务。

    Zhou Liqun , general manager of Zhongchengtong in Russia , says the center offers a one-stop service for enterprises ranging from registration , financial trust and legal consultation .

  16. 本人不是或者在被提名前一年内不是中国银行股份有限公司及其附属企业,以及其控股股东提供财务、法律、咨询等服务的人员;

    VI.I am not and was not providing financial , legal and consulting services for the Company or any of its subsidiaries or its controlling shareholders now or within the year before nomination ;

  17. 简单地说,财务顾问为客户们提供财务咨询。

    Put simply , financial advisors meet with clients and counsel them on their finances .

  18. 会计&此项业务包括为客户及时准备财务报表,财务报告的增值咨询服务。

    Accountancy - This practice include the timely preparation of financial statements , and value-added advice and assistance in the areas of reporting .

  19. A公司是全球知名的专业服务公司,是世界四大会计师事务所之一,为全球企业提供财务审计、税务、财务交易咨询和企业咨询等专业服务。

    Company A is a well-known professional service organization ; it is one of the big four accounting companies . Its main services include accounting audit , tax , finance consulting and management consulting .