
cái wù jié ɡòu
  • financial structure
  1. 上周,电脑制造商戴尔(dell)表示将成为最新一家放松传统的保守财务结构的公司。

    Last week , Dell said it would become the latest to relax its traditionally conservative financial structure .

  2. SOA中的服务和组合应用程序经常并不遵循企业严格的层次报告和财务结构,从而在IT责任方面造成空白和重叠。

    Yet the services and composite applications in an SOA often don 't follow an enterprise 's strict hierarchical reporting and financial structure , creating gaps and overlap in IT responsibilities .

  3. 结果显示:舞弊行为确实导致企业的财务结构出现异常状态,4种识别模型都具有一定的有效性,并且发现Logistic回归模型的识别率最高。

    The result indicates that the fraud behavior does make listed corporations ' financial structure abnormal , and the four identification models all bear some validity while logistic regression analysis model can find the fraud financial reports most effectively .

  4. 产权比率高是高风险高报酬的财务结构。

    High-equity ratio is high risk and high reward financial structure .

  5. 试论国有企业财务结构的优化

    On Optimization of Finance Structure in the State Owned Enterprises

  6. 中国上市公司股票评级的财务结构模型分析

    Financial SEM Analyzing on Stock Evaluation in Circulation of China

  7. 煤炭行业上市公司财务结构分析

    Financial Structure of Listed Companies in Coal Mining Industry

  8. 资本结构是企业财务结构的核心内容。

    Capital structure is the core of financial structure .

  9. 我国工业企业财务结构问题的研究

    Research on Financial Structure of Chinas Industrial Enterprises

  10. 可转债对公司财务结构的影响及其发行时机

    The Effect of Convertible Bond on the Financial Structure and the Timing of Issuance

  11. 旅行社的财务结构和损益分析;

    The financial structure of travel service and the analysis of less and profit ;

  12. 改善了企业的财务结构;

    Better the enterprise 's financial structure ;

  13. 公司财务结构理论评述

    Corporate Financial Structures : a Literature Review

  14. 负责财务结构组建和投资基金,来帮组科学家和投资者的工作。

    AKOIL-Energy – creation of financial structures , investment funds to assist scientists and inventors .

  15. 控制权理论及代理成本理论会对公司财务结构产生影响。

    There is effect of the control right and the agency cost on the corporate finance structure .

  16. 企业财务结构研究

    Research on Financial Structure

  17. 我国上市公司股票评级研究&财务结构模型分析法在股票市场中的应用

    Study of Evaluation of Stock of Listed Company & Application of Analysis of Financing Structure Mode in Stock Market

  18. 因此,只有不完全合同观点才能为财务结构的研究提供一个很自然的方法。

    So , none but incomplete contracting ideas can provide a natural way for the study of financial structure .

  19. 且财务结构指标和盈利能力指标在所有解释变量在中影响力最强;

    In all the explanation variables , the influence of financial structure indexes and profit ability indexes are the strongest ;

  20. 可以肯定,该机构的财务结构是其当前的需要和长期战略足够。

    Be certain that the financial structure of the Institution is adequate for its current needs and its long-range strategy .

  21. 设计合理的可转换债券可以优化企业的财务结构,达到企业融资的目的。

    A reasonable design of convertible bonds can optimize the finance construction of a company , helping achieve the goal of corporate finance .

  22. 上市公司财务结构对其核心竞争力影响的研究&来自河南省数据的分析

    A Study of the Effects of Listed Companies ' Financial Structure on their Core Competence & Analysis of the Henan Province 's Statistics

  23. 共同比报表是一种分析性报表,它能简单明了地告诉分析者公司的资产结构、财务结构和盈利结构。

    The common-size statements are analytical statements , they can simply and clearly tell analysts the assets structure , financial structure and profit structure .

  24. 研究将结构模型应用到我国股票市场的股票评级中,建立关于我国股票评级的财务结构模型;

    This paper applied structure model into stock evaluation in our stock market , established financing structure model for th4e evaluation in our country ;

  25. 对于那这些财务结构的不能很好的调节或吸收的国家来说,其外资的短期流动性是非常差的。

    First , the flow of short-term foreign capital through economies whose financial structures are ill-equipped to regulate and absorb it can often be devastating .

  26. 可转换公司债对于公司低成本筹集资金、获取高股票溢价、改善公司的财务结构等方面有着积极的作用。

    The Convertible Company Bond plays positive function for companies in financing with low cost 、 getting high stock premium 、 improving finance structure , etc.

  27. 但是,由于其特殊的财务结构和管理模式,较之传统融资方式,项目融资面临着更多更大的风险。

    However , project financing is faced with a greater risk because of its unique financial structure and management model compared with the traditional financing methods .

  28. 这就是希腊的问题引起各方关切欧元地区第三和第四大经济体意大利和西班牙的财务结构是否健全的一个原因。

    That is one reason Greek problems are raising concern about the financial soundness of the eurozone 's third and fourth-largest economies , Italy and Spain .

  29. 但英国议会该委员会出具的这份报告(报告部分内容也经过修订)说,华为的财务结构不清晰。

    But the U.K. report ─ parts of which were also redacted ─ said there was a ' lack of clarity about its financial structures . '

  30. 作为一种金融创新工具,股份回购制度在资本市场中具有许多经济功能,发挥着重要作用:调整和改善公司的资本、财务结构;

    As an instrument for the financial innovation share repurchase system has a lot of functions and plays a very important role in the capital market .