
  • 网络Financial management environment;environment of financial management;Financial Environment
  1. 随着中国加入WTO,企业财务管理环境发生了重大的变化。

    With China ' entry into WTO , the financial management environment of enterprises has been a great change .

  2. 论企业财务管理环境与财务决策

    Enterprise 's Financial Management Environment and Financial Decisions

  3. 我国高科技企业财务管理环境分析与完善

    Analysis and Improvement of the Finance Management Circumstance of High-Tech Companies

  4. 不同的企业或同一个企业在不同的时期,其所面临的财务管理环境是不同的。

    Different enterprises face different financial management situations at different stages .

  5. 财务管理环境的变迁及其发展趋势

    About the Vicissitudes of Financial Administration Circumstances and its Developing Tendency

  6. 企业由于所面临的财务管理环境存在着差异,因而其财务管理的目标也并非是完全一致。

    So it isn 't fully consistent to objective of financial management .

  7. 论企业财务管理环境浅议财务管理环境

    A Study on the Finance Administrative Environment of Enterprise A Tentative Discussion on Finance Management Environment

  8. 从财务管理环境角度谈我国企业融资模式

    A View of Enterprise Fund - raising Models in China from the Angle of Financial Administrative Environment

  9. 不同的财务管理环境,会产生不同的理财模式,也会产生不同的财务管理理论。

    Different financial management circumstance can bring about different management of money matters as well as different financial management theory .

  10. 国有企业财务管理环境和财务关系在财务管理理论结构中占据重要地位。

    The financial management circumstances of state enterprises and financial relationship are very important in the theoretical structure of financial management .

  11. 入世后企业财务管理环境的变化对财务管理产生极大的影响。

    After entering WTO , the change of the environment of the enterprise financial affairs management has very big influence to the financial affairs management .

  12. 本文针对会计人员如何适应新的会计电算化的财务管理环境问题进行了分析探索。

    What a environmental question of financial administration which meets the new accounting by EDP to accountant to been analysed and probes into this text .

  13. 当前财务管理环境的研究并未引起企业和理论界应有的重视。

    At present , the necessary importance has not been attached to the study on the finance administrative environment in the enterprise circles and theorist circle .

  14. 为了完善高科技企业的财务管理环境,提高其财务管理水平,政府部门应从宏观上为高科技企业提供良好的理财环境,高科技企业自身要完善财务管理的微观环境。

    To improve the finance management circumstance of high-tech companies , the government should offer good outside finance circumstance , and high-tech companies should perfect their own internal finance circumstance .

  15. 财务管理环境对理财目标模式有重大影响,真实评价财务业绩及价值已成为财务管理目标问题的核心。

    The environment of financial management has great influence on the model of financial goal and a correct evaluation of the financial achievements and value has become the core in this aspect .

  16. 由于企业法人治理结构和财务管理环境的潜在问题,导入全面预算更有其必要性,同时也是企业以现代企业制度为标准,加强科学管理的需要。

    It is necessary to import Comprehensive Budget Management because of the potentially question of enterprise legal person governance structure and financial administrative environment . And strengthen scientific management of enterprise based on modem enterprise system .

  17. 本文立足于高科技企业财务管理环境的分析,指出高科技企业宏观管理环境现存在产业政策不明确,融资渠道欠通畅等问题;

    This text analyses the environment of high-tech enterprises financing management and points out some problems in the high-tech enterprises macroscopic , such as : industry policy is not clear ; financing channel is not smooth .

  18. 文章重点对财务管理环境的内涵、分类及性质进行了较系统的论述,还分析了财务管理环境面临的挑战,提出了一些启示和对策。

    This paper puts the key point on systematically discussing the connotation , classification , and characters of the finance administrative environment , and analyzes the challenge that the environment has to face ; while some inspirations and countermeasures are finally also suggested by the author .

  19. 介绍了知识经济对财务管理环境、财务管理内容及对象、财务管理观念的影响,指出在知识经济时代,要树立知识化理财观念、风险理财观念、信息理财观念。

    This paper introduces the influences of the knowledge-based economy on the environment , contents , targets , and conception of the financial management , and points out that must establish the knowledgeable financing conception , risk financing conception and information financing conception in the times of the knowledge-based economy .

  20. 本文拟对国有企业财务管理的环境和财务关系做一初步探讨。

    Here , a basic research to the financial management circumstances of state enterprises and financial relationship is to be done .

  21. 龙江森工集团财务战略管理环境分析。

    The main research contents have the following aspects : ( 1 ) Financial strategic management environmental analysis of the group of forest industry of Longjiang .

  22. 在市场经济前提下,高校财务管理的环境发生了深刻的变化,使得高校财务管理工作面临着巨大的挑战。

    On the condition of market economy , financial management environment of college has changed profoundly which brings financial management to face to face with great challenges .

  23. 企业经营活动是在一定环境下进行的,与其适应,财务管理应考虑环境的适应性。

    In line with , financial management should take into account environmental adaptability .

  24. 分别从项目公司的运作环境分析、经营策略分析、财务管理、人文环境、人力资源管理等方面进行多角度的分析。

    Also the thesis conducts theoretical analysis for several aspects such as operating environment , management strategy , financial management , civil environment and human resource management .

  25. 从财务管理的一般环境和财务管理的具体环境两个方面来研究财务管理环境的主要内容,以便于正确地进行财务决策。

    This article analyzes the major content of finance environmental management in the two aspects of the general environment of financial management and the specific environment of financial management .

  26. 企业财务披露管理的制度环境研究

    The Study of the System Environment of Enterprises ' Financial Publish Management

  27. 企业财务管理目标随着理财环境的变化不断演进。

    Financial objective of an enterprise changes with the time .

  28. 第五部分,结合以上论述的内容研究航运企业财务风险管理的内部环境建设。

    Chapter ⅴ integrates hereinbefore description to table a proposal to improve the internal environment of shipping company 's financial risk management .

  29. 在地勘单位实行企业化经营过程中,财务管理工作的外部环境,财务管理目标、内容、风险等发生了重要变化。

    After geological exploration organizations become business enterprises , great changes have taken place to external environment of financial management , his objective , context , risks and so on .

  30. 本文探讨了当前高校财务管理面临的新环境,通过对新环境给高校财务管理带来的冲击分析,有针对性地提出了高校财务管理的几点创新对策。

    By analyzing new environment of what higher learning faces and by analyzing the impact of the new environment on financial management of higher learning , several innovative countermeasures for the financial management are made .