
  • Chief Financial Officer;CFO;Finance Director;Financial Controller
  1. 卖给财务总监(CFO),而不是IT人员

    Selling to the CFO not the IT guy / gal

  2. 一个会计的最佳职务是成为一个财务总监(CFO),因为他或她最了解企业的运作和利润的来源。

    An accountant is perfectly positioned to become a CFO because he or she probably has the best understanding of what drives business and profits in a company .

  3. 会上,财务总监出示了前一年的数字。

    At the meeting the finance director produced the figures for the previous year .

  4. 她的正式职务是财务总监。

    Her official designation is Financial Controller .

  5. 保时捷公司的前任财务总监和CEO由于涉嫌操纵市场而双双被告上法庭,要求追究他们的刑事责任。

    The former chief financial officer and CEO of Porsche are facing criminal charges for market manipulation .

  6. 经营环境很艰难,戴比尔斯公司财务总监斯图尔特布朗(StuartBrown)说。

    Trading conditions are tough , said Stuart Brown , De Beers ' finance director .

  7. 雅虎董事会在没有物色好CEO继任人的情况下就炒掉了巴茨,然后任命原财务总监蒂姆•莫斯为过渡CEO,同时在这段时间内加紧制订公司下一步的发展战略。

    It fired Bartz without a successor on hand , naming Tim Morse , the chief financial officer , as interim C.E.O.

  8. 香港太阳能集团汉能薄膜发电(HanergyThinFilm)报告其财务总监李广民辞职。在该公司股价暴跌之前,其大股东曾是中国首富。

    Hanergy Thin Film the Hong Kong solar group that made its majority owner China 's richest man before its stock plunged - has reported the resignation of its financial controller .

  9. 上市公司会计诚信与财务总监(CFO)职责分析

    Analysis on Accounting Good Faith and Responsibility of CFO in Listed Companies

  10. 财务总监范智廉(DouglasFlint)也有接替葛霖担任主席的庄严气质。

    Finance director Douglas Flint , too , has the gravitas to succeed Mr Green as chairman .

  11. 达能在合资企业的利益主要由财务总监StephenYau代表。

    Danone 's interests in the JVs were represented primarily by Stephen Yau , a finance director .

  12. 汇丰现任董事长范智廉(DouglasFlint)在1995年被任命为集团财务总监和董事会成员。

    Douglas Flint , the present chairman , was appointed group finance director and board member in 1995 .

  13. ·点评网站Yelp聘用了一位名为罗伯•克罗里克的新财务总监,他曾任房地产企业MoveInc的财务总监。

    Yelp has a new CFO in rob krolik , who held the same position at the real estate-focused company , move Inc. ( yelp )

  14. 不过,张继民和财务总监罗宝玲(polinglow)每年前往英国两次以上,不厌其烦地向英国投资者介绍公司的发展情况。

    Nevertheless Mr Zhang and poling low , finance director , have taken pains to keep UK investors informed of the progress of the company , visiting more than twice a year .

  15. 以上说明,在我国,财务总监大部分具有一定的学历和职称,且职称考试比CPA更受青睐。

    These show that most of chief financial officers have a certain degree and title in our country , and title exam gets more favor than CPA exam .

  16. 汇丰还提议将财务总监范智廉(douglasflint)的工资从70万英镑增加到90万。

    HSBC was also proposing to increase the salary of Douglas flint , finance director , from 7 00000 to 9 00000 .

  17. 当时微软的财务总监彼得•克莱因也对Skype的成就多有耳闻,于是在今年四月与德班进行了接洽。微软的手机软件业务还处在襁褓阶段,正是四处物色强援的时候。

    Peter Klein , Microsoft 's chief financial officer , had been hearing the chatter and reached out to Durban in April .

  18. G24的财务总监史蒂芬?伯特(StevenBurt)谈到了用灯泡供电的电视遥控器、烟雾探测器和电脑键盘。

    Steven Burt , G24 's chief financial officer , talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls , smoke detectors and computer keyboards .

  19. 这封信函并非详细阐述谈判沟通策略,但我深信,我们的财务总监必须协同CEO一起订立公司运营策略、并担负起艰难谈判的首要职责。

    This note is not about detailed negotiation strategy – but I strongly believe that our financial directors must be helping shape the commercial strategy with the CEO and leading tough negotiations .

  20. 可是,《财务总监》杂志(cfomagazine)近期针对中国财务总监所作的调查发现,82%的受访者担心奥运会后中国经济将会放缓。

    Nonetheless , a recent survey of Chinese finance directors by CFO magazine found that 82 per cent were worried about an economic slowdown after the Beijing Olympics .

  21. 晚上睡觉的时候才想,这个副总还有我们那个财务总监,没一个会来事儿的,都是SB,盼着他们早点从我视线中消失。

    At night , I think , Vice President and Chief Financial Officer , both of them , and no one would come , SB , let them earlier disappeared from my sight .

  22. 难怪几乎世界上每一个电话公司都来PCCW参观访问学习,该公司财务总监AlexanderArena说。

    No wonder that " just about every phone company in the world " has come to visit PCCW , says Alexander Arena , the firm 's finance chief .

  23. 他从商界招募了三名独立董事进入RFU董事会,包括零售企业约翰•路易斯(JohnLewis)即将离任的财务总监海伦•韦尔(HelenWeir),以及菲力斯第一健身俱乐部(FitnessFirst)的首席执行官高蓄来(AndyCosslett)。

    He recruited three independent directors from business to the RFU board , including Helen Weir , outgoing John Lewis finance director , and Andy Cosslett , Fitness First chief executive .

  24. 此外还有英国的100名顶级财务总监、哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)等商学院,以及有影响力的非盈利集团,如全球报告倡议组织(GRI)和可持续倡议会计组织(ASI)。

    The UK 's 100 top finance directors , business schools , including Harvard Business School , and influential not-for-profit groups such as the Global Reporting Initiative and the Accounting for Sustainability Initiative are also involved .

  25. 《财务总监》杂志(cfo)今日发布的调查报告显示,对于经济前景,欧洲财务总监远比美国和亚洲的同行悲观。

    European chief financial officers are far more pessimistic than their American and Asian counterparts about economic prospects , according to a survey published today by CFO magazine .

  26. 上个月,该行财务总监埃里克斯特鲁兹(ericstrutz)曾表示:“我们坚持不动用更多公共资金的初衷。”

    Last month finance director Eric strutz said : " we stand by our intention not to make use of additional public funds . "

  27. 财务总监安德鲁里德(andrewreid)称,剑桥本可以直接资助这些开发项目,但“鉴于长期利率处于低位,现在似乎是借款的大好时机”。

    Andrew Reid , finance director , said Cambridge could have funded the developments directly , but that with " long-term interest rates at historic lows , now seemed like a good time to borrow " .

  28. 德克萨斯州科尔普斯克里斯蒂港(PortofCorpusChristi)财务总监丹尼斯•德弗里斯(DennisDeVries)表示,今年头11个月,经由该港出口至加拿大的美国原油已超过330万桶。

    More than 3.3m barrels of US crude have been exported to Canada from the Port of Corpus Christi in Texas in the 11 months to November , said Dennis DeVries , director of finance .

  29. 2001年接任财务总监并于5年前进入董事会的迈克尔鲍尔(MichaelPower),以及担任证券部门主管6年之久的艾伦卡拉瑟斯(AlanCarruthers),将分别获得1000万英镑和500万英镑。

    Michael Power , who took over as finance director in 2001 and joined Cazenove 's board five years ago , and Alan Carruthers , who has been head of equities for six years , are in line for 10m and 5m , respectively .

  30. 财务总监(CFO)制度在西方己经形成了一套比较成熟的理论,并且财务总监作为企业的骨干,对企业的贡献也是显而易见的。

    A set of quite mature theories of Chief Financial Officer ( CFO ) system has formed in Western countries , moreover , as the backbone to enterprises , CFO also take great contribution to their employers .