
cái wù
  • finance;financial affairs;treasurer
财务 [cái wù]
  • (1) [financial affairs]∶管理、经营和核算钱财的业务

  • 财务大检查

  • (2) [treasurer]∶负责经管钱财和核算的人员

财务[cái wù]
  1. 有几位计算机工程师与财务部门签订了合同。

    Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department .

  2. 他在财务委员会工作优异。

    He has done sterling work on the finance committee .

  3. 财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。

    The treasurer had run off with the club 's funds .

  4. 我必须把我的财务安排好,并立下遗嘱。

    I must arrange my financial affairs and make a will .

  5. 除了那么多工作,他还有财务困难。

    Quite apart from all the work , he had financial problems .

  6. 几位总监负责填写公司的财务报表。

    The directors are responsible for preparing the company 's financial statements .

  7. 现在是你整顿财务状况的时候了。

    It 's about time you sorted out your finances .

  8. 妥善的财务账目对任何公司的成功都是极其重要的。

    Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise .

  9. 我需要时间清理一下我的财务。

    I need time to straighten out my finances .

  10. 有关他财务困难的谣言开始流传开来。

    Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems .

  11. 他们仍在为财务细节争吵。

    They 're still wrangling over the financial details .

  12. 我照管父亲的财务。

    I looked after my father 's financial affairs .

  13. 这家公司的财务状况不明朗。

    The company 's financial position is not certain .

  14. 这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。

    The report is inconsistent with the financial statements .

  15. 他的财务一塌糊涂。

    His financial affairs are in a tangle .

  16. 他的财务完全是一笔糊涂账。

    His financial affairs were in complete disorder .

  17. 会上,财务总监出示了前一年的数字。

    At the meeting the finance director produced the figures for the previous year .

  18. 这家公司财务支付信誉不佳。

    The company are not very good payers .

  19. 审理过后,他被重新任命为财务主管。

    After the trial he was reappointed treasurer .

  20. 她的正式职务是财务总监。

    Her official designation is Financial Controller .

  21. 为慎重起见,请记下你所有的财务往来。

    As a matter of prudence , keep a record of all your financial transactions .

  22. 她陷入了财务困境。

    She had got into financial difficulties .

  23. 财务是马克负责的范围。

    Finance is Mark 's area .

  24. 财务部主任的突然辞职使得这家公司岌岌可危。

    The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable position .

  25. 去年的赢利更多是因为财务手法,而不是真正的增长。

    Last year 's profits were more the result of financial sleight of hand than genuine growth .

  26. 他在处理这个财务问题时很有分寸。

    He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question

  27. 应该要求公司使其财务状况更为透明化。

    Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position

  28. 有关财务丑闻的谣言接连不断地冒出来。

    Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface

  29. 法庭宣布他不具备管理自己财务的能力。

    The court declared him incompetent to manage his financial affairs

  30. 如有任何疑问,请向财务顾问咨询。

    If you are in any doubt , consult a financial adviser .