
  • 网络Financial early warning;financial warning;Financial Forecast;financial alert
  1. 论企业财务预警分析系统

    Study on the Analysis System of Enterprise Financial Forecast

  2. 文中论述了企业财务预警分析系统的功能组成方法;提出了企业财务预警分析系统的设计模式。

    The paper analyses functions , components and methods about the analysis system of enterprise financial forecast , and then puts forward the pattern of the forcast .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的电力企业财务预警研究

    The Study of Financial Distress Prediction for Electric Power Enterprise Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 上市公司财务预警的BP神经网络模型的建立及其应用

    The Establishment of BP Neural Networks Model for Financial Crisis Prediction of Listed Companies and Its Application

  5. Logistic模型在上市公司动态财务预警中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Logistic Model in the Dynamic Financial Pre-warning System of Listed Companies

  6. 最后运用主成分分析法和Logistic回归的方法构建财务预警模型。

    Finally uses principal component analysis and Logistic regression model to construct financial warning model .

  7. 根据计算的指标,运用Logistic回归分析作为主要建模方法,建立了财务预警系统。

    Build financial forecasting system with logistic regression analysis on the base of the deficit data .

  8. 基于现金流视角的PPP项目财务预警指标体系构建研究

    Research on Financial Distress Prediction Index System of PPP Project Based on Cash Flow

  9. 然后通过Logistic回归方法构建了基于现金流量的我国上市公司财务预警模型。

    Then Logistic regression was constructed to build a financial risk forewarning model of listed companies in China based on cash flow .

  10. 因此可以得出结论:在中国制造业上市公司中,利用BP神经元网络技术建立财务预警模型对未来可能到来的危机进行预测,更为准确和有效。

    Therefore it can be concluded : Chinese manufacturing listed companies to establish financial early warning model based on BP neural network technology to predict the possible arrival of the crisis onthe future , more accurate and effective .

  11. 然后,利用人工神经网络在建立财务预警模型方面优于其他线性和回归模型的特点,基于B-P模型构建了一个新的混合财务预警模型。

    Then , as artificial neural network is better in constructing financial prewarning model than other linear and regression models , a new financial prewarning model based on B-P model was constructed .

  12. ⑴确定了财务预警指标体系。

    ⑴ The financial early warning index system has been determined .

  13. 模糊综合评价法在虚拟企业财务预警中的运用

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Approach Application in the Virtual Enterprise Financial Early-warning

  14. 我国石化类上市公司财务预警系统研究

    Research on China 's Petrochemical Companies ' Financial Early Warning System

  15. 科技型企业财务预警实证研究

    Early Warning Case Study on Financial Affairs of Scientific and Technologic Enterprises

  16. 基于功效系数法的企业财务预警系统研究

    Research on Enterprise Financial Early-Warning System Based on Method of Efficiency Coefficient

  17. 引入可持续增长模型的上市公司财务预警研究

    Research on the Financial Crisis Prediction of Listed Companies Introduced SGR Model

  18. 非营利组织财务预警系统及其功能

    The finance warning system and the function of non-profit organization

  19. 这些都是开发财务预警信息系统的关键。

    These are all the key of exploiting financial early-warning information system .

  20. 财务预警的行业差异模型研究

    A Proposed Model of Industrial Distinction in Financial Warning

  21. 财务预警的Z-计分模型检出力实证研究

    The demonstration research of the adaptability test of financial early warning Z-scoring model

  22. 风险投资机构财务预警系统的构建

    Constructing the Financial Forewarn System of Risk Investment Body

  23. 第3章对财务预警的模型与方法进行了分析。首先分析了单变量模型及其局限性;

    Chapter 3 analyzed about the model and method of financial early warning .

  24. 基于现金流量的可选消费行业财务预警研究

    Financial early-warning industry based on cash flow optional consumer

  25. 企业财务预警管理系统的构建

    Establishment of the Financial Forewarning System for Enterprises

  26. 企业财务预警模型的比较研究

    The Comparative Research on Corporate Financial Early-warning Model

  27. 财务预警模型在银行信用评价系统中的应用

    The Research on the Applications of Financial Risk Evaluation in Banks Credit Evaluation System

  28. 财务预警模型初探

    Initial Exploration in Prediction Model of Worsening Finance

  29. 基于自适应性学习的财务预警机理研究

    Self-Adaptation Learning-Based Mechanism for Warning Finance in Advance

  30. 西部高校财务预警与财务风险防范研究

    Research on the Finance early-warning and Finance Risk prevention of Universities in Western China