
  • 网络video software
  1. 基于ARM的MIDI音乐转视频软件设计

    The MIDI Music to Video Software Design Based on ARM

  2. H.263甚低比特率视频软件解码器的原理与实现

    Theory and Implement of H.263 Very Low Bit Rate Video Software Decoder

  3. 该视频软件与标准的安全软件相兼容,使所有的安全信息都统一到一个容易理解的3D地图界面中。

    Integrating with standard security hardware and software , it unifies all security information into an easily-understood3D map interface .

  4. 基于H.263的甚低比特率视频软件编码器

    Very low bit rate software video encoder based on H.263

  5. 这一头条消息就是脸谱社交网路和视频软件巨头skype展开合作了。

    The big news is that the social network is partnering with the video converting giant Skype .

  6. 为了使视频软件开发标准化和通用化,采用了软件技术的复用设计,即广泛采用COM组件来完成各个功能模块如过滤器Filter。

    In order to realize standardization and generalize of the development of video software , presents the viewpoint of software repeated applied highly , in other words the extensive adoption COM module accomplished lots of function module such as filter .

  7. 利用MATLAB软件开发了条播排种器视觉检测方法的程序系统,研究结果主要包括:①运用视频软件工具对所采集样本进行截取,并将MPEG格式的视频文件转化成AVI格式的视频软件。

    A machine vision sense detecting method was made by using of the MATLAB . It mainly included : ① The sample was incepted by application of media software , and media file was transformed from MPEG to AVI .

  8. 该系统不需要第三方视频软件支持,也不需要将每帧视频图像先解码存于硬盘上,而是直接利用DirectShow来对MPEG-1视频流进行处理,提高了系统的通用性;

    The system need not the third software which used to decode video and store each frame in the hard disk , however , the DirectShow is introduced to deal with MPEG-1 video bit streams . So the system is universal .

  9. 最后根据计算机模拟的实验结果给出了在恢复图像质量和编码速度之间权衡比较的VLBR视频软件编码器的优化方案。

    According to the experimental results of computer simulation and the tradeoff between reconstructed picture quality and coding speed , the optimized scheme of VLBR encoder is proposed .

  10. 音乐和视频软件可以让你的电脑成为艺术工作室。

    Music and video apps can make a computer a studio .

  11. 通过后续安排交谈时间,最好是亲自见面(如果他们在远方,可以通过手机或视频软件),这样就能最大程度利用这些资源。

    Make the most of those initial touch points by following up to schedule time to talk , preferably in person ( or if they 're at a distance , on the phone or Skype ) .

  12. 该软件架构对嵌入式系统中网络视频软件重新进行了功能划分,根据网络视频处理中的时序关系和实时性要求分配各个模块的优先级,以最大限度地利用嵌入式系统的计算资源。

    It redivides functional modules of embedded network video software and assigns a priority to each module based on their timing relationships and real-time requirements , which can maximize the usage of embedded systems ' computing resources .

  13. 基于IP机顶盒上的视频电话软件系统的开发

    Development of Videophone Software System Based on IP Set Top Box

  14. 基于DSP的MPEG-4视频编码软件优化设计

    Optimization design of MPEG-4 video coding software based on DSP

  15. 该摄象机配有功能齐全的视频监控软件,允许在一台PC显示器上显示多个监视器的远程画面。

    Cameras come complete with surveillance software to allow video from multiple cameras to be viewed remotely on a single PC monitor .

  16. 本文是在Android手机平台上开发视频电话软件。

    This article is based on the Android mobile phone platform for the development of video telephony software .

  17. MPEG-2音视频编辑软件的实现方案

    Implementation of MPEG-2 Audio and Video Edit Software

  18. 基于DirectShow的水下视频处理软件平台实现

    The Implementation of Underwater Video Control System Based on DirectShow

  19. 基于DirectShow框架的自由立体视频播放软件的实现

    The Implementation of Autostereoscopic Video Software Based on DirectShow Framework

  20. 肯兹喜欢用视频聊天软件Skype与人交谈。

    Kanzi loves chatting on the video-calling service Skype .

  21. 基于VFW技术开发了视频采集软件,使用USB接口的数字摄像头采集农田中作物行图像,能够实现实时的捕获图像。

    Developed the software which can acquire image in real-time based on VFW technology and USB interface digital camera .

  22. 作为世界知名的图形视频处理软件开发商,Adobe有着非常传统的制作风格。

    As a world famous software developing company of figure and video , Adobe Company has a traditional style .

  23. 埃佩克斯WMVASF的转换器是为视频转换软件。

    Apex WMV ASF Converter is software for video conversion .

  24. VCA供应商已经持续建立与视频管理软件供应商和安防系统集成商的强有力的伙伴关系。

    VCA vendors have continued to build strong partnerships with video management software providers and security systems integrators .

  25. 文章阐述了如何利用网络平台,并通过PLC计算机控制技术和网络摄像机等硬件设备与视频监控软件相结合,完全实现烧结点火炉自动控制系统。

    This article explains how to utilize the network platform and through the combination of the hardware , which consisted of PLC computer controlling technology and network camera , etc. , and software of video supervision system .

  26. TubeMogul是一家视频广告软件公司,从首次公开发行(IPO)中筹到了7500万美元资金。

    The video advertising software company is aiming to raise $ 75m in its initial public offering .

  27. 采用微软公司推出的数字视频的软件开发工具包VFW代替传统的模拟摄像机实现视频捕捉。

    Microsoft introduced the use of digital video software development kit VFW replace traditional analog video cameras to capture images .

  28. 本文通过对VOD系统中的系统方案、视频点播软件、教学系统组成、系统实现功能等几个方面阐述,以扬州环境资源学院为例,提出了远程教育系统中VOD系统的构建方法及过程。

    Through introducing the system design , function and video broadcasting software of VOD system in YangZhou Environment and Resource College , this article provided its constraction method and process .

  29. Adobe公司曾帮助我解决PremierePro的问题,这使我对程序崩溃这门学问有了进一步的了解。PremierePro是个功能超乎想象的视频编辑软件,然而它崩溃的次数也超乎我的预料。

    Adobe allowed me to better understand bug-ology by helping me with problems with Premiere Pro , an amazingly powerful piece of video-editing software that , alas , seems to crash more than I had anticipated .

  30. 他预测,未来将会有一款如同Summly精炼文字一样可以精炼视频的软件。

    He predicts there will be summarization programs that do for video what Summly does for the written word .